The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2114
  • Maestro @kelani, about that picture
    The aiming lines are there, about half an inch to the north-east from the first platform. Perhaps bad monitor or colors?
    Something different, haven't seen comments of mr. @rat ? What's going on?
  • 5th of june, Beak Impact is coming to us. I have to hurry, run Bernese, run
  • Check out Page 1 everyone !! New (old original)menu ;)
    Looks great @teamBP
  • @kathy, thanks for mentioning. Looks great. I now see that the Whineclub is open on tuesday - it's good to know. I've a little whining here.
    Ok, guys, as dr. @fenikus has adviced me I going to do something else, another game, I'll have a look at the bonus levels.
  • @fenikus -- Pop!
    Of course I don't have any proof, but there is really nothing to prevent people from entering PU scores, as long as you don't enter a top score. If you look at the leaderboards, you will notice that in addition to the well known top flingers there are a lot of people near the top who are new to ABN and have a lot of low scores. Not sure BR is a good place to see this. : D The competition has been so fierce, I can't imaging getting to average.
    Then there's AB SW II, where character swaps are allowed, and the average score rapidly becomes unreachable if you don't use them.
  • I agree @mvnla2 I bet there are a lot of ' above average' scores but not high scores that there would be no way of knowing if Pu's were used and it definitely would drive up the average!
  • @mvnla2, that's the reason I don't play SW II - don't like that stuff. It's no competition - to my opinion, I prefer a level playing field. SW I is lots of fun
  • @mvnla2, @bernersenn, what is character swap? Are you allowed to switch order of the available birds or something like that?
  • ^--- Not a Real Doctor. (Full disclosure for @bernersenn).
  • @fenikus A character swap is using another bird (or pig, as in ABSW2 you can play for both) instead of the given one. It's a kind of PU, and unfortunately allowed in the leaderboards.
  • OB a very large G&T please - and a round of drinks for all patrons - I played really awful golf AGAIN today so it's not only my flinging skills that have deserted me! Going to sit on my rocker and muse over the great things in my life as opposed to dwelling on the fact fact some skills are deserting me - old age galloping up I wonder!
  • ((((( @Mumsie ))))) naw no old age can keep you down. .
  • (((@kathy))) thank you - feel much better now! Finished my drink, written my list of chores to do before the first batch of little people arrive tomorrow am off to bed now. Nngb all fellow flingers!
  • Sweet Dreams @Mumsie
  • @annifrid @mvnla2 can't you also purchase characters like in reaife and use some telepad thingie to insert them into the game ? That totally confuses me and i really think it's unfair to allow those score on the leaderboards. Gives people who have money to waste in that sorta thing an advantage over those who may not be able to afford them:/
  • Thanks @Annifrid :) I found a forum topic started by mvnla where she polls people about the use of character swaps and "telepods" (I don't think I'll fully understand what all this means until I try the game). Seems like many people use them to unlock bonus levels. Equivalent to that in Rio would be Mighty Eagle but ME doesn't affect scores.
  • @Kathy, I think you misspelled top scorer's name on BR-6, I don't think she/he will get the memo.
  • Thanks @fenikus I will double check:)
  • @Kathy, it's @communistpride (BiteKlavs' @mention name).
  • Thanks again @fenikus I looked at the profile but did not see that:/
    I wish people would just use the same @ as they use. .I don't understand why not?
  • Lol @fenikus now i feel like a stalker haha..
  • Ah @Kathy, maybe it is to deter stalkers like you! LOL
  • *curses Charter loudly* This is the 8th day in a row they've had a net outage. Today it died 30 sec after my first comment here. grr.

    @bernersenn I have no doubt in your flingability. btw, @Rat said he would be out of town for the holiday weekend, that's why you hear no squeaking outta him.

    Still no points, but a heck of a lot of people seem to be jumping ahead of me in almost every level. After today's 7 hour outage, I reloaded my BR levels board and dropped a few places in 6 levels.
  • Oh Ha Ha @fenikus 'she says with a smirk! Who brought the funny guy?
    @kelani if you've dropped then that must mean i have also:*
    I'll never make it..:(
  • @Kathy maybe. some of those levels you're ahead of me.
  • @kelani I'll have to check. .I haven't really used the compare feature on your boards cuz I figured you were far ahead of me in most. .but hmm I'll take a peek;)
  • I'm only ahead of you in 7 levels @kelani lol those are probably the easy ones that others got ahead on. You tend not to spend time on easy ones. .;)
  • @Kathy only 7?! lol. Go you :)

    edit: those easy levels are not easy for me. or they're PC cursed.
  • :( sorry @kelani but don't you also play on an ipad?
    And ya I only counted 7 that I'm ahead of you ?
  • @Kathy yeah, when I can get my paws on my ipad. Family member needs it for "work" aka every candy crush-style game in existence.

