The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1981
  • Good Morning and have a Wonderful Wenesday!
  • @all Sorry for absence ,gals 'n' guys, laid low by beastly cold. Feels like flu but apparently isn't. Gosh, I'll have so much catching up to do, so many pages have passed me by. I see @kimmie sick too, I wonder if we have the same lurgy. (That was pea soup in the Exorcist I think Kimz)!
    BB ASAP, not fit for civilized company just now. Same goes for PMs. Have a great Hump day, everyone xoxo
  • Be sure to watch the Chinese New Year video in latest release from Dr. Omega's News Desk (in new forums). Really beautiful.
  • . 4
    4 ※ 4
    . 4
    get the number from that (ignore the dots)
  • @TienShenLong -- Not sure what you mean. Is the relative position of the numbers important? The second row looks like 4 x 4, but the symbol is not "x"???
  • that simbols is an "Operator"... use it at will.

    That should look like a "cross" of 4's with the operator on the center.

    Could be "numberS" if you can see them.
  • Hey everyone ;)
    @bubbleslover nice to see you popping inn again sorry i missed you:/
    @TienShenLong thanks the the new puzzle.. I'm working on it; )
    Hi @mvnla2 sorry i missed you. ..busy night for me
    Ob keep up the good work; )
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth* sorry i didnt catch up with ya Pahtnah hope your resting and feeling better. .nightly night ((((hugs)))))
  • @bubbleslover that avy looks terrific!! Much easier to see the bird, I think it's the contrast in colours so even small you get it! :)

    @tompuss I'm So sorry to hear you've got the kon too :( I'm wondering if it isn't the flu as I woke up today thinking I feel better only to end up flat on my nether region a tiny bit later! I've given myself the day off and have been doing nothing of import, Not even dinner tonight, so I'm hopeful tomorrow I will actually Really feel better! I hope you wake up feeling loads better yourself!! :)
  • Night @Kathy! See I can be a good girl (sometimes!) I actually napped most of the day away!! :O good grief I AM SICK!!! Anyways it's almost TGIF and maybe your off tomorrow due to the nasty weather?! It's RAINING HERE!!! Not crazy rain but it's coming down at a slow pace with hopes of downpours later in the morning and through the day tomorrow!! :D Me a very happy sick puppy!! LMAO
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Oh yeah @tompuss Blecky!! Pea soup projectiling from her mouth!! Horrid!!! ROFLMAO that's an awful picture!!! :D
  • YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ...Morning nesters!
  • Good Morning all! !
    @Kimmiecv You got Rain !!! Woo hoo ;)
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone! !
    I'll catch up later:/
  • Except @Kathy ... no nesters at all.
    TienShenLong out.
  • Happy Thursday @all!
    Hmm...Seems quiet in here today OB. On that note, I'll have a large mug of black coffee please. Tomorrow's Friday and I sure am looking forward to the weekend! Hopefully the rain will clear out by Saturday so I can get in a round of golf.

    Have a happy flinging day everyone!
  • Hi @all Oh SweetP, thank you for that really beautiful card. And hello @kimmie, I can't work up any energy to do anything just now either. I hope we'll both feel better tomorrow!
    For the Year of the Horse:

    Just scroll down a little and the picture will pan. Make it fill the screen.
    Love and goodnight to everyone xoxo *croak*
  • @Kimmiecv @Kathy -- Whoo! I actually "had" to use my windshield wipers on the way to the gym this morning! Doubt anyone not in S CA would have bothered, but there is supposed to be "real" rain later in the day. Can't remember when we last had rain that the rest of the country would call rain, not just heavy sprinkles.
    The SW II Carbonite Pack came out a day early, so see you later.
  • Thank you @TomPuss for the link. I was also born in the Year of the Horse so this was a nice surprise! Get back in bed and rest my friend, and hoping you'll feel better soon.

    @mvnla2 I'm still waiting for those clouds to break open and dump buckets of rain on us! *fingers crossed* Good luck in SWII!
  • @SweetP -- Looks like you should be getting some rain soon. A little while ago you could actually hear the rain falling, but no way were there buckets of it. Right now most of it has passed. Hoping for some more later.
    People in the rest of the U.S. (maybe even most of the rest of the world) must think we're crazy.
  • Woot !! @mvnla2 Rain !!
    Question .. is the sw carbonite pack a NEW app or is it absw2 updated?
  • Hope those who wanted the rain ate getting it.
    Hope @tompuss & @kimmie are feeling better
    @kathy - am confused as to SW carbonate pack ???
    After midnight here - nngb @all
  • Sooo you have to have telepods to swap? Very confusing?
  • @TienShenLong Hi;) sorry i keep missing you. .
    Is the answer 64? No to easy. .how about 256?
  • Hi @TomPuss thanks for the link . . Sorry i keep missing you also. .
  • Does anyone's think well be getting a season update soon?maybe ?
  • Ermm ssomeone just fdinged me. .awake. was DWF again. .night all
    *places flashlight inn @Kimmiecv favorite booth * TGIF ..
    Haspy flinging. .night night. .
  • Well, the new Carbonite update had 4 new levels and 2 new maps to find in Battle of Naboo. There are also 8 new characters in the rewards chapters, so 8 new levels there, but you have to proceed cautiously, or have lots of $.
  • @Kathy -- Hope this doesn't wake you. The carbonate pack is some new characters and levels added to AB SW II. It does not require telepods; you get a few (~3) character swaps for free, and you can buy more with $ or in-game coins.
  • @Kathy I think @TienShenLong is going for more of a "For times over or between yourself, Call Heavens' Dragon".
    Not a number.
  • Or "For if you don't know if you're coming or going, get over yourself." That sort of thing @Kathy.
  • Although, @TienShenLong does say it's a number. But I've never seen an operator with a multiplier in each quadrant. Not a math I'm familiar with @Kathy.
  • @Kathy you made it another week to TGIF!! :) Hope your day goes by fast so your officially on your weekend!!
    *replaces batteries and shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles for what's left of her dreamwalk *

