The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2659
  • Nite nite @Ma

    Oh Noooooooo! Now I'm @pagechangercrownthief
  • @pellystar You lurking?
    How were ELO? And O2? Amazing and dreadful is my gut reaction

    Nice post Mister @rat half a page of nothing....
  • Hi @SweetP watching your video clip (for which, thanks so much) I also got goosebumps....for Roy, but also for George...and for nostalgia generally (which is not what it used to be).

    Hi @Hunnybunny ELO were fantastic. I have to say that I do not have quite the same issue as you do with the O2 arena, the acoustics were brilliant, ditto the light show, I guess we were lucky enough to have pretty good seats. There was a fantastic atmosphere. Jeff played all the hits, everyone had a smile on their face, and thousands of grey rockers were fistpumping, singing and dancing! And every few minutes, an O2 functionary would walk down the aisles calling 'Wine...?!?!' us grey rockers could wet our beaks on a regular basis.
  • @SweetP We need to invent a time machine. So that we can travel back in time and see those fantastic artists that we missed due to either being born at the wrong time, or being too busy or whatever.

    This (time travel) is surely the ultimate superpower, beating the ability to fly, invisibility etc.

    I would use this invention to see:

    > Blondie at Max's Kansas City or CBGB's
    > Led Zeppelin at say Knebworth
    > Freddie Mercury, anywhere
    > Robert Johnson, anywhere in the Mississippi Delta

    Would love to hear others' thoughts on this.

  • @pellystar only been to the O2 once, to see the other Jeff's masterpiece: War of the Worlds. OK, some of it was good, especially when the autumn leaves fell from the sky. But we never got wine runners. Damn!
    Now for my tacky music confession. We love musicals. Best one we've seen recently (last year) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Robert Lindsay. He was amazing. "Wolfie" as I remember him...
    Just to get my musical preferences back on track: Stanley Clarke at Ronnie Scott's was one of the best I've seen recently
  • Hey @Rat, I cannot comment your 1.5 average on Mirror Cold Cuts since I did not spend a lot of time on this level, but it seems quite impressive. The only comparable memory I have is this: . But I do not deserve any credit for this as I was the first to fill the leaderboard after some game update (ABO Free). A horde of sheriffs were at my door the morning after.

    Congrats also for sending me sheriff on S-24, although it does not surprise me. I shall compensate on some Beak Impact level later today.
  • @pellystar @sweetp

    Seen Freddie
    Rolling Stones anywhere, forty years ago
    Amy Winehouse
    David Bowie, anywhere
  • @pellystar @sweetp
    Although I've seen Freddie and Queen, how about Live Aid and Radio GaGa
  • @hunnybunny

    Love your time travel music choices.

    Also would love to have seen Iggy Pip in his pomp.
  • Err...yeah Iggy Pop's less famous brother

  • Here's another one. I was eleven, I think, when this was released. I love this track. I always had it in the back of my mind that I saw Rod Stewart singing with the notes in his hands to remind him of the words. Years and years of searching and then TOTP2 came up trumps!
  • @hunnybunny perhaps a sligthtly more fortunate typo than 'Iggy Pop in his pimp'
  • @pellystar do you watch, and indeed are watching, BBC Four, on a Friday night? Music!
  • @hunnybunny yes fantastic freddie performance.... Would also love to have been there when George Michael introduced Elton John:

  • waiting on @admins @hunnybunny, see rat earlier post guess @sweetp didn't read back a page?
    I would love to see The Stones
    Roy Orbison
    Led Zepplin
    *sigh* I could go on
    I've seen Neil Young 7 times
    Pink Floyyd twice
    Aerosmith , to many times to count
    Alice Cooper
    John Cougar Mellancamp , not the greatest concert I've ever seen
    Uhmm my memory is fuzzy on the rest, those days were well... Fuzzy lol
    Would have loved to also see Black Sabbath,
  • Oohh also saw George Thourogood,,Elton John ,Bob Dylan
    Again fuzzy memory lol
  • @Hunnybunny

    Re BBC4 not as a ule...just looked it up do you mean DC5?
  • @kathy

    Neil young 7 times - jealous!

