The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2822
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • And of course I changed the page damnit!!
    @Pa I'm happy b your enjoying your River cruise :)
    Castles I'm jealous lol hope you took pictures?
    Thanks for catching up with the nighty night lol and v the mornings:)
    I understand when you can't reply , no worries. So now your in a different time zone!!
  • @Sweetp t how nice, I can't wait to retire! Thought you were opening a new business though?
  • @kathy wasssuuuppp
    @sweetp make sure to let @kathy and I know when you will be around here :)
    @rat must be nice Permanent vacation LOL
  • It is @Gumby. It is!
    Dratz! I just finished putting my two cents into the top ten PM. It took over a half hour to enter my thoughts and only one second of lost WiFi to be staring at a blank page again. I think I'll wait till I get home before doing that again.
  • @rat lol good then you can come visit Boston sometime.
  • Oohhh no @Pa!! I hate when that happens! So what'd you think, good no?
    @Gumby Waassuppp??
    Yes @sweetp be sure to let me and @Gumby know,, we are the Boston reps of ABN lol!!
  • You're correct @Ma. Mrs. Rat opened a consulting firm but it's only part time. At her leisure so to speak. If it conflicts with her travel plans she doesn't take the job. And nothing is going to conflict with Mrs. Rat's world travels except my health. And maybe not even that. She'll just take her sister or a friend and go without me. He he
  • @Pa yeppers I knew Mrs. Rat was a determined lady, of course I don't blame her, life's too short , enjoy c while you can!!
    She really wouldn't go if you were sick,I don't believe that for a minute?

    Hmm or do I lol!!
  • Already been to Boston @Gumby. Too many places to go, things to see, unique foods to eat before I start repeating. Maybe we can meet in England this fall.
  • Hello @rat, sounds like you have a great trip on the rivers. I know all the castles you mentioned. We made a lot of trips in this area when my brother and I were young.
    Have fun at your cruise.
  • Wolf is looking good. Happy birthday.
    Hi @trishhohara. Any tips on what not to miss?
  • Happy Birthday to Wolf @bernersenn happy your enjoying vacation!
    What a beautiful lake!
  • Tips on what not to miss on Castles at the Rhine? I thought you are already on the Main, so you have passed them?
  • Yeppers @trishohara! Nineteen castles in an afternoon. Definitely a sight to see.
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion , thanks
    Make that a double shot of that potion!!
    @Pa did you get pictures of the Castles?
    @rat I wish I could afford to travel, I would love it. I haven't been on a real vacation in 11 years. Just day trips to nearby places, like NY or NH.
    @bernersenn WOW amazing pic, our little Wolf is growing up. He's going to be huge when he's done growing.
  • @gumby Waassuppp??
  • Nighty night @Pa Sweet Dreams ♡♡♡
  • is the Nest down again?
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPPPP when was the nest down?
  • @Gumby Waassuppp??? Earlier it was down, but Birdleader fixed it, but somehow I got signed out, had to sign back in, and just now I had to sign back in.. Strange!!
  • @kathy, @gumby I'll definitely keep in touch and let you know when we're headed that way!

    Yes, I do have a new business, but it's a new branch of the one I'm already in. A new skincare line that's better than anything else on the market. Two weeks after prelaunch, and already in Allure magazine! Anyway, it'll be all online/social media selling so whenever I have an internet connection I can continue both businesses.
  • @sweetp Does your skincare fix winkles and under eye winkles and dark spots?
    If so..I want some.. Everythingi try doesn't work and costs a bundle!! Email me!!
    And congrats and good luck!!
  • Yes, it will! I'll send you an email. Thanks for asking ;)
  • Cool thanks @sweetp!!
  • Winkles lol!! Heehee
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • @kathy Clarins and Clinique work for me. But quite expensive. And you can't really repair damage, only hold back the years. The Clinique eye cream in a pink pot is the best I've tried. An occasional very puffy under eye caused by too much alcohol or not enough sleep responds to cold. An ice cube held on the puffy bit for a couple of minutes works a treat.
    Sorry, men, I've bored you to death...
  • If y'all are going to talk feminine products I'm headed to bed. Good night Mrs. Bunny.
  • Thanks for the tips @hunnybunny !! I keep ordering stuff on line , free trial, but ending up costing me a fortune!! Scams!! I try the products in the store but they dont work!
    Nothing works, it really syx getting old lol!!
    @Pa sorry!!
    OB I'll ,I Need a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion please
    Time to fling, I've been flirting around the Nest for hours , my wings are tired..
    Gonna grab a back booth and hide and fling
  • Nighty night @Pa happy your enjoying your cruise..
    Sweet Dreams.. have a great day ♡♡♡♡
  • Blue mongo, mmmmm
    FYI to anyone who plays the pig challenge in seasons, we've had a chat going started by @trishohara in the general discussion forum, just got moved to its own forum!
  • Mmmm Agrees with @knichy v Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, thanks
    Thank @knichy for letting everyone know The Pig Challenge has been added to the drop down menu under forums!! Hope more Flingers v join us!!
  • @Pa Where are you now?
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion
    @hunnybunny convinced me to keep Flinging, so fling I must!!
    Try to keep the noise down in here would ya? Lol..
  • I forget the name of the town we're in @Ma. Impossible for me to pronounce and spell if I remembered. But we've been here for two days because the river is too high for the ship to go under the bridges. They've had a lot of rain. As we speak, it's after 1am, they're starting to prep to get under way. We'll sail for the next 30 hours straight to catch up. Next stop...Vienna.

    Nighty night @Ma❤️
  • cool Vienna @Pa I've always wanted to go there , I'm with you I'm spirit :)
    Nighty night to you , Sweet Dreams ♡♡♡♡
  • @Gumby Wassssupppp????
  • @kathy wasssuuuppp
  • @Pa @snicker and @snort..omgiraffe i thought it was Frizzy Friday! had My red shirt picked out and everything! Just realized isThursday!! Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @Gumby Waassuppp????
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion thanks, it's been so quiet here, what's going on? Everyone in PM's lol no need to visit the BP anymore:(
  • @kathy wasssuuuuppp
  • Vienna in 8 hours. *i think i hava cold*

    Nighty night @Ma❤️
  • Enjoy Vienna @Pa , hope you don't have a cold.. That's no good!!
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @Gumby Waassuppp???
  • OB me and @Gumby need a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion thanks :)
    And @knichy if he wants one!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
    hope your feeling better and enjoying Vienna ♡
  • Nope, definitely a cold. Too weak to get off the ship in Vienna. Whaaaa!!!!
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