The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2036
  • @Kathy those cats are priceless :)
    Thanks to the link to the BR leaderboeard @burpie, I don't know who to bet on now. That @fenikus is one sharp flinger, although I knew that already. @rat you two are so far ahead of everyone else I don't think anyone is going to catch you. So does this mean free drinks for everyone for a while?
    OB a glass of Cristal please? *clink* Here's to BP 2nd anniversary :)
  • And my 1st page change in months!
  • Oh my gosh! That's what the BP was missing @Burpie. Ha ha ha A direct link to the battle on the river. Thanks @Karen68. I missed that somehow.
  • At least we've given them a show and something to talk about @fenikus. And if the bar tab is any indication, they seem to be drinking a little more. That'll keep em' happy.
  • Uh oh! SWDNF is back. I was never here.
  • *clink*
  • @Kelani I've got good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?
    OK, the bad news...You've been bumped to fifteenth place in BR.
    The good news...You're only two thousand out of eleventh place.
    Go get em' tiger.
  • Pa I actually could use a little guidance in level 13 ?
  • haha I just saw a commercial for Burpie seed !! for you grass hahaha
  • I walk on Burpie all the time @Kathy. I'll take a peek at 13.
  • Go look at page 2030 @Kathy, about halfway down the page. I talked about level 13 there.
  • @Rat lol. Thanks. I saw that #15 bump yesterday. :) I'd just entered a shiny new +3k score, felt all proud because of it. Reloaded leaderboard and...I went DOWN?!

    I'm in a bit of a pickle. My PC scores don't come come close to ipad, but I accidentally glued silicon carbide grit to my hands today, so playing on ipad would be a Bad Idea.

    @Kathy lol. I just planted some Burpee tomato plants today! :D
  • @Rat one good thing about PC, your #13 1 bird strategy is easier to get. Good thing cos that 2nd shot is impossible. The stone block breaks before toppling the front 2 guys pedestals.
  • k Pa I think i got it;) ty
  • hmm @fenikus its getting breezy level 13 also. . hope we aren't eexpecting a storm? hee hee
  • Dinner is ready
    thanks for the crumbs Pa:)
  • Your welcome @Ma.
  • Yuck. On #14 ipad, I get 110-118k 1 birders. On PC I can't crack 100k with 2 or 3 birds.
  • I'll meet ya there @Kelani ; )
    has anyone else had this trouble everytime I advance to the next level my tablet freezes and i have to reboot the app?
  • Wow, Kathy that sounds like a PITA. Is it just the first time you play a new level, or every single time?
  • just every time i move to the next level @Kelani and yes is
  • Another thing about #14. On PC It is damn-near impossible not to break all the way through both layers of the top blocks. You gotta fling shallow just to avoid it.
  • @Kelani where is the aiming point? I keep landing right before the boxes. . going one layer deep but not getting those boxes on the far right ?
  • @Kathy - I try to land on either side of the stone cube between the two plank layers, but not on top of the cube. Sometimes I miss and land on top of the boxes. It can still knock over the left side, but not as often.

    Mmm. Level 15 is not PC-cursed. 91st to 44th, to 26th, to 12th in one hour. Bumped me from 14th to 11th.
  • ahh thanks @Kelani that's where I'm landing smack on top of that darn stone block! !
    nice flinging on 15 ;) are you taking note , doing comparisons and figuring out stuff?
  • ...and now 5th! yummy. I think I found the money shot on #15. Didn't catch @fenikus but did squeak by Sir @Rat Now if I could do that on the other 19 levels...

    @Kathy thanks :) I was doing comparisons bit it was too depressing, and kept me from getting my brain into PC-fling mode. Switching back and forth from left handed ipad flinging to right handed PC-mouse flinging can give you one hell of a headache :)

    Yeah, I hate that stone block. I couldn't hit it if I tried, but since it's the one thing I wanna avoid.. I hit it every bleepin time. :) My best score (which is still crappy was just to the left of it.
  • What? beat me?
  • nice job @Kelani. .I'm doing o.k inn #14 so far just gotta keep hitting that spot and hoping it breaks. .ermm uhh I did go past ya.. you give up to early. .
    on that note
    *places flashlight in kimmiecv special safe*
    nightly night all. .
  • Night Ma.
  • Night Pa
  • one thing @Kelani for research purposes..I noticed on level #14 you can hit the same spot a number of times then surely on one of the hits bomb bird goes through. .im wondering if is the same amount of hits each times?
    curiosity it seems it is.
  • Yay 4th! fenikus better watch out. I'm only 150 points behind.

