The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2028
  • Bye bye bf *waves enthusiastically, maybe even a bit too much hee hee* of @kathy
    there all you brain cells without distraction @kathy good luck making sense of it all ;)
  • @e-star hahahahahahahamwwaahaha none of it makes sense lol
    And i can't even wrack my brain it all @burpie fault hee hee sweet dreams burpie ;^)
  • E* pagechanger Wow !! That doesn't happen often! !
  • IKR! hee hee, you must have been distracted with the reading of @burpie with the doughnut ring on his belly hahah
  • And on that note, it is time for me to turn in for the night as well, before I know it the real birds are starting to sing and me hates closing my eyes when outside the world is starting up again :/

    Night night @kathy [[[hugggs]]] and @kelani, it was a pleasure, I have got me some nice images and a song to lull me to sleep in a few. You both enjoy what is left of the Easter Sunday!
  • Haha yep @e-star I'm still trying to make sense of it all haha but hmmm i love is all justsilly talking from the oh soo matter of fact mister burpie hee
    Uhmm it was just sillyb talk right?
  • ((((((((((Hugs))))))))) @e-star ♡♡♡
    May you rest comfortably and dream sweet dreams my friend; )
  • Now I have to drive to Augusta GA to get a hot Krispy Kreme. The only way I like em is right off the line. They taste like warm sweet air. Literally melt in your mouth. Shame on all of you for doing that to me.
  • Not my fault Pa.. blame @Burpie for starting the whole doughnut conversation!
  • Anyway don't know why i even asked about bday party I can't get to the challenge anyway. . Going back to PE..;( sorry @Kelani no nose smiley
    OB a PigKiller please. .
  • @Burpie may have started it, but everyone else started my juices flowing.
  • Huh Pa?
  • @Kathy Everybody talking about warm glazed doughnuts got me salivating for something I only do every four or five years. Go to Krispy Kreme and get them handed to me off the conveyer. It's the only way to go. I'm not a fan of cold glazed doughnuts.
  • Ooh I see Pa :) I'm a fan of fresh warm doughnut also although i don't/can't eat doughnuts cuz they bothers me belly If and whenever i get one to torture myself in pop itn in the microwave for a couple seconds to warm it up.
  • @Ma I won't be back for a few hours. It will take that long to go to Augusta, stuff myself sick with doughnuts, and drive back. Do doughnut holes have calories? That's the ticket. I'll just eat the doughnut holes.
  • Sorry you're doughnut intolerant @Kathy. I've been known to heat one up and put some ice cream, pecans, and chocolate on it late at night. It's real good for putting on the pounds.
  • Yep Pa good thinking just get the doughnut holes .. around here there called munchkins? Anyway I'm going flinging. .my keyboard sucks i can't fix it ohhhh I think it's working now hahaha
    I'm still going flinging. .had a long day
  • OMG I was just practically FORCED to use aPU in ABO!! it came up and wouldn't let me NOT select it !!; I really think I'm almost done with this stupid game... seriously
  • @Rat9 you don't have a krispy kreme nearby? Even my pathetic little town has one. 'course, since they're from Winston-Salem, I think every town in NC has one by law.

    I agree, there is nothing like hot off the conveyor. When I was a little kel my grandmother worked at one. She'd cook the raw donuts, and I'd get my paws on as many as I could at the other end.
  • @Kathy In ABo, can't you just disable them? I did. Wish I could do that in Rio.
  • OK, you got me @Kathy. I didn't go get doughnuts tonight. But I can't stop thinking how after church my Mother would stop at the commercial bakery of a large local chain and buy a bread bag full of hot seconds straight off the line. Good times.
    And no @Kalini. Thankfully, we don't have one close to us. Good score on Utopia-20. It was a rinse and repeat level, but I enjoyed the show it put on for you each time.
  • No PU's @Ma. No exceptions.
  • Thanks, I'm sure there's a better shot to be had in U-20. Always lots of points floating off into space.
  • Grrr, I hate this town. A commercial for a local used-car dealer just came on and he actually says "We take everything for trade! Cars! Trucks! Mopeds! Electronics! Firearms! even Cows and Chickens!"


  • Pa I didnt !! I actually uninstalled ABO from my tablet. . it suddenly came up and wouldn't let me continue with my game! ! so Im now trying to reinstall and hoping that it's gone. thankfully abo has the cloud. and on my phone it's not there so hopefully when i reinstall on tablet it will be gone if not I'll just not play that episode anymore:(
  • @Kelani You need to have lived in lower CA. You'd have loved Cal Worthington and his dog Spot. lol Now he knew how to do commercials. ha ha I don't know if he's still doing them or not. Ask @Mvnla2 about him.
  • Good for you @Ma. If you need to, buy a new tablet before PU's.
  • I'm good got it
    night night z all
  • Good morning!

    Man, I missed quite a discussion... I was dreaming about Dunkin' Donuts and Ding Dongs and then you spring Krispy Kreme on me. I see that they have three locations in London... I may be away for a few days.

    @Estar Thanks for the mayonnaise tip. I'll give it a try the next time we have fries.

