The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2025
  • @burpie Higher education. Five more years at college. Over here, it's pretty much impossible to get a well paid job with only high school.
  • Hey! Page changer! Haven't had any in ages :)
  • 'morning @burpie
    @Annifrid Congratulations! :) Just wait, though. In 25 years you'll wanna go back :)
  • @Annifrid, high school sure wasn't my favourite time. Looking back I mostly remember tedious classes, my indifference towards 99% of the people around me, working part time jobs for too many hours for peanuts, a stinging lack of independence, and burying myself in literature in a quest to answer existential questions and educate myself.

    For me things improved in college and continued to get better from then on. I will gladly relive any year from my late 20s until the present, but please, not high school.

    I humbly submit the possibility that your mother is being a good mother and telling you some BS to make you feel better.

    A dude on the internet :-)
  • Way to go @Annifrid - happy days ahead! College is loads more fun than school :)
    Nighty night @all nesters xoxo
  • Mumsie (who snuck in a little while ago to try the challenge - to no avail - on the ginormous touch screen, yawns, puts down her knitting needles, asks the Blues would they be so kind as to take the new dusters over to B&R and put them into the secret supply box. Golf tomorrow, then Friday off to Ireland for nephews wedding then golf, golf, golf! Home next Thursday. Haven't packed yet so good night, God Bless @all.
  • Hello @everyone! Just stopped in to catch up on everything that I've missed out on.

    Have a fun trip @mumsie! I'm wishing beautiful sunny skies and light breezes as you're on your way through all the golf courses.

    @Kathy, the cows have eaten too much grass and dropping those cow chips all over the place! I was just listening to a Boston song, Don't Look Back, and thought of what happened last year. Clear skies here last night, so I did get to see the eclipse and the blood moon, although the color was more a light rust than red.

    @Kelani I know what you mean about the chicken farms. There are a few around here, and you're right, there's nothing worse than that stench! UGH! Thanks for the badge, although there are a lot of women out there that had it worse and survived! Cancer bites! Slip-&-Slide patties...I'll bet their momma made them hose off outside before walking in the house! Heehee.

    @annifrid, congrats on surviving high school!

    @mvnla2 you're so right about being loopy! I certainly didn't know it last week Thursday when I thought it was Wednesday. Boy, I'm glad I don't have to take those pills anymore...

    Thank you @TomPuss, @Kelani, @Rat9, @Burpie, and @mvnla2. I'm healing nicely, so hopefully I can get back to playing golf real soon!
  • Chirp..chirp..
    Night ..hmm night OB ;)
    *places flashlight in @kimmiecv special safe*
    Is very late and oh boy morning comes early, (
  • Dinger off
  • OB, a large mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows please. Going to fling on my new tablet!

    Good night/morning/afternoon fellow flingers, it's FRIDAY! Yippeee!!
  • Is it really Friday @SweetP. It's been so hectic in the real world that I lost track of the day.
    I thought I was going to need a new I-pad as well. Space wouldn't come up on mine for about a day. Turns out an ad from McDonalds had locked it up. I was starting to get a little worried. Enjoy your new tablet.
  • Hey...Wait a minute. It's not Friday @SweetP. Good drugs!!!!!
  • Thanks @burpie. At least someone feels the same way as I do about high school.
    Moreover, we have a very stupid educational system that doesn't allow you to choose which subjects you want to study - so even if you're more into maths and computer stuff like me, you're forced to take classes like history and social studies till the end. I'm just so glad it's finally over.

    @SweetP Even here, about eight hours ahead of you, it's still Thursday :D

    BTW How much does a new iPad cost in the US? Approximately?
  • Good afternoon!

    The time zones are always conspiring against me, too, @Kelani. Now there probably won’t be anyone else on-line for another six hours.

    @SweetP, I loved the way you explained the Wednesday/ Thursday mix-up and then promptly confused Thursday/ Friday. Absoludicrous, it made my day. All of them.

    @Mumsie, happy golfing!

    @Rat, Don’t you have the paid-version of Space? Where are those ads coming from? Next you’ll tell me that you have to wait for an add or a Rovio announcement AD between every reset. How can you play like that?

    @ Annifrid Here in Holland we did have some choice but we couldn’t tailor everything (in order to take physics I had to drop French, etc.). I have no idea what it’s like now; they like to implement an entirely new system every few years.
    For iPad prices you can check out the official site: (there are several models and configurations.) Prices in the US are always listed without sales tax - roughly 8%.
    Oh, and you can do currency conversions as a Google search, for example
    100 usd in koruna
  • @Burpie I have the paid version of Space. It happened when I hit the icon at the start of Space. The screen went blank except for the busy signal in the center of the screen. I tried restarts, power downs, etc. Nothing helped for a day. Then in frustration I swiped the bottom of the I-pad screen and something appeared that let me a hamburger ad of all things!!

  • @Rat9, That's impressive. I just bashed on that icon myself but I got a no connection symbol. I probably blacklisted wherever the link goes in AdAway. I wish I could have seen that... Apple Inc and McDonald's Corporation conspiring to sabotage you.
  • @mumsie Wishing you GGGL for your Ireland trip :) I found several four-leaved clovers in the garden today so I'm teleporting some to you for golf prowess. Happy holiday!

    @SweetP And more lucky clover-leaves to you for a prompt recovery. Had the same problem as you 11 years ago but here I am still flinging :) But the whole thing is such an ordeal. . .

