The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2037
  • Truly funny cat vid @TomPuss. LMAO
  • @Rat No, I'm referring to BR-15. When I sat down a few mins ago, I wanted to see if all that practice had survived a crappy night's sleep. Did one test fling and wouldn't ya know it. Obliterated last night's score.

    I completely forgot about the challenge. Shameful since it was on my list. :(

    @TomPuss great video! :) Swipe didn't know what to make of it, though.
  • @rat, rephrase, of course. Game #1 and #2: scores are good enough for me. So still 18 to go. Now I'm stuck on game #3, that's the one with those bad chains and the wrong tools to fix them.
    All the other ones, thanks for their comment on the health issue. Now I'm gonna have a look at the challenge - then return to my favorite #3.
    By the way: last week I saw there was a challenge. I looked brief into the comments and saw that I stated 'never play this level again'. Stood to my word and did some flinging on the BR. Drinks are gone, OB, new drinks for all, thank you
  • @bernersenn Do you mean BR level 3? If so. Man... run away fast. :) That level is just a test of how much the Rovio Gods like/hate you. It took me 3 days and several thousand attempts just to hit 92k, then the same effort to get one +100k score.

    Wrong tools=A perfect description if there ever was one.
  • I don't trust my memory @mvnla but it was worth watching again :)
    I was pretty sure you had seen it @tompuss. The English version just doesn't cut it. I've seen Maru in the passing but hadn't realised they'd got another cat. I'll check out their blog when I sit down for the night. Thanks for the link. *poom* haahaaaa!! As for the procrastinating....jeez I don't think I'll live long enough to do all the things I put off! I'm terrible! There's always tomorrow though right?
    @Blossombuddies enjoy your flinging boys! I've just had a good old laugh looking at my scores in High Dive! It appears I flung and ran on that one! Holy cow that ain't pretty so I think I'll step into that one for a wee while.
    OB I'll take up @Bernersenn kind offer of a drink and have a large mug of spiced tea please. Thank you X
  • @Kathy Just peeked at your BR scores. You're really sneaking your way up there :) I saw you had no scores for #16-20. Is your strategy to just master one level at a time?
  • Hey there @bernersenn, good to see you -- and thanks for treating these thirsty folk to drinks this morning while the tab was on me (apropos -- OB, please switch the tab back to @rat). Sorry to hear about your health issues, I was expecting to fight YOU for the top spot so I knew there must have been something holding you back. Another formidable (albeit not as nice) opponent showed up for the fight though.

    @Rat, I'm glad we're putting on a good show…I gather from some comments that BP is not always as "hopping" as it is now. If my participation helped the matter, I'm very proud of it. As for other flingers…I'm not taking anything for granted, there are so many brilliant shooters in Rio (bernersenn already mentioned, then there is my man crivit who's been waiting for that PC update). And of course the king of Rio is Manu Malin and he hasn't played the last two episodes much…I'm sure if he did, he could put us to shame and make us look like two fools.
  • @kelani, that's the game I meant. I'll won't give up for now, so it's possible to loose some positions - that's temporarily (I hope). @fenikus, thanks for the nice words.
  • OB gets a text and suddenly starts rushing around, polishing Mumsie's rocking chair, tidying her bins of wool, sharpening her knitting needles (!), putting the giant touch screen back in front of her rocker, wipes the sweat off his brow and turns round just as Mumsie opens the door of the BP!
    "OB! How lovely to see you! Please get a drink for everyone on my tab! I'm only popping in to pick up some wool as I'm off out again now but wanted to say I hope to pop in tomorrow, after golf, to catch up with all the chat ! "
    Oh and JLZ I'm with you! I'm certain that God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things, right now I am so far behind that I will never die!
  • @JLZ666 Yes, those two Frenchies do that dialogue perfectly. Nice voices, too. *Poom* it has me in stitches every time!
    Thank you @Bernersenn, I'll have a mug of Ovaltine please.
    And so to bed. . . 'night, @all
  • Awww Shoot! @fenikus is still playing BR. He's taken the lead again. See @Kelani, it's not my fault the scores keep increasing. I keep being pulled back in to defend my wallet. OK Fenny, give me an hour or so. The points are getting scarce but maybe I'll have another look at @Kelani's strat.
  • @Rat, you mentioned you were working on some strategy for BR-15 that could yield 135K…care to share it -- there may be some sharper shooters out there who might be able to execute it? @Kelani is getting too big for his breeches, he "obliterated" his highscore by like 500 points, lol.
  • @Rat, that didn't come out right. I meant to say: "…there may be some, ahem, sharper shooters out there…" :=>
  • Annnnd time please. Not quite 50 minutes. They're getting harder @fenikus. No no no no no, I wouldn't want to give away my secret weapon. It's "my" nuclear option.
  • Now I have to be like @JLZ666 and get some chores done. Drinks on Fenny everybody.
  • Btw @fenikus, the last time I had someone challenge me was in Space's Pig Dipper and Cosmic Crystals. We ended up getting all levels in the top six. I had all but one in the top five at one time. Never could seem to get all of them at the same time in the top five. As I said, you don't know me very well. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride. lol

