The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2095
  • It's the weekend everyone! Have a great time, and happy flinging!

    *hangs up sign* "GoNe FliNgiNG and wabbit hunting"
  • @Rat Did you say you were going to post a picture of the Ratcave? That secret high tech location that has cost me so much sleep over the last 2 years? Show it!

    @Kelani I attended a nondescript private university in NY state... bachelor’s degree, HRM major & economics minor. This was in the early 90s. If I remember correctly, the trick to keeping people happy is to self-actualize them, and you increase production by feeding slackers to a stegosaurus.
  • Hello guys - I'm back, shortly. Saturday's things as lawn mowing, getting groceries, that stuff is waiting, and @fenikus, I'm a bit disappointed, nothing happened on the leaderboards. No target, no motivation. Btw, @rat, peeked at your Album, but nothing with thumbs. How come?
  • @rat, that's a really thick thumb. Do you have any therapy or something else to get it to shrink?
  • I changed my mind, when the Space update arrives, I will join you. Although I don't like it the way I like ABR or ABS - actually to slow for me - it's being fun playing - competing - with you guys
  • @bernersenn, well if you play the Space update, I will have to join too! But what will we do about World Cup? Big conflict there, I'm one of those nuts that likes to watch every single game, even the really boring ones you can get in group play.
  • @SweetP, thanks and I'm sorry I missed your question about my pups! You either added it later through edit or I was so sleepy that I simply missed it. Both dogs are rescued mutts, but I like to think of them as border collies, which they predominantly are.

    Rocky seems to be Border Collie / Springer Spaniel / Human mix. I have a very special bond with him. Reagan is very clearly Border Collie / Husky mix and has these stunning blue eyes and has grown by 20 lbs since the picture. She is a "failed foster" -- I fostered her for only a week before both Rocky and I fell in love with her and decided to adopt her ourselves.
  • @fenikus, let's face that worldcup. Because I'm dutch I would like to have the dutch as long as possible in the tournament. But, after the first round, the games are played at 11:00 (pm) CET. Most of the time we're heading to our bed between 11:00 pm and 11:30 pm, that's because in the morning we have to wakeup at 06:30 am. So, except for the weekends it will be not our thing. About that coming with us into space: perfect. (Btw, I think that the dutch will be kicked out after round #1).
  • @all Does anybody know how to get marker off a finger nail?
  • Again back to that #14 thing, I think that we can perfectly use the 'pixel' method to launch the black bird. Then that other thing: on what height inflate it? Once I had everything perfect, except that one marmoset still lives. Score at that moment 97k. That would be at least 132k, a nice score. Picture of this in my album, link to it in the walkthrough. @rat, please help us
  • I sure hope I can fling soon. I've got too much free time on my hands when I go outside to smoke. I'm starting to get silly.
  • @rat, a little bit alcohol, no matter which one
  • @rat, you may not talk about smoking in the US - it's yak. I'm a smoker myself, but I keep that as a secret:-)
  • @bernersenn, maybe we ought to skip that Space update -- now you managed to make @Rat's thumb really mad and we probably don't have a chance. I record all the games and watch them at my leisure. Since Serbia sucks at football lately and is not playing, I will root for the Dutch.
  • I'm in the same boat as you on 14 @bernersenn. I keep leaving that lone marmoset on the right. Still working on what level of activation will get the left and that pesky monkey on the right.

    Edit: Or at least I was working on it about three weeks ago.
  • @fenikus, I prefer to play against healthy opponents. And that means that we all have to do our best to get this thumb ok. He did gave us a few clues in some of the difficult games
  • Okay, beautiful day here after heavens opened up last night (sure wish it rained like that in California, they need it more). Time to take the pups in the wild and enjoy the day. Later, @all.
  • How about that marker, already gone @rat?
  • @fenikus, don't think I'm seeing you today. This evening we go to my wife's brother, he's celebrating his birthday
  • @bernersenn No, he still has that surprised look on his face. I think he's in shock.
  • @rat, on the first picture there was no face
  • With the scores y'all have posted at the river, I'm not sure I'll ever be healthy enough to compete. Great flingin' guys.
  • He was visiting his twin earlier @bernersenn. But you brought him home with that thick comment
  • @bernersenn Btw, about your earlier thumb physique comment, bite your tongue!!! Men don't like shrinkage.
  • Just us tall guys this morning. Have a great flingin' day.
  • @rat, face it: you are about 6k behind of me. In #14, you have 126k - highscore is 134k. You don't have to be a master in maths to come to the conclusion that ...
    And about thick, shrinking and slow, please show a bit attention:
    - thumb is thick, not you mr @rat
    - space is slow, yes, birds flying slow, debris desintegrates slowly
    - and a thick thumb has to shrink, isn't it?
  • Don't tell me @bernersenn. Tell Mr. Thumb. haha You wouldn't call any of the ladies thick, would you? Let me help you. Don't call any of the ladies thick!!! It won't go over well at all.
  • @Rat After your career, you still don't know how to remove sharpie ink?

    lick & rub, an eraser, 800g sandpaper, naphtha/lighter fluid/paint thinner, cheap vodka, acetone, WD40

    That's a really nice phonograph. Who's on the cylinders? I have a few of those, but no phono. I also have about 10 ottoman sized boxes full of vintage 78s, 20 boxes of vintage 33s/45s, and 10 boxes of reel-to-reel. A big chunk of that music collection i mentioned is from here: - UCSB Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project.
    They have 80,000 free recordings from cylinders. Great stuff, if you overlook all the incredibly racist songs from 1900-1930
  • @Kelani What good are the cylinders without the player. You need to send them to me and I'll record them for you. Cost: I keep the cylinder.

