The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2027
  • Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it!! I don't, so I have no idea what should one get for Easter ... but may you get a lot of it :D
  • Happy Easter everyone!!

    OB can you get the banner out the basement we used last year? It was made of a sturdy material so I assume the HeyYou's didn't ruin it completely... thanks!
  • Happy Easter all! Or have a nice Passover! Or just enjoy the day!
    Saw some live Easter Bunnies at the golf course yesterday, but the didn't have any colored eggs.
  • @All Android users -- Did the exploding dolphins disappear from Rio High Dive with the latest update?
  • happy Easter everybody!!!
  • @AngryBoy -- Did you watch the Masters' golf tournament last week to see them play the hole you "got a hole-in-one" on?
  • no, im afraid i didn't @mvnla, but i feel that i should have
  • @Rat9 BR is very relaxing until you go on a few multi-thousand-attempt runs trying to replicate a 1-birder. i.e. BR-6. The only real downside is all that splashing water makes for a lot more bathroom breaks.

    I'm just about done with Utopia 4-20. In what's become an annoyingly recurring theme, I did my best and landed ~2,000 points behind you. :)
  • Happy Easter Sunday everyone! I personally only celebrate it as an excuse to eat ludicrous amounts of chocolate and spend extra time together with hubby but whatever way you celebrate I hope you're all enjoying it.
    @estar that's a great banner yet again!! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine,garden and hubby!
    @mvnla He's not quite sure what you mean but thinks you're talking about "slope"? We don't do that in UK but use standard scratch so you play off your handicap no matter what course. It was a county championship tournament and came 4th so was pretty chuffed!
    @tompuss thank you for the lovely warm welcome back! Yeah it's kinda nice to feel happy again :) That video is adorable! Have you seen the new "Simons cat"? I swear that man has a camera in my lounge recording my gruesome twosomes lives! This one is Lily's 10 mins of madness!!
    @kelani So they're chaining you to the bar eh? Ah well,there's worse places to be chained to...........ermmm hang on...that didn't come out right LOL!!! Anyhoo they're a nice bunch of kidnappers :D
    @kathy what's a blazer? It's exciting to watch drama as long as nobody is hurt!
    @rat everything went to plan yesterday and no one got hairy mussels!!
    Ok I'm outa here before the chains arrive ;) Having our first BBQ of the year! Pleeeeeeeeeeez make the nice weather stay!
  • Thank You @wrw01 and @TomPuss for the Easter greetings and Happy Easter to you both also.
    *turns the page*
  • Whoa !! Hee hee
    Happy Easter everyone! !
    What a lovely Banner @e-star♡♡
    @jlz666 and all yes thankfully noone was hurt! ! A blazer is an suv like an oversized jeep @JLZ666 .it was exciting but jeez it sounded like an explosion I still can't figure out how the thing fliipped there is an island in the middle and a stop sign..actually i think there is apic in my album of the intersection I'll check and post it.
    Have a Wonderful day all and enjoy Pigging out on delicious food! !
    My ham is almost done and smells mmmmmmmmm....... yummy:)
  • @mvnla2 yes it appears the exploding dolphins are no longer exploding. I installed the update on my tablet but not on my phone, on the tablet they don't.
    Haven't tried phone yet but i imagine it still works I'll try later but i see no reason why they wouldn't.
  • @JLZ666 -- Yeah, that was a typo of sorts. I meant the course slope. I forgot that handicaps in GB are so different. 4th in a County Championship tournament might be even better than a handicap of 5! So congrats again.
  • @JLZ666, @mumsie, @SweetP -- Just read (only part of) article telling you more than you would ever want to know about difference between US and English golf handicaps. Apparently England is even different from the rest of GB!
    Interesting that in England, it's easier for a handicap to go down than up! I wouldn't mind that.
  • @JLZ666 Yes! I love Simon's Cat and am always waiting for the next one. Such an eye he's got for feline ways.
    Goodnight @all and sweet dreams xoxo
  • *felt a breeze*
    Ahhhh@TomPuss ((((((hugs)))))
    Goodnight Sweet Dreams♡♡♡♡♡
  • @burpie I am a bit slow today, sorry... but do I understand correctly... you actually like the ones that look like white greasy snowballs of sugar I googled?? Ieuwwwwww, they are not looking very appetizing to me. But I agree with you on almost everything else though... didn't know pineapple on the pizza wasn't an US thing... hate that, I don't want fruits on or in my dinner. Pizza is certainly not made to eat with cutlery in our house. Bagels are never on the menu, sorry, I rather have a ciabatta or a multigrain sourdough bread.
    Pancakes are for children during an afternoon party and certainly not as the main course for dinner, yuk I had to eat them as a child, but ever since I chanced cooks I never have to eat them ever again! The only thing I am guilty of is french fries with mayonnaise (but only the citron kind I remember as a child when visiting Paris, D&L Mayonnaise with citron is the one that comes closest to that memory). Not sure what the crime is there though, maybe you can enlighten this gastronomically challenged french fries eating with mayonnaise girl???

    As for the doughnuts, like I mentioned in the forum section, I am not a sweet gal ;) so I hardly ever eat sweet stuff and now that you mention it, I always regret buying a doughnut hahahahaha... never lives up to my expectation. But it sounds like the Dunkin' Donuts would have been an eye opener for me.
  • Ok I'm lost on the whole doughnut converastion for now I'll come back to it but in the meantime @e-star @burpie anyone could someone explain the bday party episode to me

    The challenge sspecifically. .I have one episode of bday that i can get to
    It's 4..but i don't have 3 2 or 1 unlocked. .did they come out backwards?
    I'm soooo confused
  • Thanks @e-star I mostly cant figure out the bday party leaderboards:/
  • Yep thanks @ E-star I got that. .but it's confusing. .I think I'll just skip it lol
    I appreciate your help thanks so much..
    Hope you had a great relaxed day ((((((hugs)))))
    I'm gonna go catch up on the doughnut conversation lol;)
  • @Burpie -- That's OK, I don't like what is typically sold as Swiss chocolate anyway. Like the really, really dark, unsweetened kind.
  • @Kathy Sorry, I can't help with bday party.