    @Kathy wait, are you getting good scores by hitting the stone cube? I've been trying to miss it. I don't give up, really. Just get mad and go to another level for awhile.

    btw, I can test your idea pretty easily.Might be fun to find out. Just have to fire up the other PC all the testing stuff is on. I'll make a mental note to try that tomorrow after 14 frustrates me. Is it any old spot hit repeatedly, or one specific spot?
  • no just left of the stobne cube @Kelani, right where the second layer breaks but sometimes doesn't go through but periodically does. .
    night ok really now. . dinger off before I get trouble. .lol
    really Pa I'm going. . night. .
  • Yay 1st. Now I get to let everyone re-kick my butt with my strategy :)
  • I don't see no strategy @Kelani. Did you put the cart before the horse? Btw, 500 points gets you in the top ten club. At least for a little while. For some reason quite a few people are playing Blossom River. I think it's the train wreck mentality. They're waiting for someone to crash. Ha ha
  • @Rat The horse stopped to munch some grass, but he caught up. It's hard for me to post strategy when sleepy. I really feel awful for giving bonneypattycat a 40 point cheap shot. Of course beating your and @fenikus scores repeatedly in an hour makes up for it :P There's still more points to be had, so it won't last long.

    Those 500 pts will have to wait. What's neat is it's only 15k to #3. If I pulled that off, we'd have a BP Trifecta. (I'm so sleepy I originally wrote BP Three-way) Add @bernersenn and it's a...Quadfecta?

    There does seem to be a lot more action lately. Last week it was 226. Now is 281. And speaking of... who is this new Jojo_movie guy perched up at #4?
  • Hi! Just popping in between chores :-(

    @rat Sorry missed you last night. BTW: that measuring tape - I'm guessing it's an egometer :-)
    @kelani A tetrafecta maybe?

    Gosh, BR is v popular. Even I posted scores (nothing to write home about there. . .)

    For you guys and all the other ailurophiles:

    Have a wonderful flinging day!
  • Good morning!
    I'm stuck in that yucky Monday chore day as well @tompuss,it sucks. Everyday should be Sunday. Although I'd probably turn into a huge slug! My bum print is still on the sofa from yesterday's day of slobbery ;)
    So I'm a baaaaaad girl huh? Ummmm yep! I didn't earn my name by being angelic but hold on a sec............I didn't actually say what the tape measure was was everyone else that jumped to that conclusion,so who's the naughty ones?!!!!!!
    So now I'm scared to look at my scores in BR. I posted them early on but haven't checked what's happened to the averages since. I usually go back after a few weeks and start again as a challenge to myself *sighhhhhhhh* think it's going to be carnage! Hubby is due home for lunch soon so should I get back to cleaning the kitchen floor then cook lunch or brave the scoreboards? Hmmmmmmm my procrastinating side is pushing me to fling....what to do,what to do? Seriously Jlz you're sitting with a coffee,talking to yourself in a virtual pub and you don't think you're procrastinating already? That's seriously sad.
    Ok decision made. Back to cleaning and cooking....for now ;)
  • @kelani, speaking about 'Add @bernersenn and it's a...Quadfecta? '. I became friends with @foenikus the other day and remembered him to our fight in High Dive. So I thought, I'm gonna catch this guy. Oow, wrong idea. Where I was having less time to fling - other bothering things as work and some medical private issues - prevented me to. Now I'm looking at 4 damned good players in front of me.
    To all of you: wish you all a scorefull flinging day
  • @TomPuss I like cats, but I didn't know that made me a ailurophile. Not sure I'm going to use that word. It makes me sound like a deviant. I love playing with my pussy. Hmmm...maybe I am a deviant.

    Hi @JLZ666. Welcome to the "Rat" race in Blossom River. Btw, it sure took you a long time to make the wrong decision about fling or work. lol

    @Kelani Read your strat on BR-15. Just how do you think we got our high scores? Of course we haven't beat it to death like you. CongRATs on your Top Score. I'm working on a different strat that could score up to 135k. Not perfected yet because I can't line anything up against that light background. My eyes aren't good enough.