    Oh yeah, that challenger was @Burpie. You don't want him coming to the river.
  • And yes @fenikus. I saw the comment about "skilled" flingers pulling off my nuclear option. Ha Ha Ha
  • *quietly slips into @e-star favorite booth. .psstt ob I'll have a PigKiller please. opens BR to fling*
  • @fenikus When the difference between 1st and 3rd is 90 points, 800 (not 500!) *is* obliterating it! And my britches are the same size as always! :) That was just my first #1 on an 'active' level, which coincided with that improvement streak, which has also never happened to me. I promise I'll be back to my usual mediocre scoring tomorrow.

    Oh, and Rat's right. We don't need @Burpie to start prowling around the dock.

    @Rat I know it's not just your fault. :) BR had a lot of turnover last night.
  • Your britches don't look too big to me @Kelani. It doesn't bother me a bit to see someone find the sweet spot. On the contrary, I'm happy for you. Don't listen to the rantings of that guy in second place. But I normally save the word "obliterated" for those instances where I find a strat that puts me 5-10k above the top end. But I am ecstatic for you.
  • Why thank you @Rat. Nothing I hate more than poor-fitting britches. Since I've never found a +10k strat, I'll leave that word to you and just use 'improved' :) If you do find a +10k strat on 15, I'll buy you a shiny plaque with "Obliteration you can Believe In"

    edit: found those 500 points hiding on #16.
  • I see you lurking out there @fenikus. You can't hide.

    WTG! Your doing great @Kelani. Only 14k puts you in third place in BR.
  • @Rat, @Burpie: Ummmm, so I looked at those infamous Angry Birds Space leader boards…best I can tell, @Burpie owns 2 out of 3 latest episodes (Eggsteroids, Danger Zone, Cosmic Crystals). Sure, few other *older* episodes have Mr. Rat in the top spot, but those episodes are…well, old. Out with the old, in with the new or…The king (rat) is dead, long live the king (burpie)! So @Burpie, thanks for reassuring me that @Rat is beatable (which I already knew, because he's up against…ME, but still).
  • @Rat, @Kelani, yes I misspelled "britches"…how many posts of yours are going to have that word correctly spelled, lol.
  • Uh oh. I just snuck by @fenikus #2 score on #16 That's a weird one. Everyone's 168k except ollygod at 171k.

    edit: My britches are still fitting well. :) I'm just waiting for the inevitable typo where I forget the "R"

    Actually, fenikus, I think your spelling is 100% correct in England.
  • Btw @Rat, just came back from the dinner at my sister's…she asked do you want red wine or white whine and I said white. Everybody else said red so I ended up polishing off the whole bottle. So you better watch out, I do my best flinging under influence (FUI).
  • *checks his calças for current size* Yep, they still fit.
  • There @Rat, told you…I already improved my score in BR-12 by 30 points. Am I in top spot again?
  • 460 points off. Who is this jojo_movie guy? He's moved up a lot lately.
  • @Kelani, 460 points ugh…that's going to be tough :=> calças is Portuguese, não? Never heard of jojo but how could we -- he just signed up couple of weeks ago.
  • @Fenikus I think you can get them easily on #16. Maybe #13 too. Yes, I think calças is Portuguese for britches. For some reason, I thought you spoke it, then I saw Connecticut in your profile. Oops?
  • @fenikus I found the problem! I was confusing you with @filipersr lol.
  • @Kelani, I agree -- I'm pretty sure BR-16 can yield about 173K so the top score of 171K is definitely beatable. BR-13 I just read a new strat by jojo, it's a bit hard to follow but I think I know exactly what he/she means. I've tried that strat before with zero luck so it's good to know it can work.