    Your all nutters!! The stuff @toolong puts up just looks like designs to me!! ROFLMAO I've zero clue what your all going on about!! How's that for clueless!! :D

  • Crap!! @mumsie42 thank you for the well wishes!! Apologies for forgetting to mention it earlier!! Not feeling so great yet though :( And Loving the rain even if it isn't the downpour I was hoping for, still hope we might get it in the next couple days!!

    @mvnla2 Yeay you got at least enough wet stuff to use your wipers!! There's hope for us yet!! :)

    Ok off for my pillow walk!
    Happy TGIF to you all!!! :)
  • Ahemmm..Good Morning ALL including ahheem @kimmiecv
  • Hahahahaha!!
    Have a fantabulous flinging FFriday everyone! !
  • Dohhhh Snap!!! Eh hallo @Kathy!! Just heading off was I!!!! :D Have a good day!! *Snicker*
  • *snicker* Sweet Dreams Pahtnah:)
  • @all Happy TGIF! Am feeling a bit more human today, but cough persists as usual.
    @Kathy I was just wondering about a Seasons update too. With Valentine's looming, who knows? Oh, that reminds me:
    @kimmie Sounds like you're feeling better too! Hope so, dear.
    I think @TienShenLong's puzzle is a Jeep or other 4x4; or 0; or 16; or 32, but all those seem too easy. Especially as we're dealing with a fiend intent on World Domination here. . . hmmm
  • Good Morning @TomPuss ((((( hug)))))
    Sorry i gotta run:(
  • @kathy I missed you by 2 minutes! (((hugz))) back at ya!
    @mvnla2 Thanks for the tip about the Chinese New Year video - really beautiful.
    Nighty night @all, early to bed. Have a super evening xoxo
  • *places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah. .Happy Friday; ) I gotta get the hay.. catch ya tomorrow maybe i hope:**(
  • Haha yep delirious I am. Them piggies need for me too get the hay.. and the cowz to. .
    Ohh good night. Lol..
  • Hey @kimmiecv I'm totally clueless also! Too much of a riddle for this frozen brain! I'm too cold to try and figure all of that out. LMAO!

    Nice to know you're feeling much better @TomPuss! Hopefully you'll get rid of that nagging cough soon too. Nighty night and sweet dreams!
  • Helllooooo Good Morning And HAPPY SATURDAY! :D Saturday... finally... weekend!

    Have a fantastic flinging saturday/weekend! :)
  • Liverpool 5-1 Arsenal!!!

    And hello people!
  • @BubblesLover, @AngerManagement -- LTNS! -- It's good to see you both. Hope you get some time to fling. BubblesLover -- How many days of school have you missed because of snow?
    @AngerManagement -- Understand the weather has been pretty miserable in your part of the world also, but they probably don't let you out of school.
    @TienShenLong and everyone else -- I've been pretty busy the last few days and haven't done much flinging (other than those few new levels in SW II), let alone had time to figure out TSL's puzzle. Will get to it eventually.
    Oh, yes -- forgot to mention that the Olympics will eat into my flinging / nesting time. Just finished watching the opening ceremony on tape, gave up watching it during broadcast time last night. Only in Russia would you stage an entire ballet act, with world famous dancers, as part of the opening ceremony. But after all, they are fantastic athletes! One guy may have done what skaters call a quadruple toe loop, going directly into a kneeling position, all without the benefits of skates or ice.
  • Hi everyone Happy Saturday! ! I've got the glitch going in MoE 5-20 since early this morning it's going very slowly on my tablet but it's going.I can't see where the points are coming from as nothing seems to be moving but it's steadily rising 10 points art a time.
    @mvnla2 how long did it take? Is there a point when it get faster? And when and where how do you throw the second birdie I've got a pig in a hut on the right side of it..:/
    My luck I'll screw it up! !
  • @Kathy -- The glitch runs at different rates depending on your luck in getting it started. I think I ran mine for a couple of days to get to 709K, but there is now a limit, so no need to run that long except for bragging rights. I think lots of people have said how long it took them.
    The second shot is easy to screw up, but you do get another chance with the 3rd. Better if you practice before hand, but I guess that's too late now. You need the second bird to bounce slightly to right of center on the drum. He will then go up to the right of the hanging rope and suspended rock. He should come back down just to the left of the right structure. Swipe his sword to take out TNT and pig. Good Luck!
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