    @Kelani Of course deep dish pizza isn't pizza... I thought everybody knew that. What I didn't know was that Jon Stewart recorded a brilliant rant on the topic. It starts at 3 min 28 sec.:

    "When I look at your deep dish f*ckin' pizza, I don't know whether to eat it or throw a coin in it and make a wish. And if I made a wish, it would be that I'd wish for some real f*ckin' pizza." That and much more. It's worth watching the whole thing.
  • @kelani what gave it away? the starstruck look in my eyes when ever I am in the presence of the top SpaceMaster flingers or the stars flying around my head when I go cuckoo again?? I must admit I have the best husband (sorry ladies, he is mine and sorry guys I am sure you are wonderful in your own ways as well) not only does he try and actually made a bit of sense of it all, he even helps out when I „want” something again. Like the BP… the team needed a place to communicate and my loving hubby made one for me and the team. So I am just lucky he does care and tries his best, but even than it is never as funny as one thinks it was.

    I see @burpie didn’t go on a killing spree, ya made him go for a round trip to London hahahaha. In itself of course a good thing, him not wanting to kill us, but look what we have done… we made burpie run off to london and mister @Rat doing a round trip to Augusta… we try to keep the patrons in the BP not chase them away!! But I must admit the off the conveyor ones do sound delicious! If I didn't hate traveling I would make a trip to London as well for them.

    @Kathy they did what?? Had to use PU’s?? And your keyboard is on the fritz again?? Ya sure it ain't your voodoo hoodoo acting up?
  • Hi @Estar, @Burpie. Unlike me, @Kelani is a very verbose individual. He enjoys painting a virtual picture. I'm more akin to the monster in Frankenstein:

    "Hot donuts....Gooood."

    "Deep dish pizza.....Baaaad."
  • @rat hahaha that's why I love the BP, some make pictures with words and some don't need many words to make get the idea across, keeps it entertaining :D
  • @kelani -- I'm not a fan of hot spice. A little cayenne might be OK, but more than 70% cocoa is definitely good.
    @rat -- Sorry I'm not a Cal Worthington fan, and skip all commercials. I do know who you're talking about, but no idea if he's still around.
    @Kathy -- I rewrote TinsShenLong's message to newbies. Had some difficulty with some of the translation, especially "discovered the powder".
  • I checked @Mvnla2. Calvin Coolidge Worthington died at the age of 93 last September. He was still selling cars till he died. But with an annual income north of 400 million, I have no idea why.
  • Hello to everyone

  • Hi @TienShenLong thanks for the video, I will watch it later on, almost dinner time over. by the way I turned the large YouTube screens into a link, the big screens are not real mobile friendly
  • @Rat9 In the mornings, or all day if I'm out of coffee, I'm also the Monster. Just a bunch of monosyllabic grunts.

    No idea why, but I have heard of Cal Worthington. A pile of his commercials are on youtube. I tried to watch, but I still have that bug where all sound on youtube is muted.
  • @Kelani. Cal Worthington would run his ads almost nonstop from midnight to six am on almost every LA channel. Since I was not sleeping at that time, we got well acquainted. I read his Bio. He dropped out of school in the seventh grade but was commissioned as a second lieutenant during WW2. A seventh grade educated officer taught our pilots during the war? Huh?

    Are you sure you don't mean supper @Estar? Just messing with ya. Depending on where you live in the USA, dinner is the noon meal. They're accepted both ways for most people. Confusing huh?

    I haven't watch the video's yet either @TienShenLong. I was too busy in the forum answering your question.
  • Time is an idea, nothing more.
    But that is enough for made us think otherwise.

    The thing is ENJOY. The video too
  • Nope @rat I am pretty sure I meant dinner, as in the main meal of the day, whereas supper I believe is a light meal when one had dinner during noon and nope, only my grandpa and ma ate dinner around noon. Not something I like to adopt, cause that would mean I would have to eat dinner at work and I have trained hubby just right to only use the spices I use and make the things I like hee hee. So although confusing yes, we have had the same thing over here but it kinda is something the older generation did and some still do.
  • @Rat9 You sound surprised. They commissioned all kinds of 'interesting' people back then. I mean, half the pilots he instructed were probably teenage crop dusters with no air certificate. :) I do wonder why he was teaching pilots. You'd think he'd have been in PSYOPS or something. :) He'd have been very effective there.

    Here in NC there are still quite a few restaurants where you get a confused look if you try to order the dinner special at 6PM.
  • I watched your video @TienShenLong. It reminded me of the theme song from the movie "the Sting". There is a riff in "Kathy, Queen of the Saloon" that is very similar to the "Entertainer" written by Scott Joplin in 1902. Who stole from who?
  • You must be right @Kelani. The Bio I read said nothing about his early flying days. He probably was a crop duster in the Midwest where he grew up. Still, a seventh grade education and teaching? Wow! Makes you think about how disabled someone needed to be before they rated them 4F at that time.
    I was right. @pellystar kept raising her score, pushing me ever higher, until I was forced to take over first place in Blossom river. That was never my intent.

    @Estar You do know we, (us husbands), intentionally get the spices wrong so that you'll cook for us don't you? lol
  • @rat no I didn't, but then again I did mention I had the best husband ever right? He doesn't have the urge to do those things, he loves to make me and my belly as happy as can be ;)

    @kelani LOL stop poking me, I just ate and I am stuffed! And duhhh of course I know, how else do you think I got me myself the best husband everrrrr hahahaha
    As for @burpies rehab, sure I will pay half the bill, but only if I get the DVD's of the tales of @burpie and the doughnut shops. I am sure they will make a movie... or maybe several of him and his sugar glazed tummy hahaha

    As for Pizza, we do eat pizza, but maybe once a month or two and when we do, I want me a normal kind with lots and lots of yummy toppings and not a whole bread with just a sprinkle of toppings. So not that of a pizza lover to ask hubby to modify the oven for it ;)
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