The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2143
  • Uhhmm @fenikus I didn't see your strat posted I used @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster with a little variation of my own. You had no strat posted there last I looked :/
  • ooooh snap.
  • Lol @fenikusll look at the time stamp on my comment to absm and your time stamp on your strat if ya don't believe me ;)
  • What was the 'ooh snap' for @kelani?
  • @Kathy, yeah, it took me a while to write it out (and I was trying to get it on video after starting the write-up) -- didn't see your comment before posting. I spend my time writing strats and recording videos when I should be chasing top scores! LOL

    @mvnla2, some additional breadcrumbs on #4, #14, #16, and S-21. No fancy bank shots on these ;-)
  • @Kathy nothing. me being silly. I read what you said to @fenikus really fast and thought it sounded mean. (It doesn't) :)

    @fenikus keep working on those videos. That's your talent, so put your heart & soul into them. I'll handle the menial job of writing strats and getting high scores. :P
  • Im trying to put my screenshot I've got it uploaede but I don't know what link to copy. .there is 3?
  • Ummm, what high scores @Kelani? I don't see you have any in BI pt. 1 :=> I have fou…dagnabit, I HAD four until that new sheriff @Kathy came to town.
  • @Kathy, no I didn't think your comment was mean…but you ousting me from top spot in #14 was!
  • Fenikus i loove your videos and the tips and strats you post..if I had seen yours I definitely would have used it..I was just happy I found kinda on my own something to do with red beside waste him..anyway we are both doomed now lol.;)
  • So which link is the one for the screenshot? @fenikus @kelani ?
  • Bleh. I really need to update my leaderboards, especially on Part 1. @kathy could you elaborate on your strat for 8-2? Both comment starts are very vague and I couldn't get much out of them.
  • I'll try @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'm trying to post my screenshot but i don't know what link to use from album and noon e is answering me :( gonna be a bit. .
  • Now I'm frivgin aggravated my tablet is slow as it is I still gotta get to the page. .forget it..
  • @fenikus -- I really appreciate all the tips and videos, even! Slowly trying to get above average.
  • Y'all are serious. I might have to fling again soon. WTG @Kathy. I've lost three top scores already today. But that's OK. I don't count em' like @fenikus until the episode been out for at least a month. Not enough fingers and toes. lol
  • @kathy The album has an embed tool below the photo. Copy/ paste that and the picture will be in your comment.

    Night Ma...
  • @Kathy, you can use either Text or Link (don't use Embed, it will get stripped). The Text option will display a link that is the name of the photo (i.e. Screenshot_2013-02-07-06-40-27.png) and Link option will display actual URL as the link. Either will work; I like to use Text so I can get fancy with link descriptions.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @ABSM, I tried using Embed just this morning and Slim had to fix it for me. It's supposed to leave a thumbnail of the photo but the forum strips it for some reason -- it just appeared as blank space.
  • @fenikus 3x high scores in Part 2. and not done yet.

    @Kathy I said you didn't sound mean! I just read too fast. Silly Kathypie.
  • @Kelani, part 2 has 38 users so far. Part 1 has 82. Just sayin' ;-)

    Means nothing at this point, really, but at least it's a nice morale boost that keeps you going.
  • @fenikus Odd. I haven't used it recently, but before that it's been just fine. I might have a chance to test it out soon...
  • So'k @Kenobi ;)
    My screenshot didn't work anyway it's in my album. .I'll try to check on #2 for ya @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ;)
  • Told ya not to use Embed, @Kathy…LOL

    Okay, later flingers…gonna do an hour or so of actual flinging and then off to bed. Good night @all.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster on level #2 I follow ed @bernersenn strat go just to the right of the big hunk of stones and hit the big boulder into the bottom of the structure then do second shot same as first in videos is basicly just reversing the order inn the video. .good luck sorry I couldn't be more help. .thanks again for leaving strat on #14 ;)
  • @kathy Thanks for the tip! Also, no problem on #14.
  • Alright, I'm gonna call it a night. I look forward to continued competition tomorrow!
  • yawn. Maybe I should find the typo in my Pt 1 scores before I pass out.

  • Now your leaving to @kelani ? Jeez what a bunch of party poopers on a Friday night! ! :(
    Alone again naturally. .ohh well more flinging time..
    OB stock up my cooler.yes with the Space gear..uhmm Tang ya mightyswell ;)
  • Night uncle keennt ;)
  • @Kathy I'm, not leaving yet, just yawning. I won't be able to play from tomorrow 5pm til sunday night, so I'm getting in as much as I can now.
  • Ohh @kelani I see then is less talk. .more fling v;) I'm to lazy right now to fetch the pic.hee hee
  • So what you saying is you actually have life haha...I wish but i got nothing to do all weekend :(
  • 'sok @Kathy I'm tired enough to be in random mumble mode anyway. I might start talking about flower pots or donut stix or something.
  • Donut stix? Ya let's just fling. .;)
  • Did someone say churro?
  • Churro? I musta missed that Pa.. what's churro?
  • grr. that just made me hungry.
  • I haven't had one for years. I would love to have one right now. It's a Spanish? doughnut Ma.
  • wow #34 is too much for hungrysleepykel.
  • Spanish donut? Hmm ohhh noo donut talk..>>>>>flingin'
  • Yeah, it's a pastry dough extruded through a star fixture, deep fried and sprinkled with sugar and/or cinnamon. I'd pay good money for a churro or a Shwarma. But I can't find either in this part of the country.
  • I can't fling at the moment so I must defend my position through distraction. I know @Kelani is thinking about that churro right now.
  • Mmm that sounds yummy Pa..I always get (when i get a donut)
    From dunkin donuts I get an 'old fashioned' plain and i heat it in the microwave Sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar ;) mmm
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