    Love these CATS! (not felines this time):
  • @TomPuss -- You find the most interesting videos! But was it a success or failure. Great choice of music also.
  • Reasons Comics 1.0.1 will be out in a matter of hours. It's a huge visual and functional improvement, so download it the second it comes out.
  • Hi all; bye all! I have just entered a "witness protection program" for the next couple of days -- It seems I suggested today's challenge, and there is an angry mob assembling outside my house. BBMLIAA
  • Oh crap! It's only THURSDAY??? Baaaaaaaaahahahahaha! @burpie, @kathy, @TopPuss, @Kelani, sowwwyyy! Maybe I should join you @mvnla2 in that witness protection program. I'll protect ya since I can't protect myself from time warping. ACK!
    Well, darn it I really am LOONEY! Yup, @rat9 good drugs is right, and I haven't been taking those pain meds for at least 36 hours!'s gotta be the delayed side effects. "I'm so confused!" Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  • @Burpie -- That location is the group location for everyone living in LA, but maybe people won't realize that. I have another LA location on the map, which is in Beverly Hills, although looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be a specific house. I also have a dream home in San Francisco. Anyhoo, I don't live anywhere near any of these places. I thought I picked someplace more specific in LA, but it's better than where I first was on the map -- in a dumpster next to a convenience store!
  • Lol @mvnla2 you can come out of hiding now;)
    OB I'll have 2 PigKillers please; )
  • Birdday party makes my blood sugar spike just looking at it, but this is a good challenge level, @mvnla2 No need to hide.

    Anyone see how many people improved scores in yesterday's challenge? I was unable to check before it ended, but earlier it was only around 25 people.
  • Ok, ok @Kelani. Yeah, and Sunday 4/20, is Easter Sunday!!

    Yippeeee!! The weekend is finally here!

    Happy Saturday @all.
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster I see the update but I'm still out of luck - the new version requires iOS 6.1.
  • Hi @SweetP. Guess what day it is. I'll give you a hint. It's after Thursday and before Saturday.
    Need just a little more help? Fill in the blank. Today is FR_DAY.
    Not quite sure yet. The blank letter comes after "H" and before "J" and rhymes with "eye".
    Still not there. You poor thing! What did they do to you?
    OK, we'll sound it out. What are the two missing words from these phrases?
    1. My Mother was a Southern woman and her favorite way to cook chicken was to _ _ _ it. Did you say fry? good answer
    2. When the sun comes up, it's the start of a new _ _ _. WTG!!!! Day was what we were looking for.
    Now put them together.
    DAYFRY? Really? That's what you're going with? Ha ha Close enough.
    I'm going to regret asking, but do you know what time it is.........
  • Excellent idea, @rat9 Here's a few more trivia hints.

    Movie: His Gal ______
    Book/Movie: ______ Night Lights
    Movie: Freaky ______
    Movie/Date: ______ the 13th
    Event: Black ______
    Place: TGI______s
    The Cure Song: ______ I'm In Love

    We'd better hide, rat. btw, I somehow came across your 1973 beach photo here.

  • @Kelani That photo was the result of a special request. BTW, there's still a standing order for photos of feet on the beach at sunset in the BP. I think we have a few flingers with a foot fetish.
  • @Kelani I'm jealous. The pills I take don't get rid of my pain. I want what @SweetP's taking.
  • @burpie We can't go back farther than 6.1- the code is completely different past that point.

    For everybody else-- 1.0.1 is out! We're working on 1.1 already and it should be out within a month.
  • @SweetP Hubz and I are never sure what day of the week it is - and this without benefit of controlled substances :) I see the X-Men are teasing you unmercifully, no way will you forget the day from now on!

    Congrats @AngryBirdsAppMaster WTG!
  • @SweetP Yea!! Happy Dance is right. Maybe @Kathy can post the dancing penguin for double duty -- happy dance and rain dance. It's kinda grey here, but I doubt it will rain. Rain? Hmm -- That doesn't sound right. Better look it up and see if that's the right word.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I did download the new version. Great icon! How many people have downloaded it?
  • @mvlna2 153. That's all by word of mouth and a few from ABN. We're expecting a lot more when our announcement goes up on our school's news show next week.

    @TomPuss TY! :)
  • IKR @MVNLA2. Looks like rain, but maybe not! We sure could use some, in this overly drought-stricken part of Calif.

    *slaps forehead* how rude of me for not saying this earlier.
    Hooray @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, congratulations! I'm looking forward to getting it when your Android version becomes available!

    back to my tablet and getting my scores built up from scratch...grrrr!
  • @SweetP Hooray! I'm so happy for you!
    Early night for me, sweet dreams everyone xoxo
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- 153; wow! Surprised there aren't more than a few from ABN. Maybe you could put a post on BL's forum:
    Home › Forums › All Things In The Nest Forum › Do you build quality iOS and/or Android Apps and/or Games
    It would also be nice if BL would tweet about it. Hint, hint @BirdLeader.
  • @mvlna2 while I'm sure BL would be glad to tweet about the app, I'm pretty sure that the best way to go about it would be to pay for an on-site advertisement. The problem with that is that we're essentially broke until Pack 3 comes out with the $0.99 subscription. Also, we have to pay off the $100 Apple liscensing fee. We're 200 subscription purchases away from any form of advertising-- and we don't even have 200 downloads. We need a way to get the word out for free, and nowadays that's hard to find.
  • @SweetP thank you! While we actually haven't started Android yet, it'll be a quick release as it's a drag-and-drop set up. It's also simple to put out on their App Store.
  • @SweetP Great news! I'd be glad to remember my name if I were waiting for those kinds of lab results - no drugs required :-)
  • @SweetP Who cares what day it is with great news like that. Heck, it's cancer FREEDAY.
  • Did someone call for dancing Penquins
    Here ya go @mvnla2 hope you get some rain:) and hopefully Kimmie will also:)
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