The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2117
  • @fenikus I guess you can't believe your doctor, or the labels, either! :D

    Excedrin Tension Headache: 500 mg acetaminophen and 65 mg caffeine.
    Excedrin Migraine: 250 mg acetaminophen, 250 mg aspirin and 65 mg caffeine.

    Screw overpriced niche medicines. Take an generic Extra Strength Tylenol and chase it with an espresso. :)

    edit: I think we gave @Kathy an Excedrin headache.
  • @Kathy -- Didn't you or someone tell me that the dolphins no longer exploded in Rio High Dive! Didn't get changes to self-destroying list made. : ( Would really appreciate your help. Thanks
    These are the levels currently on list:
    ABR High Dive – 3: Partial; 5 to 10K; one or two dolphins on lower left are released soon after restart; may not help get high score; ~1/100; Android only?
    Rio HD bonus -2: partial to total; 15 to 27 K (plus 4 birds); 3 to 4 dolphins freed, ~2 sec after restart; ~1/20; Android only?
    ABR High Dive Bonus – 3: partial, 1K – 15K, some dolphins freed or or seaweed below right-most dolphin disappears; happens on restart, ~1/50; Android only?
    ABR High Dive Feather Bonus – 1: partial; 18K; 3 dolphins freed immediately after reset;~1/100; Android only?
  • @Kelani, hm…according to the excedrin website they still make tension headache. So why can't I find it anywhere in stores?

    Edit: Nope, I checked a bunch of pharmacy sites, all they have is "extra strength" and "migraine" formulas (both are acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine).
  • @fenikus also on their site: Novartis Consumer Health (NCH) is pleased to announce that select SKUs of Excedrin® Migraine and Excedrin® Extra Strength have returned to market. We are diligently working to return other Excedrin® products to stores as soon as possible.
  • @mvnla2 wasn't me !! As far as i know they did last time i played. I'll give it a check for ya ..I have since installed update soo I'll let you know if something has changed; )
  • @mvnla2 probably not tonight but witin the next couple days:)
  • Sorry @Kathy. Aspirin vs Excedrin. Who knew it was such a hot topic?
  • New topic boys. Goodys vs BC powder. Thoughts?
  • @mvnla2, it was me who mentioned something about explosions in High Dive. I don't know about "exploding dolphins" but a person who uses an android tablet told me they don't get those spectacular explosions anymore on some early levels (this was not a glitch, those explosions were legit). I tried on iPad and Kelani tried on PC and we still get them. Probably makes sense since most HD problems were reported on android.
  • @Kathy -- Thanks! Only time constraint is so I don't forget.
  • dammit. Now I have a headache.

    @fenikus I totally get it. I was on strong painkillers for about 10 months awhile back and I could tell a huge difference between brand name pills, 1st tier generics like Watson and 2nd tier generic Chinese imports.. Yeah, yeah, yeah they're all the same thing, but the latter were always brittle, crumbly, less-potent, and had no odor, which I took to mean they were ancient. In one instance, a 2nd-tier pill was 20% underweight from what it should be. No way that was full-strength.

    Check that Walgreen's link. Unless all those reviews are fake, that one seems to be a winner.

    All you Tivo users. Have you noticed this sneaky thing some shows are doing: It records a program with the same title as your season pass, but it's actually just a 2-3 minute trailer?
  • @Rat, no thoughts on that topic. We uppity yankees like to ingest our pharmaceuticals in tablet, caplet, or soft gel form.
  • oh @Rat you might appreciate this. Know how my Charter net's died every day this week? I finally called them and they said the outages were "our way of flashing the porch light to tell you it's time to upgrade your modem". I own my own modem and they hate that, so they're actually cutting me off and making modems like mine incompatible, so I'll pay them for one of their crappy ones.

    It's not enough they charged me $7/month modem rental for 4 years despite having no modem listed as being assigned to me. :)
  • people down here take a BC and a few shots of moonshine.
  • @Kelani, you southerners are too nice, that's why Charter is screwing you like that. We uppity yankees would make a big stink and attorney general would be on their a** in 24 hours. Last time someone from my cable company just didn't return the call when they said they would, I got 1 year of free cable TV to go with my 105 mbps internet :=>
  • Yea!!! I just got a one birder on 14 with the right tower falling left onto the boat. Yea!!!
  • *high fives* @fenikus us yanks don't put up with that crap!!
  • Lol never thought of myself as a 'yankee' I'm a red sox fan myself ;)
  • LOL…and now my ad section on ABN home page is filled with Goody's and BC ads!
  • Hey it's still Tuesday right
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
    Since I've updated I cannot get a freakin' point!! Can't Even match what i have! !
  • @fenikus Nooo. We're nice to people. Faceless corporations get all the wrath :) Whointhehell are you using to get 105mbps? Charter spams all their customers every 10 minutes with god-awful commercials, and their favorite theme is claiming their 30mbps (soon to be 60 once us old modem guys get on board) is THE fastest anywhere. Of course they only compare to DSL and satellite, other cable providers are conspicuously absent :)

    good restaurants and bandwidth. The only things I miss about city life.

    @Rat How did the right tower fall left onto the boat? That's a loooong way to fall.
  • @Kelani, I use Comcast. They now even seamlessly support TiVo cable cards so in addition to having my own modem, I don't have their cable box either.