    Hello again @bernersenn. First, I hope your medical issues are in the rear view mirror. Second, who is this @"foe"nikus you speak of? If he's that good, I would have heard of him. Third, I hope you noticed I'm posting strats in Blossom River. As @Kelani would say, "Destruction you can depend upon". Speaking of @Kelani, it appears he has his sights set on your rank position in BR. Oooo Sorry! I wasn't trying to infer your position in BR is rank.
  • Oh would you look at that. I've somehow stumbled back into the pub again ;)
    Hey @rat! Well if I don't clean up nobody else will so it wasn't a hard decision. So I looked at my scores and yup it ain't good. Tempted as I am to improve I seem to have a touch of A.D.D when it comes to flinging at the moment,I just can't commit to one game! I flit all over the place when I get bored and then ultimately end up crushing candies! So I don't think I'll be joining the rat race right now but when I do go to the walkthroughs at least I know there's going to be some golden nuggets there! Just remember to give me my measuring tape back when you and @fenikus are through with it.............ummm actually *shivers* on second thoughts whoever won that contest can keep it...brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
    Forgot to mention @kathy thoses were great kitties!
    @tompuss have you seen the vid of the 2 cats playing patty cake? You probably have. The French version is the better one IMO. I know I showed it to the girls last year but can't remember if I posted it in here. Sorry if I'm repeating myself!
    All righty I'm going to make some puttanesca sauce for dinner. Maybe I'll have a bash at my below averages first. OB could I have a large double shot to go please? Cheers X
  • darn it! i missed the BP's 2nd anniversary *sits in a corner*
  • @Rat, Yes, I've misspelled Fenikus'name @fenikus: sorry for that. It must be something in my head. Oops, and no, the medical issues aren't mirror things, I wish they were, it has to do with thyroid. Nothing fatal, but extreme annoying. And what about @Kelani, we'll see what we can do. First, lets get OB one drink for all of us, then we see what happens.
  • @Rat, @Fenikus, what about ranking? I did a restart for the entire episode - in my opinion I am ready with #1 and #2. Then that #3 came - since let's say a week I spent my little time to get that little red bastard through these ropes - and drop the tnt. He's my avatar - but not always my friend. Yak
  • Thanks for the drink @bernersenn. Sorry your ailment is ongoing. I fully understand how annoying chronic issues can be. I did not understand "I am ready with #1 and #2. Then that #3 came...". Could you rephrase it for me please?
  • @TomPuss -- Love the cat watching the hammers on the piano! Plus a new word: ailurophile! Double treat.
    @Jlz666 -- I don't think you posted it here, but it is funny.
    @angryboy -- I think there is still some cranapple (or is it cranberry) sitting on the bar in a cooler waiting for you. No need to sit in a corner.
  • @Rat I know everyone's doing essentially the same thing, but I'm telling ya, the angles and timing are the key to easily repeatable 128k+. I say that because, unlike SF 27-14 which I did beat to death, I only spent ~100 attempts refining the shots on #15, then played it for scores maybe 200x.

    On a semi-unrelated note, if I were to beat my own high score, do I need to post a new screenshot? :)
  • @JLZ666 Yes, the patty-cake one is among my YT faves! Truly one of the best cat vids ever. I also keep up with Maru and was amazed to see how well he gets on with his new companion Hana. At first I thought he might be too spoiled to accept another cat, but no - and they're so sweet together. As well as YT, Maru's blog is on

    Procrastination? I'm an expert! In fact I think we're kindred spirits :-) Today I made a list of things to do, amazing how that can make one feel better.
    Chores over, have a super evening!

    @bernersenn So sorry to hear about your problem. Thyroid troubles really suck and I do hope you can get it fixed soon.

    @rat Oh, I never doubted you were deviant :) Takes all sorts to make a world. . .

    Hi @mvnla Glad you liked the cats. And yes - the Greeks had a word for it!

  • Are you referring to the challenge @Kelani? Because you don't need to show proof on normal play unless challenged by Admin.
  • @bernersenn 'tis true, there are some incredibly high scorers on there. But remember, many people would also include you in that list :) It'd be nice to join a BP Quad-Tetra-Hexafecta, I'm a realist, though. @fenikus , The Rodent and a few others will scrape every last point out of most levels. When that happens, I'll be happy if i can claw into the top 10 and stay there. btw, good luck tackling your annoying thyroidal medical issues. Quite a few of us here can relate.
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