The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1982
  • Thanks @mvnla2 ;) I actually think i screwed up this morning thinking it was stopped and it wasnt:/ but then got it going about 8am Then battery was low but still going about 10 points every fee second. I've now got screen brightness very low and inn airplane mode. I'm at about 55k so probably other overnight. .
  • Sorry I'm our and about went to dinner now at store. .catch up when i get back home. .
  • Hello @everyone! Hmm...OB it's pretty quiet in here tonight. I'll have a PigKiller please.

    @mvnla2, @Kathy I'm hoping to get to MoE soon so I can get that glitch to run too.

    Dinner time for me, but I'll be back a little bit later.
  • How/when is one awarded their puppy for beating the old top score during a Daily Challenge? Do I already have it and not know it?
  • @BPC my understanding is you have to beat the existing top score then submit a screenshot to @Amslimfordy you can see the score to beat by looking at @BirdLeader profile page.
  • With that I'm sleepy * turning in my flashlight, placing it on @Kimmiecv favorite booth *
    Night night Pahtnah. .keep up the good flinging; )may the AngryBirdGoddess smile on you So help her god ;) lol..
  • @BPC I suggested that they include a 'score to beat' on the challenge page so we would know if we got it but ....
  • Regarding MoE 5-20: I posted this advice in that terribly long thread in a response under wrm's strategy, but I will repeat it here in case any here missed it. To get the count going in fast mode, start shooting as early as possible, targeting the top of the hanging log, right where the rope wraps around the log. You want the log llaying on the log as shown in wrm's screenshot Most of the time I can get it going fast within 15 flings, but it has also taken 50 flings a couple of times. Worth getting it in fast mode so your device is not tied up for so long.
  • Thanks @Kathy, I thought posting a screenshot of my score on the walkthrough page was all I had to do. I will message Slim to request my puppy.... and one for @fenikus too.

  • Good night @Kathy :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Congrats on the puppy @bpc :)
  • Congrats on gettting a puppy @BPC!

    My eyelids are about to slam shut, so I better say good night @all. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and good luck in your flinging!
  • Sigh. Just missed you guys.
  • Hello @theanonymoussomeone! I was flinging and saw you popped in. How've you been?
  • OK. I was supposed to have a band clinic today, where we would play some music and practice it until 2:00, and then play a concert over the pieces we had only practiced for like, 3 hours the night before. PSSSSSHHHHHHH!!! That's like, no time at all! But the clinic was cancelled due to snow. I'm not sure whether to be sad or happy.
  • Well, I guess I'd be sad because you need the practice with the entire band, and especially with the band director/teacher. I'm guessing the clinic was to show how well everyone could play the music, and help with improving techniques and playing style. Also, probably to see who practiced beyond the 3 hours previous. Usually a clinic is with a guest musician/director. Isn't it concert season now? What instrument do you play? Anyway, if I were you I'd keep on practicing until I got the music down perfectly. Remember to work on your scales too!
  • Good Morning everyone; )
    So sorry i missed ya @theanonymoussomone :/I guess I'd be sad you must have been looking forward to showing off your talent! Really only a few hours of practice then a concert! Hopefully you will have an opportunity to re-do..
    Happy Sunday all:)
  • Well, the clinic was actually for all of the schools in the state of Mississippi. Five people from our band came. And yes, it was a guest director. BTW, I play clarinet.
  • I am sad that I can't play in the concert, but you start to get a sore throat after the first hour of playing a woodwind instrument.
  • @theanonymoussomone I would imagine that your throat would get sore!!
    And do you run out of breath ?
  • Happy Birthday @grammyk !! Not sure if your still about but i hope you have a wondrlerful day!!:)
  • @rat9 Pa are you working on the challenge ? I need Heeellpp:(
  • *poofs in and clears cobwebs off of his stool. Grabs a Mtn Dew from the cooler and sits down.*
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Did I ever tell you that my hubby plays clarinet? He is a pretty good amateur musician. He goes to a lot of workshops and plays chamber music with groups frequently. He also practices at least an hour, usually every day. Can't remember him complaining about a sore throat, but his lip does get tired if he plays all day. So yes, practice, practice and more practice is the answer to sore throats or tired lips. I do hope they gave you the music a few weeks before the clinic, or at least told you what it was. You can download a lot of music for free from IMSLP.
  • @Rdnzlrips82! Wow! Welcome back! How is your hectic life going. Have you had any time to fling?
  • *peeks in thewindow see a strange man sitting in Ripsy stool*
    C, mon Terrence we gotta check of this stranger. .
  • Heee hee Whew...@mvnla2 figured it out! ! HEY Ripsy! ! Nice to see you
    Haha I was just thinking of you. .I am working inn the challenge ffollowing your strat. .
  • @all -- Went out to dinner last night and actually had crispy pigs ears in real life. They were OK, but they aren't going to become my favorite snack. Those of you who order them in the BP -- Do you eat them frequently in real life? Not sure I've ever seen them for sale in a store, but it could be a regional thing. Pork rinds are pretty rare around here also.
  • Hey there @mvnla & @kathy. Life is still hectic. Work is non-stop. We are at least $30-$50 cheaper on Tablet, Smartphone and iPod repair than anyone in a 50 mile radius. So word has gotten out and we are smoking through repairs.
    The boss is also talking about shares and making me a partner.
    The family is well. The kids are getting so big. I will post pics some time soon.
    I went back to an old hobby and am collecting vinyl records again. I had to sell most while unemployed to keep the bills paid.
    I have only been flinging on ABF because I haven't had time to.transfer my files to phone.
    How is everyone else?
  • Not much new here Ripsy same old same old..
  • *rushes in and sits next to Ripsy* (((hugs))) Hello stranger! Nice to see you again, sure missed you around here. OB, another round for everyone on my tab, and I'll have a large mug of cappucino please.