    Edit: The phonograph is also a recording device.
  • @Rat Have you seen what they go for on ebay? Even if I was inspired to be generous, after you deliberately excluded me in your 8:33am comment, you can forget it. And after I give you a sweet trademarked saying, too! :)
  • @bernersenn I owe you an apology. You asked me to leave you a target yesterday, and I failed you. I put my own selfish interests ahead of helping a dear friend. Well, no more. I cleared my schedule, skipped breakfast and finally managed to give you that new target. :)
  • @Kelani I haven't tried to find any cylinders since the internet became available. So I guess I have no idea of their cost. I didn't think they were that much though. Four or five dollars a piece maybe? I only have a dozen or so usable out of the fifty odd cylinders I got with the player. They weren't stored correctly and molded.

    That contraption in the picture looks like something I'd come up with. I have trouble throwing away small pieces of manufactured metal, plastic, glass, etc. I always think I'll use them to make something. And do occasionally.
  • @Kelani Speaking of small metal. I almost died yesterday. SWDNF brought me a pair of cuff links from her mother. They had belonged to her grandfather, the wife's great grandfather. They were made with 1951 and 1953 one dollar gold coins. The mint had made 4,000,000 each of the open wreath coins, but only 40,000 each of the closed wreath. Both were, to my amazement, closed wreath. Very rare and in good condition except for the solder point for the cuff link attachment. So instead of $20,000, they're worth less than $200 melt or maybe $400 jewelry. Aarrrrrggghhh!

    CongRATs on the new score. Y'all may make 2.6 million yet.

    Edit: I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. They are a beautiful pair of cuff links.
  • G'd evening ladies and gents (maybe this will please everyone with a preference regarding how we address people in here :p )

    I want to get something clear... I have no issue with the chatter, so please never hold back on my account. Also my inbox is not the one that suffers from edited comments... those do not generate emails. I just mentioned this a while back because I WAS a email notification reader, but after I noticed the conversation didn't make sense due to me not getting the edited comments I switched my method to catching up "live" in the BP, so I can have the edited versions of the comments. But still, it does not bother me if people edit their comments, it was just an observation I made back then.

    As for the Dutch/English ... to my surprise I actually think in English most of the time.... imagine the frustration of being out in the real world and discovering the thinking in English is still switch on and one needs to try and find the way back to their native language... WHAT HAVE ALL DONE TO ME!!!! hahahahahaha
  • Ow and mister @Rat Like ermmm I think @fenikus mentioned, there is a way to copy the part you will need and using it after one sets his photo to private, BUT it does require an advance course in html and understanding which parts one needs. And @sweetp is right almost all the html coding is stripped in the PMs... I believe only bold is allowed in there, so the only way to direct one to a photo is copy and pasting the text next to the "link:" box...
  • Hi @Estar
    from the great distractor,
  • Thanks, but I was able to work around the problem @Estar. @Kathy now has all the relevant info and pictures of the apparatus.
  • Whahahaah @rat I had to google the "pair of cuffs", because my in-head-translator came up with ermmmm something different and I immediately remembered SWDNF was home for a short period of time and you spent some quality time... but after a google search the adding of "pair of" made all the difference whahahahaha
    But if I understand correct... if they hadn't been soldered on something they would have been 20k worth?! WOW, talk about a big mistake back then :/
  • @kelani, thanks buddy. This will be a sunday-action. As mentioned before I have to go to the brother of my wife, he is celebrating his birthday, this evening. Btw, what level give you the 1k?
  • Good to know Mister @Rat but if ever in need of a hidden link I might be able to help... but I would need to have the access to that intell.
  • Whahahaahhaha Mister @rat I just came back from your album and saw your thumb photo 2.0 Whahahahahahah a good example of two different meanings for one word!! (@bernersenn just in case you don't know yet.... thick can also mean stupid or dumb) Also the comment of "Does anybody know how to get marker off a finger nail?" makes more sense now
  • @bernersenn Congratz with the badge!! it took some time, but I am glad my backstage access could help you out! It looks good on you!
    Have fun tonight! I am not the bday party loving gal, but I assume you are looking forward to going to the bday party tonight, if not hang in there, it is only once a year ;P
  • @estar, perhaps you are right, no, you are right. Mr. Google gave me 10 answers for the word 'thick'. Stupid and thumb are among those 10. Please don't make it harder for me to survive here :-)
  • @estar, I'm not the birthday lover either, but since my wife has only 1 brother...
  • @bernersenn I hear ya, some things one just got to do. Although me and hubby stopped celebrating ours 12 years ago and in a few years my brothers followed. So what's left is the nieces and nephews birthdays :)
  • Ow and I wasn't trying to make it harder on you, but I noticed our lovely mister @rat pulling your leg with the multiple meaning of the word thick and figured I would clue you in just in case you didn't know
  • @estar, I directly understood what @rat was up to, so I played the game. I was just kidding, because we all know that many words have more than one meaning. So did we named our girl dog 'pussy' - (in dutch poessie) since I also have a lot of American friends on fb, we name her Heidi (as on her birthcertificate). Please girls on this side, this was not an offence, just an example
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