The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2093
  • @bernersenn ah, remember that too. I said danke to a German player, you said bitte, we both got confused.......
    Now I really am leaving
    Happy flinging all
  • I'm also heading for my bed. @kelani, do me a favorite - give me a new target. You can do it, please!
  • Another page change by the going to bed bunny
    Where is the real princess
  • @Kelani -- BR #5??? How did you get the grapes to fly off to the right, or are you pulling everyone's leg?
    [edit] -- In case you haven't figured out, I'm a real sucker for everything bizarre in AB. : D
  • @bernersenn you're 6'3"? @Rat's 6'5" I'm surrounded by giants! :)

    @hunnybunny Happy early birdday, and hope you have a great time! I envy your trip. :)
  • @Kelani, I am 6'1". I think you said you were 5'7" so we need someone 5'9" tall in the top 5 to complete an arithmetic series. Wonder how tall @Kathy is?

    Re: my ordering espetinhos when I first came in BP: As is my habit, I stopped at the front door and read the menu. Since I'm a Rio player, it made sense to order from the Rio Street Food for Carnival menu. Then you replied that you're all out of espetinhos, which confused me because I thought @Sunshine and @Angryboy were the chefs. Little did I know you were just another noob ;) You offered brigadeiros instead and I politely accepted even not knowing what it was exactly.

    I'm not really knowledgable about Brazilian food even though there was a great restaurant in the area before it burned down to the ground. Couple of times I went, it was with extended family and we ordered the whole menu and shared. It was all delectable but the down side is, you don't remember what is what afterwards.
  • @Rat, I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of your contraption as well. It sure sounds a bit more elaborate then "just a big fat thumb and dust" though.
  • 6'2" here... it seems like tall people like Angry Birds?
  • Hi guys, just having a look at the BR score board before bed. Nice work @bernersenn!

    @Hunnybunny, have a great trip!

    @Kelani & @Rat9, I lived in Canada until I was 8 and attended college in the USA. I've spent most of the rest of my live in Holland.
  • Thanks for the well wishes @mvnla2. We live in Riverside County, so no threat there. I'm just worried about all of my friends that live there, and just hoping they're safe and out of harm's way. Hopefully with the break from the Santa Ana winds, the brave firefighters get the break they need to get these fires contained sooner.

    So true @rat9, I cannot imagine the devastation to one's life when disaster like a fire strikes home. Material possessions can be replaced, lives can't, EVER. Good thinking to have all of your pictures digitized and stored safely, as those are precious memories to be kept forever.
  • @mvnla2 I kid you not. I really had some lazily-floating grapes :)

    @burpie The mental image of you becoming a Canadian just gave me a migraine. I don't know why. Pretty neat though. Where'd you go to college?

  • Sorry @fenikus I am only 5'2
    Sorry i haven't been inn all I'm hunting wabbit!!
    OB a Marmoset killer to go please and some Rabbit Flavored Kitty nibbles :)
  • *throws @Kitthy some kittynip on #9. @Kathy when you're done, I have some hell to give you :) btw THANK YOU. Finally someone in here's shorter than me.

    @mvnla2 I had Rio paused since I posted my Grape comment,and finally got back to it. There's another 2 bunches of grapes in the water at right, and they're doing that endless skyward-bouncy leap thing when they hit water. I've never seen a fruit do that before :D
  • OK guys. Who let @Kelani in the Big and Tall mans club?
  • @Rat nobody, I snuck in under a big pair of bowlegs.
  • It is a bit more elaborate @fenikus. Since I use a 4x16 diopter lens, my depth of view is less than three inches. More like two and a half. And minute movements take it out of the field depth, make it blurry. My workaround is to use a book holder. It supports the weight of the I-pad, slants it at the perfect angle, and maintains a constant distance. The limited area between the I-pad surface and the bottom of the lens gives me just enough room for my thumb. (Maybe that's why I say I have a big fat thumb. It's magnified.)

    And there is one additional drawback to this setup. My field of view, how much I see across, is limited as well. Again, less than three inches. But since I know where I'm trying to fling on hard levels, it's more important to see the definition of the sling area. I only swing the workstation magnifier into place when I get serious about the number of pixels. I hope this helps explain it a little better.

