The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2669
  • Ackkk Snort let go of my ankle... I'm going I'm going ..*shakes Snort off ankle, careful not to kick him, runs out the door,, hrmmphh @Ixan57 took his horse darn it..oh yeah i can *poof*
    Ahhh ..... Home sweet home really g'nite now
  • Looks like the Princess didn't want to leave hmm..
    * nooo nooo snort...*poof*
    (Darn i hate a dog that can tell time)
  • I didn't do nuttin' @Ma. She's trying to make me look guilty. Shame on the Bunny.

    Ditto @Magoodnights plus Elizabeth, Mary Ellen, Jim Bob, Jason, Ben, Erin, John, Olivia, Grandma Esther, and GrandaPa Zebulon.

    Nite @Ma
    LOL Btw, Snicker is almost done with his training.
  • nice quiet place to relax.having a hard time with these pe 1-5 and fh 1-20 wish i had never got the scores.
  • self service tonight again.thiswill have to stop.making a pig of that not appropriate
  • #likebluemongoes

    @ixan47, IAN YOU MUST CHILL! at the end of the day, it's only a game ... and i'll have to check out FH 1-20
  • Ooooh, the glitch level. I got 186 with the glitch and quit, you popped a whopper at 308.
  • Afternoon @ixan57.
    Have a Blue Mongo on me and chill.
  • cheers @knichy and thanks for advice @rat
  • @rat sorry for getting you into trouble get her a bunch of flowers,should work.
    @hunnybunny strong ale me dear.did not want to call every body jimmy(we even call the woman jimmy here in scotland).so went incognito.
    @gumby took me best part of a year to set up a avatar. so me be thinking it be a while for getting a gravatar,the techs on this one.
    @kathy hope you spent your buckaroos wisely
    @knichy like that flight stimulation,do you get to meet hostesses.interesting job,what you say @rat
  • @rat thanks for the blue mongo.what is actually in it.nice,same again all round and a black label walker on the rocks,need to chill. will worry about the sore head in 9hrs time. in the mean time bottoms up
  • @ixan57 what platform do you play on?
  • andriod @karen68 just got a update today on abo v6.0.6 says update to fix previoues issues. tried new version don't see any difference.still trying pe 1-5 and can't get above 68k now
  • @karen68 i don't use facebook and don't use pu's hate the things get in your way of play,especially the top left ones
  • @karen68 i would remove the score until get reply from rovio,but in doing so that would indicate to others that there is some form of cheat,which there is not knowingly.
  • @ixan57 there have been instances reported in the past of players on Android experiencing some weird glitch-like things happening causing artificially high scores, although I haven't seen any reports for a while. I'm also trying to remember who reported them. But I remember it was unique to Android.
    I do believe you got your score on PE 1-5 without powerups. But I don't know where all those points came from, I can't see how all the stone could be destoyed with a red bird & some falling wood & glass without something strange going on.

    It'll be interesting to see if Rovio has anything to say, although these days it can take weeks to hear back from them.
  • @karen68 any advice mean time. I.e should I remove score with a comment pending or something like that. Friend @knichy got a theory that it could be double count bonus or extra bird count
  • @ixan57 I'd leave the score for now. You can always publish Rovio's reply if it's useful.
    You can also ask the Admins to weigh in if you're really unsure, but has anyone asked you to take it down?
    The double bird count has never happened in ABO, it's unique to Rio.
    I still can't remember who experienced the high score glitch on their Android device, I'll have to think some more on that one.
  • Well guys hitting the sack @knicky @rat @karen68 thanks for the good company and good night, also good evening in to to missed company @kathy @hunnybunny @gumdy sorry can't wait longer got to have some sleep.
  • nighty night @ixan57 ,i have android also I'll check out PE 1-5 , is that the glitch one? sorry i gotta go but I'll be back soon
  • @ixan57 The Blue Mongo seems to be popular in the BP atm but since I don't drink I have no idea what's in it.
    *I have been known to do a shot of high quality tequila occasionally if Mrs. Bunny's buying.
  • Hi and Bye @all
    I'm £*€£@)
    Top grade tequila on me!
  • @bluemongodrinkers

    the now infamous Blue Mongo actually appeared very recently on the scene, in response to the BP tossing out some Blazing Saddles references, Kathy offering me something blue, and me replying with, "Mmmm, Mongo like blue stuff", which I believe was then followed by @rat or @gumby responding, "Mongo is but pawn in game of life".