    Arg. I just beat my PC high score on #18 - 94,800, thought I had my points. Go to enter... Nope! my best score was from ipad: 95,970 *waah*
  • Aww I hate it when that happens although it hasnt happened to me yet on this episode. .my tablet is consistently higher than my phone. .@kelani
  • @Kathy I'd imagine phone-AB is pretty hard to do. I couldn't do it on a playing card-size screen,.
  • Lol @kelani I've been flinging on my 3.5" phone for 3 years till i finally got my tablet this year.
    What a difference! ! I can actually see what the birds look like haha:) of Course now I'm blind :/
  • @Kelani -- Maybe you should explain to your family member that this is a real emergency? Were they working today? What about now? I gather they must not live with you????
  • @mvnla2 lol. Yes, my game emergency is more important than yours! It's my cousin, her shift with our grandmother is 4 nights a week, and there's nothing to do there except watch golf (sorry, it gets old), so I let her borrow it to pass the time, and also sometimes for work use.

    @Kathy those tiny screens are prolly why you think a marmoset's sneaking away with your points on #17 :P One good thing about a tiny screen, less pixels, less aiming possibilities, half your work's done for you :)
  • Nope @kelani on my tablet that far right marmoset up top flies away .. you think he doesn't cuz another jumps quickly in his spot!! Believe me I've watched closely even purposely missing missing shot to double check. .your not the only tester..please try and just keep your eye on. Ohhh never mind you got the dcb in that over. Ah well I know that it happens. .lol;)
  • Is not totally unheard of @kelani is been reported in other episodes. .of piggies/Marmosrets flying off screen and losing points right @mvnla2 ?
  • Awwww, you missed me Ma? I've been in the Smokey Mountains playing with all my nephews and nieces. Actually I was playing with my brothers and sister with all the young'uns playing blocker. I just found out I'm a Great, Great, Uncle. I'm still in my fifties. How could this have happened? With no kids myself, my immune system isn't prepared for this onslaught of kiddie germs I was exposed to this weekend. I'm sure I will be deathly ill by Wednesday. I'm looking forward to doing it again next twenty years. lol
  • Purell @Pa plenty of Purell ackkkk kiddie germs yuck phewwy yuck bllytthh..
    Lol ahh just kidding Yes I missed ya Pa ♥♥♥ happy to hear you had a good time with the nieces and nephews;) and of course your a Great Uncle either way..but that's pretty cool.. I'm a Great Aunt.. my nephewv has a one year old. .I've never seen her they live in N.J hee w was marine in Afghanistan up until 2 years ago..
  • I'm not sure how Great an Uncle I am if I didn't know I was a Great, Great @Ma.
  • Ohhh @Pa I didn't see the second 'Great' hmn how could that be? Anyway congrats:)
  • @Rat whereabouts in the mtns did you scamper off to?

    @Kathy I don't doubt your eyes, i've just never seen it. Also never seen a bird jump back in the sling either, but I sure tried that one a lot.
  • That one might have been my eyes @kelani but i swear that bird jumped back in the sling lol.. but Im totally sure about the flying marmoset in #17 and in a few other levels; )
  • Townsend, just outside Cade's Cove @Kelani.
  • I hope all my American flinging friends had a nice long weekend :)
    Welcome back @rat9. You're tough, it'll take more than a few kiddie germs to knock you down!
    @kathy you're right, there are a few rare levels where a piggie or marmoset gets blasted off screen & you lose the points. Level 1 of Arctic Eggspedition comes to mind, & doesn't it happen somewhere in High Dive - level 1 maybe? Can't remember for sure.

    I have a question for you River experts about level 6, & which method is more likely to produce the 1-birder.

    OB a Scotch please to cap off the evening? Got to warm up my voice for Whine Tuesday.
  • Unfortunately my tablet is dying a slow but sure inevitable death:(
    The battery didn't charge yesterday. .all day it took. Then today , this morning it was full but now down to 39% and fading fast.. sooo I'm gonna fling a couple more then hit the hay. Work tomorrow. .ughh.
  • I was going to wave at you as I went by @Kelani, but I forgot where in North Carolina you lived.
  • Hi @Karen68 sorry i gotta go so quickly. .level#6 I had the best luck with Sweetp strat .. although woodpecker strat seems plausible I haven't been able to get it
    I've left a post there for the high scorer but no response yet.
    OB you know to break out the special stock for Karen ;) ♥
  • I hit the metal button on the wood slab above the large concrete ball @Karen68. But there are numerous ways to get a high score.
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