    Oh yeah, it still doesn't hurt to have a speck of dust to help keep you lined up in the right area.
  • @SweetP. That cat video is awesome. It's been all over the news for days.
    I hope you're in the mountains instead of the flat, flat valley. They're both pretty, but I like the mountains in direction of Tehachapi better.
  • wha? the mountains of Quetzalcoatl?
  • the halls of Montezuma?
  • @SweetP -- Love that video! It's been on the news all the time, but might have first found out about it in the BP.
    Are there 2 Bakersfields in CA? The one I know of is north of LA by quite a ways, so wouldn't be near you.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- 6'2" -- Wow! I'm not even sure you've stopped growing. However, I do think there are a lot of shorter people who like AB, and I would suspect that the AB players' population had the same height distribution as the world.
    @Kelani -- Never fear, I'm also shorter than you. Maybe 5'5", but I think I'm shrinking.
  • @Kelani give me'hell' for what? *she asks defensively with Robert at her side*
  • @Kathy hey, leave Robert out of this! :P Hell because you asked me if I'd found a new shot barely -2 days- after I posted pic & strategy of the high score shot. That was really funny to me. :) I'm not that good of a flinger. hehe
  • Awww @Kelani sorry i just was double checking cause sometimes someone post a strat or a 'thanks I used this strat'only to find a better one, improve their score and never say that they achieved the higher score a different way that's all. I figured YOU would not do that but i had to ask; )Now give Robert a scratch behind the ear so he knows all is well; )
  • Well, you're in good company with @Kathy and myself, @Kelani. I'm only 5'1" and I'm probably shrinking, too!

    Ack! @mvnla2, I'm such a dork getting confused Bakersfield, and San Berdoo. Silly me.

    Seems like we're getting a lot of that smoke from the fires south of here, and the smell is very strong. We're also beginning to see some ashes falling. I'm thankful I don't have respiratory issues, or I'd be in big trouble!
  • @SweetP Great, glad to know you ladies are underneath the cloud deck along with me :)

    Hmm. I thought other than a piano falling on your head, shrinking didn't happen until a person was in their the late 60s.

    @Kathy Oh, I hate that too. Someone says "yay your strat got me 93k!" then you see their score is 140k but not a peep how it got there. :P
  • Did I miss a memo saying winter was back? It's getting pretty nippy here. *shiver*
  • @Kelani She's(Mvnla2) still not going to tell you how old she is. It's a secret. All we know for sure is it's between sixty and a hundred. I've got 67 in the nest pool.

    @Mvnla2 When did @ABS(?) tell us his height? 6'2"? I was only 5'11" when I graduated high school. If he keeps growing like I did, he'll set a new tallest man record.

    Don't know where you live @SweetP. I think you have a big problem.
  • Scratch anywhere around his head @Ma. But nothing south of there. He don't like.
  • @Rat I'm too much of a gentleman to ask a lady's age. while they're around anyway. :)
  • @Kelani I'm a real big fan of a song by Randy Newman. Can you guess which one?
  • Hey @Rat, @Kelani -- I retired a little early a couple of years ago (which is public on ABN), so 60 to 70 is close enough. I hope to live to more than 100, and still be playing AB.
    @SweetP lives somewhere close to San Diego. So no surprise she's getting ashes. I live in LA, and saw some hints of smoke to the south earlier today, but nothing here yet.
  • Yeah, I think the smoke is getting to my head @rat9 and @mvnla2. I live about 45 miles north of the San Marcos (named Cocos) fire.
  • I'll give you a hint @Kelani. One verse goes:

    "you have to pick em up
    just to say hello"
  • Who was your comment directed to @SweetP? If it was for me, you lost me.
    No comprende.
  • Ahh, nice company under the cloud with you @kelani.

    Sorry @rat, I was writing something and typed it in the wrong place! Did you get to clean up your mess in the flinging/play area?
  • *finds a song called "Giant Amazon Freaks" in his music collection. Album cover is a man with a rube goldberg device hooked up to ... an ipad, I think?
  • @Rat you didn't know this, but I have a 1.3 million song music collection. A long time ago I was trying to have every song recorded from old Edison wax cylinders to 1994. (music since then has gone downhill)

    So, yeah, I got your Randy Newman song. 2 versions of it, even. :P
  • @Rat9, Short People does not describe who we really are. My dad once told me, "remember kiddo, dynamite comes in small packages." I've lived by that ever since, and it has its advantages! We can hide in more places, and go undetected in a crowd! You want stealthy? Then ask a short person...heehee!
  • did the loud noise scare @Roadkill @Rat off?
  • *feels the ground shaking from @Kelani's sonic boom*
    Yikes! Please don't start a war @rat and @kelani! here, have a nice cool drink on me!

    OB, send out a round of drinks for everyone here on my tab, please! And I'd like a Tanqueray and Tonic, thank you!
  • @SweetP @Kelani But if you want to know what's going on in a crowd. Ask a tall person. boom....bada..boom
  • *Got, no reason*
  • @Rat we just walk thru the spaces between you and get a front row view.
  • Let me answer your question about me cleaning the deck this way @SweetP. If I don't feel good enough to fling, whatta you think?
  • I detect pouting.
  • Sorry you don't feel well @Rat meister
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