The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2661
  • Awww @gumby you planned it, that doesn't count!!!
  • It's supposed to be random, no fair counting comments!! @gumby!!
  • They don't have a queen one,, discrimination!!!
  • @kathy Don't worry I'll keep it nice and shiny for when you get it back
  • @kathy I gotta be careful not to blow up my house LOL. I had Mexican last night and now I got the gas that goes with it. Methane and smoking could be dangerous
  • uhhmm TMI @gumby lol!
  • @kathy lucky you aren't nearby, could be toxic as well
  • again Tmi lol @gumby!
  • book going in ears, I'll be lurking but probably flinging and listening to book so not paying close attention sorry :(
  • Guess what @Ma? I'm going to bed? Wow! Two naps in one day.

    Night @Ma
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡; ) Happy to hear your some sleep :D
  • ohh @knichy there was a club like that in Boston, called 'The Rat' it was a literal 'underground ' music club and Go cutie I saw the l The Ramones there!
  • @kathy rock rock, Rockaway Beach!
  • @kathy @knichy didn't know that track but went to a Rockaway Bar somewhere in Florida. Rudest bar staff I've ever met!
  • sorrry to hear that @hunnybunny Im at my daughter's dressage test atm
  • @kathy sending very best wishes to daughter and horse. Best trot ever, here we go!!!
  • Just hoping dressage means the same in US as it does here, otherwise I sound like a really mad woman!
    No comments, please
  • Lol @hunnybunny not sure what it means in the UK but i guess it's the same, kinda a formal way of horse riding, well her first test this morning she came in 2nd , but loong day and 5 hours later her horse was ornery and for the first time ever he bucked Twice! She handled it well, but i could see the shocked look on her face! Usually Falcon behaves , he knows the drill, he's been doing it a long time, but it was damp and cold, spitting rain he was done, stubborn just wanted the day to be over, so I'm not sure because i didn't wait for the results but i bet she came in 3rd or 4th even for the first time in her years of showing and testing: ( the judges even commented because they know falcy that he was being naughty: (
  • @kathy You sure caught my eye with the story of your daughter and her dressage test! I have a niece in Maine who has been involved since she was about four, she is now 29 and makes her living as a trainer and instructor. She has three horses of her own. Traveled to compete in Germany twice as a young rider. Gee, do I sound a bit proud and boastful? Because I am!
  • Wow @catsnbirds And you well should be Proud! It's not an easy uhhmm 'sport'
    My daughter has been riding probably since she was 10 , she's now 34 off and on , she has many blue ribbons and quite a few 2nd place :D yep I'm very proud of her as well: D
  • @kathy WASSSUUUP
    @rat hello
    @knichy wheres the music videos of your band?
    @hunnybunny sleep well
  • @gumby Waaasssuppp? .?
    i didn't see @hunnybunny say g'nite :(
    Sweet Dreams Mrs. Bunny
  • @kathy I didn't see her say that either, but I figured she's asleep by now. Maybe she's awake in which case hello @hunnybunny.
    this challenge YUK my snowman is practically indestructible
  • @kathy yoo hoo are you still there?
  • Sorry @gumby was at the laundrymat:( yuck
  • I thought the challenge was Pig Days @gumby, that's where I'm flinging to catch up, but i may try the challenge even though i only have an hour left: (
  • @kathy yea Pig Days and YUK
  • @kathy -- Really sorry your daughter's horse was not in a good mood. I thought most dressage was done indoors? Or maybe he just didn't like the weather???
  • Thanks @mvnla2 she only does it in the spring and summer months, she does some practice \exercise indoors , but tests and shows are outdoor, yes Falcon was tired it's not Usually a 5 hour wait between tests, the weather was crappy , is Unusual for him to act up, he just had had enough, she just texted me she came in 4th:( but not last and she Handled it well so that's important in the judge's eyes.
  • @gumby i tried and gave up quickly lol, I haven't done any of level 6 so I'm Flinging those until @hunnybunny finishes ham dunk, then we are going to play in the snow:)
  • @gumby @anyone flinging in Pig Days really makes my tablet run hot quickly, does anyone else experience this ? Usually i have no trouble in other episodes, i don't get it! I have background and sound shut off and wifi as well, playing in airplane mode: ( really wearing on my battery life: (
    OB I'll take a Blue Mongo please:)
  • Putting my earplugs in, listening to my book, probably gonna fall asleep soon.
    Nighty night @all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Guess you fell asleep @gumby Sleep well
  • Happy Birthday @E-star ♡♡☆☆☆☆☆
  • On this day a shining Star was born. We sure miss seeing you on a daily basis @eStar. Happy Birthday!
    So happy to hear the Pita has lessened and that you have a new job. Hope you're loving it as much as your last one.
  • oohhh @jlz -666 thanks for finding the banner lol
    no wonder i couldn't fund it, you already hung it:D
    at work, I'll be back :)
  • Happy Happy Birthday @Estar!! Miss seeing you around, hope you've had a wonderful day & your new job is treating you well.

    @jlz666 nice to see you pop in & what lovely flowers & cake!
    Glad you're flinging again, hope all is well & enjoy your day off :D
  • Happy birdday @EStar!!!!

    Cat cuddles for you:

    Cats welcome their owners back after a long time:

    And this is your song: "Brightest star in the night sky":

    Sorry I can't do cards or cakes just now - my image-finding app isn't working -:( along with quite a few others, because I haven't been brave enough yet to do the update!

    Hope you have a wonderful day! I miss you!
    Love, hugz & purrs
    xoxo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @jlz666 Lovely to see you! Been MIA myself for the most part. . Lots of love to you, @kathy, @karen68, @rat9, @all
  • @estar Happy Birthday
    @kathy WASSSUPPP, yea fell asleep and that Pigs days made my phone hot, it also took forever to reload in-between games. I spent more time waiting to play it than actually playing it LOL
    @tompuss @jlz666 nice to see you 2 around :)
    @karen68 @rat hello
  • Hi @gumby Thank you.
    Haahaa! Yeah @kathy you would've thought I could have created something a bit better by now. That one is 3yrs old lol!! I like it because it was the best I could do with my limited abilities at the time. Still makes me smile!
    Lovely to see you to @karen68 and @tompuss Wonderful vids as per usual @tompuss! Lily has been loving having us around today so I've been getting those hugs,headbutts and purrs all afternoon! So sorry to both of you,I've been shockingly bad with my correspondence of late. Absolutely nothing personal,I've just been busy with real life stuff. That,coupled with the fact I wasn't flinging meant I didn't have my jlz666 head on,just my regular Jules one ;) Feeling very slobby today after a marathon movie/coffee/cake day in jammies and not making ourselves any healthier by just ordering takeout! Ah well,I'll just move my butt quicker tomorrow to make up for it ;) gotta go. Hugs all round!
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