The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1980
  • Ha ha @kathy, maybe Kimmie infected the room with her cold/virus when she popped in last night :)
  • Heeeey Did Not!!! :D
  • @kimmiecv awww I know you wouldn't do that :)
    I'm glad you're so smart - somehow I ditched @kathy as a friend.. or she ditched me. I sent her a new request. Thanks for the idea!
    Are you feeling any better?
  • Feeling mucho crappy!! :(
    I figured it was a canceled friend thing, been there done that felt awful when it happened!!
    How's things @karen68? Are you all healthy at least?!
  • @mumsie42 thanks for the well wishes, been getting all kinds of care pkgs!! Kinda wondering if @Bird-addict has it in for me though! She sent me some matzo soup (don't eat meat but I think she forgot) But she sent me chicken soup!! I'm totally allergic to all things feathered (ingesting that is!) which ya'll know!! ROFLMAO :O
  • We're all healthy here @kimmiecv, but I'm sorry you're still feeling blecchhh. Lots of healthy vibes being sent your way, are you working like crazy or can you take it easy?

  • I'm happy to hear your all healthy with the weather your getting!! Only just got sick on Saturday when I woke up so I'm guessing I've a ways to go before I can totally kick it and sadly I'm über over worked so having to get up even earlier than I normally do!! :/ oh well at least I have work!! ;)
  • Aha!! @Karen68 might have been my fault :( I got a bunch of friend request lately and i went down the list and hit the reject button. .which i never do cuz i feel bad rather than reject I let them sit there but I d know why i did but maybe i hit you by mistake. .
  • At least it's fixed and you both can get in again @Kathy :)
  • Good thinking @kimmiecv ;) I think were good now. :( sorry you feling fcrappy still; (
  • Meh!! You know it's bad when I go to bed early and actually Fall Asleep before 5am!! So that's a good thing in a kinda bad way @Kathy!! LMAO :D
  • @Kathy I do the same thing - I've got a bunch of friend requests from folks I don't know just sitting there. Rejection is so harsh.
    @kimmiecv sucks you have to get up early - do you mean before noon lol :D
  • Oooohhh @Kathy thanks for the super rain dance!!! So hopin and a prayin we get more rain later in the week!!! :)
  • Hi @mvnla2, nope no rain today! It sure was cold though, didn't get any warmer than 56°F today! I looked over to the West around 2:00pm, and there were a huge bunch of dark clouds out there. Maybe we'll get rain whenever those clouds get here?

    @kimmiecv, @kathy, @karen68, @birdaddict, you're all still on my friends list, so there's nothing wrong here.
  • Ikr @Kimmiecv good in a not so good way :( at least Padilla meant well with the soup..just pick out the chicken ..I hate chunks of anythingin soup that's why i only eat Tomato lol..
  • Hey @sweetp we found the prob and the girls fixed it!! :)
  • @sweetp we got it:) I unfriended @Karen68 by accident i think. .
  • Hahaaa @Kathy I can't even have the chicken stalk that would be in the soup!! :/ But the feather eaters enjoyed it!!! ;)
  • @kimmiecv I figured the penguin did a good job last time. .so hopefully you'll get some rain; )
  • I gotta get a couple flings in before bedtime.. .m
  • Sure did @Kathy!! I'm very hopeful it'll bring even More rain our way!! :) Maybe even mvnla2 will get more than that sad saaaad amount she got!! :D
  • And I gotta get dinner on! Good luck flinging @Kathy although your kickin bacon butt!! :D ill be back to get your shine and glow done after dinner!! Sleep well :)

    @karen68 I'm sure you'll be heading the way of the pillow walk shortly as well so sleep deep and catch ya in the trenches!! Stay warm And healthy!! :)

    I'm off!!! :)
  • No way! ! Your bTHAT allergic ? My bro in law was allergic to shellfish. Same thing b couldn't even eat if my sis 'accidentally *stirred the soup with the same spoon!!
  • Okey dokey Pahtnah enjoy your dinner:) feel better. !♡♡♥♥¤♥♡
  • @kathy I loved the dancing penguin :) We're due for more snow tomorrow, I soooooo wish I could send it out to California for you gals. Enjoy your last few flings, you're on fire!
    @kimmiecv wow 8am must be killing you.. no wonder you're sick!
    I do have to get some sleep, my sorry behind has to be up by 6 :(
    Have a good one everybody, @kimmie hope you feel better soon!
  • Nighty-night @kathy and @karen. Sweet dreams ladies!
  • Lol @Karen68 I thought he was cute; )
    I hear ya on the sleep. .jme too gotta be up at 6am but usually snoozeb to 6:30 lol
    Sweet dreams ((hugs))) fwiends again; )
    *places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Nightly night Pahtnah Thanks for straighten us out hee hee ;)
  • What??? Hope you didn't already toss the soups @Kimmie! There's no meat in the Matzo Ball soup and no chicken in the chicken soup - just veggies. Sorry if the names threw you. Guess I should've explained that up front. You need to be on the phone calling for take out, not in the kitchen making dinner for everyone - when you're the one not feeling well. You're sister makes me crazy! Unfortunately, I can relate, lol.
  • Yes @Kathy I'm that allergic!! Not a pretty sight!! In fact you wouldn't want to be anywhere near me if I ingest any, just think the exorcist!! Amoung other things!!! :O

