The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2016
  • Come back and talk to me when you're done @Kathy. I'll buy you a drink if you're not in seventh place. So sayeth the Rat, so shall it be.
  • Kk Pa:) I'll be back. .
    Hey you got a page change! ! :)
  • I guess i gotta get some sleep.. my eyes are close ing:(
  • Night Ma;)
  • Night Pa ♡♡♡
    Night everyone
  • @rat9 why thank ya. I do try. :) Speaking of dethroning... Last few Space challenges have seen a few sneaky ones creeping up on you as well. Not me, other sneaky people.

    @Kathy Naw, no downfall. Is a good thing. I may have spoken to kimmie once, not sure. But even if I didn't, with a name like that, perky is a given :)

    Grah, what is it with me and commercials? A few days ago, I reset a great score because someone in that Heineken commercial makes a trill exactly like Stella, and just now I reset a great Rio game because that stupid Geico pig went 'weeeeeeeee' and made me think I'd flung Matilda. Grr.
  • Sounds like you need to drink the Heineken to calm the nerves @Kelani. You're way too hyper to be flingin'. BTW, plenty of room at the top in Space. I love a challenge.
  • Hi all -- Just popping in before going to bed. No one's mentioned the coin giveaway in AB SW II? I've been playing it today; still have a ways to go.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- When is your app due to release? I gather it didn't release today? What is the hangup?
  • You gotta stop doing that @Kelani! LOL

    Just a quick hello and good night. Too sleepy. Happy friday!
  • Coin giveaway? What's that?
  • Good morning!

    @kelani, @rat9, We had three Space levels in the last eight days and it was all my fault... I suggested those levels for the daily challenge:
    I'm done now.
  • @mvnla2, my goodness, I just read your posts in the Bird Coin thread. I wouldn't be surprised if you're working on a 3D interactive map with the exact location of all 1000 coins! Your dedication is amazing!
  • @mvlna2 I wrote an explanation on the last page (page 2015)- Check that post out. Really we have no control over our app now and Apple seems unwilling to put it through the approval process so that it can go to the App Store.
  • Good Morning everyone Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Friday! !
  • @Kelani -- An update to AB SW II was released yesterday. The new item is that there are 1000 coins hidden? in the levels. Well some are hidden, but most are in plain sight.
    So far I've found in all levels except one. I think you need to use swaps in some levels to collect the coins, but most can be collected with the supplied characters.
    @Burpie -- Not dedication, just obsession. Not too difficult to record coins and locations while you're going through. Interesting idea, but I don't think Google Fusion tables is up to it.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Hopefully it will be released soon. I did read your post on 2015, but it still sounded like it would be released soon.
  • Hello @all Sorry for absence, but have begun gardening again and it's making me soooo tired, I just fall asleep afterwards. *Consults menu* Oh @kathy, that Bombardino looks so good, I gotta have one right now. OB! OB! Over here, please!

    Trying to attract OB's attention:

    Have a fantastic flinging weekend, everyone! Love & hugz xoxoxo
  • @burpie Done suggesting already? Those were great choices and I'll take Space over Seasons anyday. Plus all that risking your high scores is a really magnanimous thing to do :)
  • @Kelani When I was looking for levels last week I limited my search to A) very rewarding levels where B) I had the high score myself... I didn’t want to turn the dogs loose on someone else. Those three were all I found :-)
  • @rat9 No nerves, I'm just randomly grumpy. btw, Heineken was my dad's thing. I'm more of a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale guy.

    @mvnla2 Ah, neat! Of course, PC gets the...tail end of the bird, so to speak.

    @burpie Yes, and that was very noble of you. That would limit my list to.. 1, or 3 if ties count. Since every level I submit will screw someone, I'm gonna limit the collateral damage and submit every level where @rat9 is #1. That way I only annoy one person!

    I'm kidding. My real criteria:

    1. No 1 birders. Gets monotonous too fast.
    2. Levels like your Pac-Man eggsteroid, with limitless strategies.
    3. Levels that don't appear to have been ravaged by challengers before (your 1%-under-high score gets you in 400th place :)
    4. No platform-specific (dis)advantages.
    5. No levels that I never want to see again after 20 mins playing them.
    6. No levels where the top scores are most likely unbeatable.
    7. No levels where score=100% luck

    Probably a pretty short list, now that I look at it.
  • @Kelani

    > every level where @rat9 is #1
    Oh, well that gives you 25% of all AB Space levels :-)

    May I suggest a rule 8: no level that takes forever to see if you're on track for the highscore.

    And perhaps fine tune rules 6 and 7. "Most likely unbeatable" sounds like a good challenge. And outlier scores are always a mater of insane luck (S-19, anyone?).

    I look forward to playing your selection of Space and Star Wars levels!
  • At the moment, mine'd be Space, Rio and Original. Still sabering my way through both Star and avoiding Seasons as much as possible.

    >Oh, well that gives you 25% of all AB Space levels :-)
    Exactly! And it's better than getting hate mail from 100 different people who I don't know. :)

    Amen to Rule 8. By 'most likely unbeatable', I mean like Utopia 4-1:

    1st: 36,350 / 8-way tie
    2nd:36,340 / 52-way tie
    3rd: 36,330 / 64-way tie.