    @Rat, congrats…score?
  • @Kelani on level #14 did you get the one birdie or end up using 2?
  • @fenikus I'd kill for no cable box. Charter's channel banner is an opaque 1/4 screen monster and has an annoying habit of not going away randomly. Also, their program info *always* has spoilers. Irritates the crap outta me. Our genius town gave Charter a lifetime monopoly for offering service here, so it's them or nothing.

    @Kathy 2 birder. Never could get a high scoring 1b.
  • Thanks @kelani; ) saved my headache lol;)
  • @Kathy I think you gave it to me :P

    @Rat all that cheering about #14 and I still don't see any big sexy score posted. Are you hallucinating from some bad coleslaw last weekend?
  • Also, their internet is really top notch. I have a business need for extremely reliable internet connection to a point that I'm paying T-mobile for data plan with wi-fi hot spot. If I ever lose internet, I switch on my cell phone's hot spot and have backup until comcast is restored. But in two years, it never failed for more than half an hour and only a couple of times (admittedly, one or two of those instances were when I was late with paying the bill ;)
  • Pa I missed your comment on #14 lol coincidence we both flinging the same level!@
    I swear since i updated i can't get near my pprevious scores :( I think I've drowned in the River:/
  • @fenikus yeah, lucky you. Here, not so much. :) When I moved to this house in 2008, I tried to bring my AT&T 3mbps DSL, but the copper lines here are crappy, so the best they could guarantee was 150kbps. A guy just can't load up on warez & pr0n with that. The irony is, there's a massive Google data center a mile away from me, served by at least one OC-192. :P

    Across the street is a telco shed with some mux/demux/fiber equipment. From my Worldcom days, I know that puppy has ports one could plug a laptop into. Don't think I haven't considered running a reeeeeallly long cord through the woods one night :)
  • Can someone check for me @Kelani @fenikus @Pa

    What version of abrio do you have? I have 2.1.0 I seriously think since i iinstalled update it's not giving the points! !
  • @Kathy 2.1.0 here. When did you update? I didn't hear anything about an update.
  • @Kathy, 2.1.0 is the update when they released Blossom River. No updates since then. Do you mean you updated your tablet/phone perhaps?
  • How do you delete a post that is OBE? The only way seem to be to post something else.
    Hope you all are well. Off to read my book.
  • Lol @kelani that's not what i wanted to hear haha. . Well i didn't really update. .restored to a previous backup and i thought maybe i had restored a different version but i guess there have been no update since. .ahh just wishful thinking as to why I'm not getting points lol..thanks; )
  • What is OBE @mvnla2 ?
  • You can edit any post in forum @mvnla2 but not delete hence the the' .'when i want to delete something i edit and post a dot or 'edited / removed by member ?
    Ackkn my phone just went Crazyy apparent flash flood warning !! I didn't know i had those alertol it is
    Raining pretty hard right now!! Crap!@
  • But if all these posts go to so many peoples inboxes, is it ever really deleted? :P
  • Hi @all, I'm back. That's the first time I got a one birder on 14 where the right tower fell left and still got that pesky marmoset on the right.
  • @Kelani, in reality, the only sensible internet solution for me is cable. Same issue with AT&T like you and Fios is not available in my area. But comcast doesn't need to know that, do they wink-wink.

    p.s. If I didn't stream Netflix and Amazon, and had no business needs, the T-mobile 4G data plan with hot spot would work pretty well actually and is ridiculously cheap.

    Edit: yes, I know that you probably don't get 4G in your neck of the (literal) woods.
  • that sounded painful.

    @Kathy Yeah, some areas are starting to send NWS warnings and Amber alerts to cell phones. I have a whitewater canoe you can borrow if it gets bad. :)

    @fenikus Not sure if we have 4G, but probably not. If you look at a coverage map for anything neat, there's always a big hole right over my 1/3 of the state. :)

    edit: Google was *supposed* to provide awesome wireless to my town as part of the data center deal, but I don't think they did anything but set up a microwave link to a nearby mountain.
  • Y'all have nothing to complain about. When I changed out my cable box recently, somehow my internet speed got dropped to 90kbps. I was faster way back when I had AOL dial-up. I called today and they told me that's what I'm suppose to have. HA! It's not what I've been paying for. Their records are messed up. I'm going face to face tomorrow.
  • Lol @kelani but bb the time the ocean hits me in like 10 minutes that canoe is out of reach thanks though. . Now thunder !! @ fenikus comcast is the best bet in my area.. we tried direct tv.. too many shopping channels.. and Fios well lets just say 'its not avaiable' wink wink
  • Pretty lightning aww @Kimmiecv would be loving this right about now:/
  • Hey at least my car is getting afree washing:)
  • @Kathy, I had Dish Network for TV few years back when they had nice little cheap HD package with like 30 channels. Then they started adding channels and hiking up the price so I decided I didn't need TV anymore. Actually, I bought an aerial antenna that gets many over-the-air channels in pristine High Def, all for free. At the same time, I decided I didn't need a landline phone anymore either so I called Comcast to drop phone and just have internet. It turned out it would have been more expensive to have just the internet than to bundle it with a basic cable TV package.

    p.s. I bet when our friends on the other side of the pond read about our "woes" in the morning, they'll think we're soooo spoiled (which we are).
  • @Kathy, that storm passed by me couple of hours ago. It rained hard but moved on quickly.
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