    We never really defined what is IN a Blue Mongo, so I believe it is customizable to whatever you wish. For me, this evening, it is a beer in a blue can, but I have also been known to partake of blue margaritas and Blue Agave Tequila.

    I don't think @ixan57 score is a standard Rio style DCB, since it would double count all remaining birds which in this case would give you 30K extra. But I have seen count errors, usually on the didn't count it side. It's only software, right, it can't be perfect. I mean, it's just a bunch of typing with a bunch of colons in it. (reminds me of you, sir)
  • @knichy that wasn't me who said it maybe it was @rat I don't know
    @kathy WASSSUUP seriously PE 1-5 for the challenge again, twice this week???
    @ixan57 also the way that the debris breaks makes a huge difference in points. On PE 1-5 I had some wood and ice planks roll over end over end a couple times before breaking and got a higher score with more debris left than usual.
    @hunnybunny sleep well
  • tap tap tap……… is this thing on?
  • @gumby Waaasssuuupp!! Really the same challenge twice the same week?
    OB A Blue Mongo please:)
  • Is @ixan57 score the, 'score to beat ' for a puppy? and did he get that score in the previous challenge? @gumby you said the same level twice in one week, on a need to know basis, i need to know?
  • Mmmmmmwah mongo like blue stuff! I think it is the @ixan57 commemorative challenge, to be played two e a week until somebody hits the score 8*)
  • Lol @knichy !
    OB Fill 'er up!
  • @knichy -- Wow! I never knew you taught piano! Classical or other? I'm currently taking piano lessons. Played when I was a kid and a couple of periods since, but it is one of my retirement activities. Currently working on Janacek Theme and Variations.
    Is teaching piano or flight simulation your full-time job?
  • Ok @knichy i missed the flight simulation\ Piano conversation and reading back i can't find it:/
    Enlighten me!
  • @all -- Tues is my golf day, after which I don't do much, i.e. don't visit ABN. I've been doing less and less flinging since I quit AB2 and Epic. Haven't gotten into revisiting old levels to try and improve my score.
  • Nighty Night @Pa
  • @knichy is but pawn in game of life.

    Night @Ma♥ Dream of the Kookaburra sitting in the old gum tree.
  • @mvnla2 I don't teach piano, I @gumby my kids to piano lessons, tune the piano, and occasionally take a whack a moonlight sonata, first movement. And then revel in recordings of the third movement. And play bass and guitar and trombone and a couple of other things.
  • And AB2, quit that after a week.
  • @knichy Me too, 1st movement only! -:)
  • Ahhhhh, Beethoven! welcome back @tompuss
  • Got a result from rovio. Got to go now in a hurry. Will copy you in PE-1_5 in about 2hrs and get back here.
  • Knichy grab a drink on me you deserve it
  • Back later
  • A bit early stateside, but if you insist .....
  • hi @knichy drinks for that was a cheap this time zone thing now. have posted the copy of e-mail on abo pe 1-5 and now it has went for moderation?
  • Now e-mail open for all to see
  • I out of the nest.not the place for me any more. The company with you guys here brilliant.the real nesters. @rat @gumby cheers guys. Will contact the friends on profile by PM shortly to thank for the good company. Cheers Ian
  • OB I'll have a vodka martini, and could we also have a drink for @Ixan57 whatever he would like.

    Don't like to see someone leave the nest who seems a good guy, so am proposing a song on the jukebox, one of my '80's classics:

  • @mvnla2 my mother had a piano in the back room, I could play Fur Elise when aged twelve. Or is it Fir Elise? Haven't played anything since. Can't sing, tone deaf, but love music

    Bye bye Ian, don't understand, but God Bless xx

  • @Knichy

    I've seen a few posts suggesting that you've been a 'playa' (musically) in your time. We haven't really chatted, I think mainly because of the time differences each side of the pond.

    But just to say Hi and I think I might recognize you as a fellow Blondie fan.

  • Lol @pellystar good choice on music and drink. I'm sure it was Churchill who said something like this "I like my martini very dry, Vodka, stand the vermouth on the windowsill, let the sun shine through the bottle into the vodka. That's enough vermouth" it's my choice as well
  • @Hunnybunny (smiling)

    Thanks for the thumbs up, you have of course been known to crucify my music choices!!!

    Smiling at the Churchill reference, you just need to bring in one more giant of 20th Century UK politics (and really, there's only one other) for the message to be perfect.

    But never mind the politics, music is where it's at.

    Next on the Nest about some Toto?
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