    Well, well, well! Good to hear you're doing so well at work and business is booming! What a great opportunity your boss is offering. It sounds like a privately held corporation? I'd be looking at the long-term (5-year) plan and see if it would be a good move to buy shares and the pros/cons of part-ownership. Lots of things to consider, but so exciting!
    I still have my collection of vinyl, still don't know what to do with it. I even kept my turntable! Oh my what memories there are, stored in that cabinet...
  • @rdnzlrips82, @sweetP -- Rd -- Sorry to hear you had to sell part of your collection, and glad to hear that you are doing so well. Are there just the 2 of you?
    The only thing that stops my hubby from buying more vinyl is that he has a hard time finding records he doesn't already own. He was in San Fran last week and came back with a bag from Amoeba Records. He said he thought he did pretty well, because he "only" bought 3 records that he didn't already own!
  • @angermanagement @theanonymoussomeone -- A new badge was just created for getting a high score from a glitch in MoE 5-20 and/or 5-29 (hope I got that right). It's a cute Ewok. I got mine in 5-20 before the scores were capped.
  • I am going to cry.. never minds iAm crying. I reached 159k in MoE took screenshot Before flinging the last birds. .went to brighten up my screen and it stopped!!!
  • 2 Fulll Days without my tablet b for Nothing! !! Nothing....:(:(
    *slinks into corner booth, places head on table and sobs ever so quietly*
  • *sob** I just can't do anything right. .I'm suxb an idiot*
    OB please a PigKiller to go. . .*sob* I'll be back Ssomeday. ..
  • @Kathy -- There, there, don't cry. Lots of people had MoE crash just before they decided to end it, including me. I think there are lots of tears on the walkthrough page. Not your fault. Next time try to get the fast version running, per BPC. Also try a few of the second shot. Missing that is even worse than having the level quit.
  • *Rests head on @mvnla2 shoulder sobbing heavily. .*sniff .. thanks mvnla2. .*sniff**
    argghh still soo disappointing. ..I was so excited then BAM gone in the blink of an eye. I'll try the to get the fast one going before bedtime.
    Gonna work on the challenge in the last few minutes. .
    Ok thanks i feel better ;)
  • Well nope No puppy either even with Pa's awesome advice I still couldnt pull it off
    Ohh well nothin new.
    OB another PigKiller please. .
  • Wahooo I think i got the fast one going @mvnla2 :) but the logb isn't on the leg noo forget it..
  • I wouldn't feel too bad about not winning a puppy tonight @Kathy. You did good. The top score was just too high. Hard for anyone to beat. The closest I got was 1700 points. Look on the bright side. The next challenge has got to be easier.
    I do feel bad that you killed the glitch you had running. Two days with nothing to show for it? Yuck!!! Good luck on this run. You did practice the kill shot before you started it this time, right? Now go get that badge.
  • I wish I'd stopped in the BP earlier today. All sorts of familiar faces were here. I heard @Ripsy even stopped by. First time all week that the bar was busy and I missed it.
  • I know Pa you missed all the excitement lol.. I'm practicing that shot now. .ermm thanks for reminding me to do that cuz i actual lly wasnt..:/ but good thinking;)
  • Ok I think i got medium mode going. .lol the log is not on the leg but it's going much faster than the last time. .. With that i bid you all good night. .
    *places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth* hope you had a good day Pahtnah and ((((hugs)))) sorry I missed ya. .remember. ...
  • *Flits in real quick before starting dinner*
    Geez @Kathy are you kidding me?? That Sucks Boulders!!! But umm gotta ask, whyyyy would you take a screenshot Before you finished and WHYYYYY would you doubly ask for trouble by messing with your screen?!!! Pleeeease if the sucker makes it to the requisite number DON'T MESS WITH STUFF YOU DON'T NEED TO!!! ;/
    I've had a rather nice day Kathy! It's just an hour ago actually started to Really rain! Like coming down for Real!! :) trying to sneak out when I can to enjoy it! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Hi @rat!! Nice to see you pop in!! Byyyye @rat!! If your still around, sorry I can't blether with you! ;)
    Off to make dinner!! BFNIMCBLIDK
  • Will there be a celebration when BP reaches 100k posts? It's headed there real soon!