  • He' was my absolute favorite @Pellystar!
    Saw him once with the blue notes , didn't really care for them but at the end he rolled out the piano and played After the Goldrush,,Aurora Borealis and Heart of Gold for the encore!
  • @pellystar BBC Four Its Friday. It's music night. David Clarke, currently talking about the great Freddie
  • @pellystar "in his pimp" naughty!
  • @Mvnla2 you might enjoy this, not sure if your a Neil Young fan but the piano is beautiful
  • @kathy

    Marvellous. Of course Neil is still Rockin' in he Free World so we can still see that gnarled old rocker, though whether he is now past his sell by date I do not know.

    He's one of my favourite artists too.
  • @hunnybunny will watch that on catch up. DC lives in my street btw.
  • Lol @Pellystar 'gnarled old rocker' past his sell by date* you certainly earned that truffle shuffle badge haha!
  • Sorry @pellystar missed your DC5 reference! The best I can manage is Andy Fairweather Low lived around the the corner from me, and we both drove BWMs with adjoining number plates. Not personalised, just bought from the same dealer in the same week
  • Right I'm off to bed with Mr Bunny. He's not a drinker, but somehow managed three pints of larger (with a dash, God bless him!) and two glasses of wine. Could be in for a long night. He's singing, already....

    I'll leave you with the following. One of the "Rat Pack" and who wouldn't give up the chance to time travel to see them...
  • I shouldn't have listened to all the great music. By the time I finished everybody had gone to bed across the pond. Pleasant dreams.
  • @Sglouk Impressive picture even for a first day release. Even so, your average ranking for the levels you can see in the picture is 26.5. Hardly comes close to my 1.5 after over a year of anybody playing Mirror Cold Cuts. Apples and oranges mon ami, apples and oranges.

    BTW, S-24 is the first level I've played in Original Space in Forever. It will not be the last. You've been playing uncontested too long. LOL
  • @kathy WASSSUUUP
    @hunnybunny hello
    @rat hello
    @pellystar first I would use the time machine to go back and invest 10k in Microsofts initial stock offering :) Then I would go back and see Pink Floyd with Rogers Waters ( seen them 4 times but without Waters ) and Stevie Ray Vaughn and the list could go on and on.
  • I'm with @Gumby. Make some money with the time machine first. Then you can pay the music icons to come play at your pool parties.
  • @gumby Waaassssuppp???
    Finally got my Tablet to give me notifications:)
    Unfortunately while i was busy doing that everyone went to bed
    Nighty night @hunnybunny and @Pellystar sweet dreams!
    Hi @Pa
    Sorry @sglouk Nice to see you dropped in, if only to challenge Pa yet again lol!
  • Oohh Yeah @gumby Would love to see StevievRay!!
    My friend was stationed in Alaska and saw his last performance: (
  • @kathy lol I flung Tatooine challenge and so far can only raise my score 30 points, guess I am just doing it wrong
  • Hey what happened to my note
    @gumby I posted Keep at it you can Do it!!! Try different things:) your good at finding different ways;)
    I haven't looked at it , I'm busy failing at Cherry Blossom, toughest episode Evah!!!
    OB And keep em' Coming it's Friday!!!
  • @kathy Wait I thought SMH had the toughest episode EVAH!!!! lol
  • lol @Gumby nope This one is worse!!
  • The Worstest of the Worse!!
  • @kathy which one?
  • @Kathy -- Thanks for the thought, but I'm strictly a classical music person, at least ever since I was out of college. I think the only live "popular music" concert I've been to was the Beatles. Showing my age, I guess.
    My favorite singer of all time is Jessie Norman.
  • I kinda figured that @mvnla2 I actually thought it as i was posting that your more In tune with the classical piano, no worries thought I'd try;) Never heard of Jesse Norman I'll look him up, i do love classical piano, I'm not a great scholar on it, although i played a lot of it when i was young taking lessons, if you can play classical piano you can play anything , so 'they' say , whoever 'they' are ¿
  • @gumby Cherry Blossom !
  • Cherry Blossom has many levels which one is driven yah crazy? @kathy
  • @Mvnla2 You declassified your age about a year ago but my memory has too many gaps in it. Would you mind releasing that Top Secret document again for me. I'm only curious as it pertains to music. The Beatles were a little before my time.
  • @rat. How could the Beatles possibly be before your time! I was born in 65 and remember first cut stuff. I think. I was probably pretty young.
    Kathy @pellystar good times @ CBGB's. Opened for mighty senators, the toasters, and once for bunny and the wailers.but had a blanket pass to the 9:30 in DC and saw more alt bands than most have heard of. Too many blue mongos, maybe forgot most!
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