    @E-Star Yes, those doughnuts are delicious and a food group unto themselves. Re. fries with mayo, the thought of eating so much mayo goop gives me goosebumps but I'll give you credit for mayonnaise au citron. Actually, now I'm curious. I'll look for that :-)

    @Mvnla2, Specialty chocolate? Baking chocolate?? A very refined taste. I prefer the more usual dark chocolate or milk chocolate with nuts, myself. If I can't find a doughnut, of course.

    Aside, when did everybody start writing shorthand smileys like :) without a nose? Am I stuck in the 90s?
  • Whahahahahaha @kelani you are one heck of a picture painter in the virtual world! I actually see @Burpie on the side of the road with his suitcase with a glazed look in his eyes, craving for the fix of the Kripsy Kreme doughnuts hahahahaah
  • @Kelani agreeed Krispy Kreme rules! !
    Also looove honey dew;)
  • Sorry i cant keep up tired of correcting ever word I type:(
  • @Burpie -- Way back on the earlier pages of the BP @rdnzlrips82 told me about Green & Black 85% cocoa chocolate bars. If you can't find those, try anything you can find with a really high cocoa level. I'm not a chocoholic, but for a real treat, those are the way to go.
  • Speaking of not-so-great chocolate, are chocolate Easter bunnies a big thing in the Netherlands?
  • @estar Why thank you :) That's what happens when thoughts go from brain to fingers without passing through any filters. I can also see the road dirt caked to the sticky parts of his face, hands, and one perfect dirt ring on his stomach, where he dropped a donut earlier.

    re: his glazed look. Was that an intentional pun? If so, well done! I almost fell off my chair when I read that. (Krispy Kreme's plain donuts are HEAVILY glazed).

    @Kathy I hope you mean Honey Dew the Mass Dunkin clone, not that disgusting melon :P I've driven by one a few times but never went in. (the store, not the melon)

    @mvnla2 Do you like the chocolate+cayenne bars? Up 'til about 70% cacao, they're pretty neat.
  • No yep @Kelani the Honey Dew doughnut chain. .ok
    I've uninstalled Google to voice but it still didn't help
  • For the record, if you see me using a nosed smiley, i.e. :o) I am trying to be either cute or deeply sarcastic.
  • @Kelani I don't know what you mean about no noses smiley?
    :) or ;^)
  • I'm really trying to keep up lol..:^)
  • @Kathy hmm. Uninstalled, you say? :/ If you've shut it down and restarted it, I got nothing. I don't know anything about that device, but if I was in your situation, I'd do this:
    1. Stick a little square of duct tape over the microphone.
    2. Take a vow of silence
    3. Use it for target practice.

    A few posts back, Burpie mentioned nobody uses smileys with noses anymore. For me, that's: :o) That made me realize you don't see the one with a chin anymore, either: :-)3 or the goatee: :o)= or the braided goatee: :o)~
  • Lol @Kelani it's something to do with Google voice typing. .even though I'm not speaking.. I'm typing IDK.. but it seems better now kinda. .
  • I completely went to app settings and uninstalled Google voice to text
  • Anyway ilove powder sugar doughnuts. I saw TienShenLong post but i think it sound a little harsh?
  • Whahahaha... even without those extra words, that was exactly what I was seeing @Kelani ... but minus the donut ring on his stomach, ROFLMAO that got me laughing so loud even my hubby looked up (mind you he is well trained in the misses laughing at her screen after 3 years in the Nest... LOL)

    And yes I did used the glazed look as a pun, but only because I watched the video you posted and the ones on the end of the line look to be very sticky and glazed... thanks for the kudo's, it does put a smile on my face every time I manage to get a funny out there in a language that is... was not my own... can not say English is that foreign to me anymore right? Not after so much time in the English virtual world and certainly not after the tons and tons of words I wrote in here, the main pages and not to mention in the PMs with all my new found friends! Which reminds me, I needed to send out a friends request... brb
  • @kathy you mean the message from TienShenLong? I believe the intentions are there, just not the right wording. But maybe that's because I do recognize some of the crude translations from a different language to the English words.
  • Yep @e-star maybe your right, I may have not understood the translation. .I know he means well and i agree that it would be a good idea to have a welcome statement for newbies. Hence my statement on my profile. .so yep I shall reread it .. I'm a little hurried tonight so maybe I read it to quickly. .
  • *reading back*
  • O.k I see where i got confused @burpie lol
    Oh forget it..I can't lol..
  • Whahahahaaha yeah and he learned by now to stop asking me to explain. I tried it a dozen of times, but the look only gets more confused LOL

    Awww and a gold star, me likey stars!! I like to give the credit to my teachers, which I am sure land the groundwork for what I believe is the real reason for my English vocabulary, television sitcoms I watched as a kid... okay and I got me a good set of brain cells from my parents, for which I am ever so grateful for :D

    Shoot now I am not only seeing the images you paint in my head... now I have a singing voice in there too!! Whahahha *snort* hahahaha Awww the poor @burpie dreaming a little dream about doughnuts by now (almost 3AM here), little does he know his dream is discussed while he is dreaming it!
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