The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2668
  • yep Mondays are quiet @gumby everyone recovering from the weekend i guess:/
  • Woot! ! The Princess is IN the House :D
  • @Pa @all Which episodes show a lightning bolt on the screenshot when Pu is used?
    seasons and Space i think?
  • @kathy Seasons Space & Star Wars show it on the play screen,
  • @kathy @ixan57 -- Good horses aren't cheap! I expect ixan57's horse will come home when it gets hungry.
  • @holymoly it's hoppin in here! Blue mongos all around! Good to see @rdnzlrips82 the founder up in the hizzy. Lots of new peeps I guess I gotta keep up.
    Anybody else wanna complain about the difficulty of the seasons mothers day Lev?
  • Thanks @Karen68 I wasn't sure about SW, do they show it on the final 3 star board also?
    lol @mvnla2 your right, ,we best start whistling for @ixan57 Horse to retutn haha!
    thanks for the Blue Mongo @knichy:)
    aww did i miss Ripsy?
  • me thinks @knichy had to many Mongo 's lol I dont see Ripsy? btw I'm the co-founder dontcha know. .:)
  • *fills up a trough with Hay, hoping for the return of @Ixan57 horsey*
  • @kathy u b the founda! At least in my relatively newbie book. I saw some posts on the page from ripsy which being a newbie, only six or eight months or so, I have yet to see. So I figgered ID give a shout out.
  • @ixan57 we'll saddle your cleg and ride it well!
  • Can ya have too many mongos? If I can still fling ....
  • Lol @knichy didn't realize you were reading back , some funny stuff back there, enjoy!
    *going flinging*
    But First the All important Blue Mongo please OB ,a round for all!
  • I'm having a black mongo, aka Guinness
  • @kathy speaking of recovering from the weekend I was out bar hopping in Boston last night with a friend, sure I leave for a couple hours and this place was jumpin
  • @kathy @knichy -- Where did you see Ripsy?
  • @mvnla2 I didn't see Ripsy , guess @knichy was reading back some pages, I looked but didn't see him got a while back.
  • Well it's about that time for me to hit the hay , got headphones in, listening to a new book only for a few minutes then bedtime g'nite all
    * sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and all the booths, the table by the door* for tomorrow is Whine Tuesday!
    Nice job n on the hitchin' post OBn pay those workman well:)
    @ ixan57 of you find your horse , everything is all set!
    Nighty night folks!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy sleep well
  • thanks @gumby night night
  • Night @Ma
    I guess it's just me and this horse.
  • Howdy all and @rat so that's where the horse was all night.came back this morning with a smile on its face. Problem was that to late, had ordered the taxi. Ever tried getting a horse into the back seat of a taxi.
  • Thanks @kathy for the hitching post just fine and the watering trough excellent. Best water I've drank in a while.
  • Just hate these time zones. Apart from hunnybunny you all either sleeping/working or partying
  • bar to myself.somebody left the front door unlocked.
  • thanks folks. hic
  • No Whinessssss tonight. Off to bed now. Left the key under the mat.
  • @ixan57 We didn't meet yesterday and yet you still got me in trouble when I got home. I told SWDNF that the horse and I closed down the BP. I think I was OK until I said I rode her hard and put her away wet. lol
  • Lol @Ixan57 could thing you said where the key was, i couldn't get in! We never lock the doors here;) glad you like the hitchin' post and the Water (that was for the horse ,silly)
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please
    Jeesh quiet day , hope every one is out doing something fun!
    Off to WW
    And Wooot I just won $600 buckaroos on 2 separate lottery tickets!!
    *happy dance* no whining so far: D
  • Lol @Pa!! Sorry was talking over you!
  • Where is Everyone:(
  • Guess my birdies are calling
    *goNe FLiNgiN'
  • Obviously skipped through reading back, and got confused...
    @knicky is always a mystery to me. But why has @ixan57 got a horse? How did he lose it? Why is a Scottish guy talking cowboy? And drinking out of a trough that @kathy had made? As for @rat please behave yourself..
    Too many blue mongos for you lot, I expect.
    OB large blue mongo for me to take out, please, to make me go to the happy hallucinating place that this lot seem to be in

    Nighty night, @allmongodrinkers and @gumby @mvnla2 @karen68 who seem to be sober (well @gumby sober at present!)
  • Hee Hee @hunnybunny
    I'll explain it all later, if ya really wanna know, that is¿
    Nighty Night Sweet Dreams :)
  • @kathy WASSSSUUPP
    @hunnybunny was doing housecleaning and yard work YUK and yes sober :(
    @rat hello
    @ixan57 did you check out gravatar yet?
  • @kathy WOOT 600 buckaroos SWEET I guess we know who's buying the next few rounds :P
  • @Gumby Waaaasssupp???
  • Believe me @gumby that $600 buckaroos spent itself before i got it lol!
  • @kathy yeah I hear that, it always spends faster than it comes in
  • yeppers @gumby Sure does!
  • @hunnybunny I am not that much of an enigma. Stateside about 50 and luv 2 fling as well as coach competitive soccer, teach piano, and work in flight stimulation.
  • I don't have a horse but my brother's girlfriend does.
  • BTW I like the @allmongodrinkers tag from @hunnybunny. Not too hash tag saavy but I think that's how you like something.
  • Hahahaha @knichy just an ordinary Joe hee hee!
  • @kathy @knichy Im falling asleep. see everyone tomorrow
  • Nighty night @gumby Sweet dreams:)
  • Behave? Why Mrs. Bunny, whatever do you mean? I've been nothing but a perfect gentleman.
  • I don't know what you did now @Pa but musta been something that Mrs. Bunny picked up on?
    gonna listen to my book now, so I'll say my g'nites
    G"nite @Ixan57 (or good mornin' ?)
    G'nite @hunnybunny (or good mornin '?)
    G'nite @knichy
    G'nite @mvnla2
    G'nite @lurkers
    G'nite OB and the Blues
    G'nite moon
    G'nite Johnboy
  • G'nite @Pa
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