    Yes @karen68 the 8am wake up call is Killing me!! Thankfully it's only Monday and Tuesdays I need to get up that early or I'd make zombies look healthy!!! Thank you, I'm about to take my nightly dose of cold meds so likely to hit extra goofy really soon!! :D

    Ok @Bird-addict thanks for clarifying! And never would I toss out good food! I just feed the fam the stuff I can't eat so if there was meat both cow and meat that shall remain nameless I'd just hand it over to the hungry hoard!!! ;D IKR but honestly my sister is ummm yeah gunna leave that blank!!! ROFLMAO you already know!! You and Kathy both have one of them yourselves!! ;/

    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Sorry your all going to get everyone else's posts!! Too lazy to keep hitting send!!

    Everyone have a great WWwhhhiiiinnnneee Tuesday!!! :)
  • *walks in and sets basket next to front door*
    Hello OB, thought I'd bring these in now before I forget and you'll have my hide!

    @everyone please take a pair of earplugs. I have an extra basket here on the bar for those in the back game room.

    Gotta get back home now, my bed's callin' me.

    Happy flinging @all!
  • Good Morning all; )
    Thanks @Sweetp for setting up for
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday!!
    Ohh e I've been waiting for this day. .lots of
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeeeing to do! !
  • Happy Whine Tuesday @all!

    This really is a WWWWHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE day! You too @Kathy, I know how you feel of those horrid levels in WTH!

    Here's a CRAZY stunt you have to see!
    He sure had some huge huevos!!
  • @Kathy -- There was a long SuperBowl ad before the video when I clicked on the link. Hope @SweetP doesn't get any ideas from it. The guy look like he thought he was crazy and very lucky to be alive when he finished.
  • Hello everyone! Just a pop in today... Sorry I haven't really been on. :\ But new Avatar! Have a good week everyone! :) :D
  • Thanks @mvnla2 ;)
    Hey @bubbleslover how's it flingin' hee hee nice new avatar;)
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please. .and oohh put in your earplugs WTH level 25 I've improved but not enough
  • Pefhsps the AngryBirdGoddess didn't hear me:/
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee! !
    Try iignoring THAT Youu...B iiieeuuuu..eautiful goddess. ..,
  • @BubblesLover -- Nice avatar (or two?) How come the one on your profile page is a different color? This one looks brown and red and seems to be going right, while the one on your profile is blue and green and facing the other way.
  • I know @mvnla2 I couldn't decide and neither could @ABSM... yes, they are different though! Actually I could use some help... Which one do you like better? Just curious! @Kathy I'm flinging fine! ;) How about you?
  • @Kathy lol am I the AngryBirdGoddess now? or is that mvnla2 ? lol No I could not ignore that one. Nice whine! :D
  • @bubbleslover eh!!!??? It's so small I thought it was the back end of an animal until I went to your profile page, I'd go with the blue/green one, I'm thinking it'd be easier to figure out in such a small square? Just my opinion, but the blue one is cooool!! :)

    @sweetp yikes!! The guys a nutter!!!! :O
  • @BubblesLover -- Neither of us are the Goddess; she was just addressing her whine to her.
    Your avatars are very beautiful, but hard to see. I like the blue /green one better, but neither shows up that well in ABN posts. I think if you shortened the tail, it would be more visible. @E-Star could give you better artistic advice.
  • @Kathy, it's a stunt rider on a motocross bike jumping up Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. @mvnla2 I wonder why you're seeing an ad? I haven't seen one, and I just clicked on the link. Nope, no freakin' way would I ever do something like that! I'm too old for that kinda stunt, and wouldn't want to shorten my life either, haha!

    Hello @BubbleLover! Good to see you're back after being away for a long time.
  • Good night Ma.
  • Good night @Kathy, and sweet dreams!
  • Good night @Kathy Happy Hump Day!! LOL
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * stay warm and safe tomorrow!! Hey maybe it'll be a snowed in day!!! :)

  • @sweetp - what is that guy going to do for an adrenaline rush when he's my age?? Put an engine on his rocking chair?
  • Good Morning everyone Happy Hump day! !
    Can You Believe iHAVE to Work!!! Theres 3" of snow already and is coming down steadily! !
    I'm quite disappointed:(
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