    If there is, I'll supply halal (non pig) bacon :3
  • Mumsie comes in grumpily -
    OB notices and warns the Blues "Ooops right, gno cheery 'Good mornings' just whisper 'what may I get you', my guess is an Americano so have that ready and then scoot, oh one of you check her rocker is dusted"
    Mumsie heads for her rocker, accepting the Americano en route and plonks herself down in her chair. Downs the coffee in one and looks up, OB is already there with a refill, 'may I ask what's wrong? " he says gently -
    Mumsie looks up with a tear in her eye, 'I HATE GLITCHES' she said - I read all the strats so generously given by the wonderful flingers, try to start it before I go to bed cos I only fling on the iPad, and this one on MoE I cannot even get going!
    THEN I see I missed @rdnzlrips82 ! And he hasn't been in for ages, (Delighted everything is going so well - would love to have an update on the kids!)
    AND more people popped in to BP than have been in for ages -
    @Kathy - oh noooooo and you can bear to start again???
    @tas - my daughter plays clarinet, I don't recall her getting a sore throat, mention it to your teacher maybe they'll have a strategy to stop it!
    OB another refill please I'm feeling better already - Mumsie beams at OB, blows a kiss to the Blues, who were keeping well back, settles herself comfortably in her rocker, picks up her knitting needles, puts the Smartscreen in TV mode, finds 'The Waltons' and settles down to nostalgia TV!
    OB smiles quietly to himself, gives a thumbs up to the Blues, and thinks Mumsie is not a bad old stick!
  • Good Morning Everyone! !
    *does a little dance* hi ho hi ho it's off to work i go! !
    Wahooo got it! ! 253590.. almost missed welll DID Miss the second shot but got the kill with the third ;) ;)
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone:)
    @Mumsie don't fret you'll get it:)*passes lucky flinging stick to Mumsie*
  • @Kathy -- Whoot! Whoot! Glad it worked for you!
    @Mumsie -- It took me a while to get the first glitch going, like most of a day, so don't give up.
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