The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2094
  • BTW @Kelani, Thanks for calling me "Master" or meister in German.
  • *They got little hands
    Little eyes
    They walk around
    Tellin' great big lies*
  • @Rat you're welcome. It's quite an honor considering how much I dislike that language. Besides, I always strive to maintain a 10:1 insult/praise ratio with my friends, and you were overdue :)
  • Wee Willy Small - Tall People

    They got great big heads,
    And billboard faces,
    Elephant teeth
    With great big spaces,
    Hockey stick legs
    Without any hair.
    They got skinny little butts
    Hangin' in the air.
  • @Kelani & @Rat…okay now you're serenading each other. @Kelani, you mentioned something the other day about "weird BR bromance" going on in here…I was wondering what you meant.
  • bada boom!
  • Thank you @fenikus. We were getting out of control. Back to my soothing music.
    Excuse me while I crank this thing up.
  • @fenikus he started it. I was minding my own business, working to benefit all the little nesters, and he's in here picking on us. :P
  • That's my job right now @Kelani. Distractor extraordinaire.
    Go get em Ma!!
  • Well…looks like @bernersenn is going to be disappointed in the morning. Neither of us gave him a new target. I remember now why I hate wearing glasses. They give me a headache after I wear them for 2 hours or more. Ugh.
  • So @Kelani, if I post a 150K+ score on BR-17, I assume you won't post your 163K score since we discovered it was DCB? Just want to make sure I don't dig myself into a deeper hole by improving my score...
  • BTW @Kelani, @fenikus, no apparatus picture for you guys. Forget everything I told you about it. I didn't really mean to let that cat out of the bag anyway. @Ma, I'll send you a picture in a PM.
  • @fenikus that depends. did you get a 150k score? :) Since I didn't post my score that level's still on my to-do list.
  • Now I'm frustrated @Ma. I uploaded a picture of my contraption, dirt and all, to my private album in the nest. But it won't let me send it to you in a PM from there. If I put it in the normal album, my supposed "friends" can see it too. How do I get around this dilemma?
  • @Rat I think she has to go look at it? Let me see it and I'll let you know.
  • @Rat, fine -- we'll just keep using that mental picture @Kelani painted…that when you play AB you probably look like a dentist without mask.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha Nope!
  • @Rat, you might be able to embed the picture in the private message to Kathy. Not sure though.
  • @Kelani Seriously though. Can you give someone access to your private album? You can't send a picture from there.
  • I'm gonna photoshop my impression of the @RatLab after lots of sleep.
  • @fenikus It won't let me text, link, or embed from the private album.
  • yep. I see a buncha playful mutts :D
  • I can see that one in here, but not your album @fenikus. Can you do that in a PM to me. I haven't been able to.
  • @rat, your Edison phonograph? That is pretty cool! I love antiques, especially if they still work!
  • Well…here is what I did: I copied the embed info before making the picture private. Then I pasted that info here. So it makes sense you can see the thumbnail but when you click on the link it probably says access denied or something like that. I'll try embedding in a PM now.
  • Maybe the message system is broke. I never got a PM from @fenikus.
  • I sent you a PM but I don't think it worked. The message after my text looks just blank.
  • I *just* sent it, check again.
  • Thanks @SweetP. Yes, it's mine and it works perfectly. But I've been thinking of upgrading to a newer sound system. It's getting harder to get the records.
  • Nothing there but air @fenikus.
  • Dear lord, now they're passing notes to each other. Where will it end?!
  • It's like a lovefest between @Rat and Stimpy
  • You probably can't tell in the picture @SweetP, but the phonograph is sitting on a glass tube from an old gas pump. You got an antique twopher and didn't know it.
  • Yeah, so you can't trick the system then. I thought since you're up at odd hours, you might temporarily make the picture public while your "friends" sleep and copy the link and send to Kathy.

    I made that picture public again so if anyone wants to admire my beautiful pups, go ahead and click on the thumbnail above.
  • @Rat I missed something, what kinda phono?
  • I think I can trust you to close your eyes @fenikus. Not so sure about the other guy.
  • No worries. My eyes are closing involuntarily. I gotta sleep. :)
  • @Kelani I took two pictures, one of the apparatus, and one of my music system. The phonograph is on the bottom of the previous page.
  • @Rat, don't fall for it. I don't think he sleeps, ever!
  • He's always lurking.
  • Thanks for trying to help @fenikus. If I ever figure out how to PM a picture, I might, I said might, send it to you. You're at least in the running. Can't say that about everyone.
  • Well, I am off to bed as well. Good night @all.
  • Awww, thanks @Rat :)
  • @SweetP I never heard or listened to that station. Is it fairly new? Are Mark and Brian still on the radio there?
  • @SweetP. I had a great turntable, receiver, amp, and fantastic speaker system. SWDNF did some spring cleaning and donated it, along with all my vinyl. We now have an I-pad with two little speakers. Progress...I think not!!
  • Sorry @rat, you cannot send a URL in any PM. They don't appear in the message, so you'll have to use some other IM method. Also, if you mark a picture as private, that's just what it is and no one else can view it.
  • Has everyone gone to sleep? Well, OB I'd like a mug of coffee, please.
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