    Likely unbeatable, and even if you come close, who cares? :)

    S-19 was a great level. It met all the criteria perfectly.
  • @Kelani, as @Burpie will attest, I don't get annoyed. I get even. LOL Did I hear Burpie say he only had two or three Top Scores in Space that met his criteria? Surely out of the fourteen top scores he currently has in Space he can find at least one more. Ha ha ha. I've only got twenty-eight top scores in Space at the moment. Down from thirty-two a few months ago. I love Space and haven't played it in forever. If y'all start coming after me, it will give me an excuse to play again. I love it. Bring it on. lol

    I like a lot of your rules for picking challenges. But I especially don't like rinse and repeat levels. Avoid them at all costs. Give me skill any day. It's one of the biggest reasons I like playing Space. I haven't been able to play the last three Space challenges you picked Burpie. I've had family issues that have exhausted all my free time. But I'm back now, so let's get this party started.
  • Hello guys!
    Are we talking about challenges? I don't really do the challenge or the leaderboards. I started after there were already five games and gave up after missing constant updates.
  • @Rat9, I hope all is well. Regarding AB Space, it's your move. I improved on my 2-13 and S-19 scores and recaptured the episode lead in both Cold Cuts and Cosmic Crystals.

    Unfortunately, after a week of playing Space I'm already out of steam again. @Happyshake's lead of just 2,815 points in Pig Bang will probably remain.
  • Rovio said to @spacemaster that there would be a Space update celebrating its second birthday. Not sure where that went...
  • Hi @theanonymoussomeone
    I think the timing of that update was just wishful thinking on @spacemaster's part.
  • Well, he emailed them asking, and they replied with ayes, at least in teaser language.
  • @theanonymoussomeone There are a lot of people who specialize in just one episode. If you look at Space, the top 5 slots in most episodes are Rat, Happyshake, Goavs, me, and somewhere in between a random 5th guy making a stand ;-)
  • Well, anyway, which OS do you have? Just curious.
  • I play on an android phone but I've gotten a couple (3 or 4) of my scores on a PC. Oh, and with Android I keep backups of all the previous releases of the game so that I can revisit old versions of levels. That comes in handy from time to time.
  • Hi @TAS
    I've been so out of touch I didn't know you'd moved on me @Burpie. I'm still pretty wore out, but rest assured, this attack on my standings shall not go unanswered. lol
  • Have you noticed it's all men that control the top spots in Space @Burpie? Where are the ladies?
  • I know @Rat9 :-)

    Here's what I posted 2 pages ago about me and (episode) highscores:
  • @Kelani is making a move on Space and his name sounds a little girlish and I've been known to wear a tutu from time to time. So I guess were taking care of the female slant on Space ourselves.
  • I can't find the link @Burpie.
  • For some reason when I include the http:// part the video clip embeds itself into my post. That's not what I want.

    P.S. I've never experienced the joy of wearing a tutu but one time I did wear spandex while rock climbing. (No, there are no pictures of that.)
  • That's not true @Kelani. I have scores in four other worlds. In Seasons, I'm in second place in Hogs and Kisses and third in Go Green Get Lucky. I'm sorry, that "E" in your name makes all the difference. How could I have missed that. My sincere apologies. lol

    I had found that link @Burpie, but didn't make the connection. I get it now.
  • @Kelani -- Best to leave that topic alone. I could say something more, but that would just start the fur flying, and I'm not thinking of cats.
  • @kelani Scientifically valid reason? Hmmmm...Yep! You're not that stupid, are you?
  • Hey everyone! !
    Lol @mvnla2 ;)
    Cute kitty @TomPuss how could OB resist; )
    I don't normally play the challenges but i may start who knows! !
    As for space hmm Kimmie and i are saving that for another quest. .we are just waiting till 'you men' get weary of it then will Swoop in; )
    Hi @theanonymoussomone sorry i missed you again. .I think @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster was planning on the app being releassd but these things always get caught up in the mysterious 'red tape' so as a first experience he didn't do to big:)
    @Kelani I assumed you were from Hawaii ? You remind me of another member @surfcow who always promised to stop in but has only once or twice. .anyhooo
    It's Friday! !!! OB I'll have a PigKiller please; )
  • Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! Idk wth im doing wrong!!!! And i can't yelll in the walkthroughs! !
    *quietly slips out the side door*
  • @rat9 - Well, you're one of the exceptions. Most of 'em have only one game entered. Not that I blame them, I just entered Space, Rio and Original and that is a LOT of tedious work.

    @mvnla2 I am leaving it alone! :) but lest anyone get the wrong idea, the same theory also explains why women are excellent at so many things :)

    @Kathy Nope, no Hawai'i here. I'm so pale they'd laugh me off the island. fyi-I'm down south in the state just above rat's lair.
  • Aww @Kelani now ya gonna make me to geography lol.. ask anyone about my geography skills. .heck even jlz666 gave me a globe for my birthday. .not a mere map mind youA Globe! ! Hee hee..
  • @Kathy Aw. I wouldn't want to make you to break out the globe. I'm in NC. :)

    What's up with the Surf & Turf 4 challenge again? IIRC, there was one on Mar 28, or I just happened to randomly play and comment on that level.

    edit: Oops, nevermind, It was a facebook one or something. Now I wonder how someone just got 102k on an 85k level.
  • I'm sooooo sorry I didn't tell you this earlier today when you mentioned it @Kelani. You can go by Kent or Kel in the BP, but not Hey You. There are thousands of Heyyou's in the bar already. My sister Minnie's kids. They live in the walls. There full names are Heyyougetouttamyway, but we affectionately call them Heyyou. We're about due a purge. You can ask @Mumsie42 about it if you'd like. She's kinda sweet on @Heyyou#42. He curls up in her lap while she knits. I never thought about it before, but they both have the same last name. Hey @Mumsie. Are you not telling us something?
  • Oh, and @Burpie. I let my mouth get in front of my brain. You can have Cold Cuts. I don't know why I had 1st place in that world to begin with. I don't like Cold Cuts!!!!! But you already knew that.
  • Alright, guys, I'm going camping this weekend, so I will have no access to the BP. In fact, my app might even come out and I will have NO idea whatsoever until late tomorrow. So keep an eye out for it.
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