    @Rat is awfully quiet, he must be double-checking his math in those Space episodes.

    p.s. I'm not Brazilian or Portugese, no…though English *is* my second language.
  • If you're going to rib me, at least get your facts right @fenikus. The three latest episodes in Space were Cosmic Crystals, Pig Dipper, and Danger Zone. I recently lost Cosmic Crystals to @Burpie and haven't tried to get it back. He earned it. But I still own two of the latest episodes. Geez, these young whippersnappers can't get anything right.
  • I had been wondering about your nationality as well @fenikus. Give.
  • @gelfling -- I'm replying to you here, where it's more appropriate.
    Hope you recover from all your Trojans soon!
    It sounds like you are female? If so welcome from the Nest's female flingers! Some are the best in the Nest, but not me.
    A while ago, I also suffered from problems in my hands/wrists, but fortunately at work, there were ergonomic specialists, who would advise you how to avoid these problems. Since then, I haven't really had any problems, despite too many hours on the computer / iPad. If you can figure out how to get advice from an ergonomic specialist, it could really help.
    You said damage in your hands, as opposed to your wrists? Send me a PM. I might have some useful exercises.
  • Et tu @Kelani. I thought you were with me.
  • @Kelani really #2 in level 16 and nooo breadcrumbs for me!! c'mon me and you are the trailers in this ratrace wether you realize it or not @fenikus and @rat9 are going to kill us at least we can help each other to make it interesting ?
  • lol Pa I guess @Kelani is out for his own! !
  • I'll find it!
  • @Kathy No crumbs to give. :( Same strategy as everyone else. Flung white bird over level, dropped egg when she's level with marmoset to the left. Bird ricochets into barrel. Flung green bird into the left end of the front plank. Lotsa fireworks and all that was left was a box and a stone block.

    edit: I'm getting tired, so I'm gonna test your idea from last night before I crash.

    @Rat I'd do the same for you :) Besides I just beat one of his scores, so I'm making nice to delay the reprisal :)
  • thanks @Kelani I take back all the bad thoughts lol,) just kidding

    have a good night rest.. sweet dreams hope your safe away from tornado♡
    although OZ doesn't look to bad. . just stay away from apple trees;)
  • @Kathy Whaaat? just kidding you take them back? :(
    I have a question for ya. On #14 are you wanting to find out if repetition helps you break through the top plank, or both top planks? I ask 'cause I can break through the top on every time, but both of them almost never. I honestly don't know which is the better shot.

    I can deal with OZ. There's a major lack of cute girls, but at least I'd be taller than the munchkins.
  • uhm @Kelani I'll have to go back and check. .I'm not sure. and ya iWas just kidding nooo bad rl thoughts really♡
  • Burning that candle at both ends eh? You can get burned that way @Kelani.

    You really get to know who your friends are in here don't you @Ma.

    Night Ma. Night @all
  • ohh darn!! nooo I wasn't kidding about taking them Back. .lol I Was kidding about having Any inn the first place:/ you like to make me think late at night dontcha lol!!
    good night mr. @Kelani hee hee
  • Night Pa.. like I said last night Im lernin'
    I'm off to dreamland myself. .
    *places fflashlight in Kimmie special safe*
    night all
  • that'll teach me to read up..huh Pa :/
  • @Kathy lemme know when ya check and I'll test it. :P I'm not tryin to make ya think. I'm too sleepy to be diabolical.

    @Rat Yes, I'm an awful person...who also looked for missed points for you. but only found #16, AND who hasn't gone after any of your BR scores. Yet :)

    'Night guys, 'night gal, 'night John Boy.
  • @Rat, I was confused re: how the Space episodes were ordered on the leaderboards. I only have free (and outdated) version installed on my iPad and the episodes available there are: Pig Bang, Cold Cuts, The Moon, Utopia, Red Planet, Pig Dipper, and Eggsteroids, in that order. Hence I assumed Eggsteroids, Cosmic Crystals, and Danger Zone were the latest.

    Still, you own 5 episodes and @Burpie owns 3. If he takes another one from you, you're even, so it's definitely not a sweep like I thought it was. Man, all this talk makes me want to purchase full version of Space and come kick your bee-hind there! Give me one level from episodes I listed and let's see if I can beat your score.

    Edit: Whoops @rat, I can only play the first 15 levels of Pig Bang. All the other episodes are locked.
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