Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 3-5

The best strategy for Poached Eggs level 3-5 is to loft Red birds onto the roof of the structure. After a few shots, a bird will break through the ice block in the roof and onto the TNT within, blowing the building sky-high. The score in the video below is 112,230.

Note: This level was changed in the Angry Birds v1.6.0 (Mine And Dine) update. The structure now has a glass roof instead of stone one. If you don’t complete it with two birds it’s impossible to three star. The 3-star threshold has been returned to 89,000, so completing the level nearly guarantees 3 stars. For completeness, we include another video below exhibiting a different strategy.

Version 2022:

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Comments (50)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

Placing the red bird slightly to the left and you got a one birdie!!

Here’s the proof

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7835 points
By Stevenellie (@stevenellie)Score: 122,780

Thanks E-Star – 122780

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 120,890

Ty. E-Star. 120890!! :) keep em’ coming…lol:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 119,950

Thanks E! The videos help a lot :)

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 119,450

@e-star Great video E! Thank you.

Rank: Slinger with 1085 points
By jakeisquite (@jakeisquite)Score: 114,180

Thanks ^_^

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 116,670

Thanks @e-star – the vid and strat helped me increase my score by about 7K!

Rank: Sling God with 24595 points
By rush (@rush)Score: 126,770

Thanks E-Star for all your help. I´m a new fan. Only question is – on this course for instance – can you easily reproduce your shots, or are they “flukes”,one in a hundred? I go bonkers sometimes. Is it me, my I-Pod or lack of trying? – I don´t give up easily-
Thanks anyway.

By Eiryn

Thanks, E-Star. I wasn’t getting the results I wanted until your vid, and then I got it on the first try, 123040. Sweet.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

Oh I am so sorry @rush for never answering. My subscriptions where gone after I did something in my profile a while back and because you didn’t put an @ in front of my name I never got the notification either. Any way, better late than never right?

Answer to your question… I go bonkers too!! haha and I don’t give up easily either. Just when I see my strats possibility to a great score, I will keep at it for days in a row. But after THE shot, I usually don’t return and try to repeat it, so I would know if I could repeat it with the guidens of my video.

Again sorry for the soooo late reply, hope you didn’t end up in the loony bin LOL

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 122,050

Just getting around to the Facebook version of this and I’m not real sure if my regular AB score is going to show up or the 130,120 I just nailed on Facebook. Once again, you always have the best solutions.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 122,050

Thanks @E-star. Just getting around to the Facebook version of this and I’m not real sure if my regular AB score is going to show up or the 130,120 I just nailed on Facebook. Once again, you always have the best solutions.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

@ohforfive your welcome, anytime I can help a flinger out is a good time :D

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 122,050

@e-star. Went back and replayed the level in the Original. I was able to 1-bird it twice using @e-star‘s strat, with neither giving me a score close to the 130,120 I got on Facebook. I still managed to improve my Original score by 11,000 points from 111,010 to 122,050 so it wasn’t a wasted effort.

Where’s my avatar?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 119,620

On my end, it looks like you changed your email address. You’ll probably need to go to Gravatar and authorize this new address with the previous account.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 122,050

Yep! Thanks


thanks for the video, e-star…126,900!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

Nice score Spiked!! and always glad to be able to help out!

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 122,740

Thanks @e-star for your videos, and helping me from going completely bonkers! There’s been many times I’ve stomped my feet and strangled my phone in total frustration until I found ABN and your methods to put a smile on my face and made this game so much fun. You’re a (e-)STAR in my book! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

You are welcome @sweetp (love the name!!!) and thanks for the compliments. I figure this is my way to relieve the mental institutions from a load of angry people with an addiction that can only be understood by a fellow addicted flinger :D

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 122,740

Hahaha, @e-star you’re the right kind of therapy for us bird flinger for sure. And a hearty “BAA-HEE-AHHHH” to you!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

@Sweetp LOL, so no straightjacket for you just yet :D and can you let me in on the meaning of BAA-HEE-AHHH… sounds nice, but not familiar with the term, might be an abbreviation of an unfamiliar English word to me and this Dutch therapist loves to learn new things :D

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 122,740

@e-star it’s what red bird yells when you launch him. Well, that’s what it sounds like to me anyway. I have an Android phone so maybe it’s different in other platforms? And if you tap the screen after he’s launched, he yells “bah-caahh!” even though it doesn’t give him any extra boost/strength. LOL

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 123,460

@sweetp Ow hahaha duhhh, Yeah I now the sound! But for my recording of the video’s I use the button of a headset to trigger the recording, but cut of the earplugs, they get in the way a lot… so no sound for me when I am playing. I do how ever listen the sounds when a update has come. “Baaaaah-caaaahhhhhh” to you as well!!

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 122,740

Thanks @e-star. It’s from my hubby’s pet name for me “sweetpea” and I shortened it because my first name begins with a P. ;)

Rank: Debriefed with 1465 points
By Sixxygrrl (@sixxygrrl)Score: 121,230

Thx @e-star ! Once again your video saved the day for me! You’re awesome! Thanks a bunch!!!! From 107,110 to 121,230 (so far :-) )

Rank: Well Traveled with 1510 points
By Zack Voyager (@zackvoyager)Score: 121,990

121,990, Thank You @e-star !

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)Score: 109,900

Thanks for your video and your help on this level @E-Star!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)Score: 115,910

In G+ I scored 104210 and it’s still 2 stars.

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Yin2065 (@yin2065)

I managed to do this in 1 shot.

By Buggy

E is the best

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

did anyone experiance the the roof to cave in by it’s self?

Rank: Explosive with 2125 points
By xXAngryBirdLover2214Xx (@angrybirdlover2)

once…but it didn’t explode

Rank: Fling King with 4275 points
By BetLib (@betlib)Score: 120,590

I have experienced three partial cave ins of the roof today. There was another cave in which was more complete, but I had already shot the first bird and I really don’t know if that bird helped the cave in. My score on that game was 115000. Later I did better without any help from a cave in. Has this level been reported as self destucting? Does anyone know how to report that? I don’t.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

just report it to @slim

Rank: Fling King with 4275 points
By BetLib (@betlib)Score: 120,590

Thanks for the quick response:) I notified Slim.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 113,570

Actually, to report self-destroying or unstable levels, please post as many details as possible in the forum:
ABO 3-5 has been previously reported, but without and details.
The comment is that it may not happen on IOS devices, so if you are using an IOS device, it would be interesting to know.
Other details that would be useful are listed in the forum:
partial to total, number of points, frequency of occurrence, wait time.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 123,460

Thanks once again E-Star, your videos are great score 123460

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 126,920

This is my third time around on this level, I have to raise my score even if it’s only 500 points, this also happens to be my favorite 1-Birder level, it’ll take a lot of flings but it’ll always come through.

By Andrew Reenan

My secondary roof (the ceiling)is NOT glass, it is wood. My inability to break through is frustrating to begin with, and then I see your videos showing a glass roof, and now I’m more frustrated, and confused too!

Where’s the walkthrough for the wood ceiling house?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 121,480

The roof was never made of wood, but stone.
Which version of AB are you playing and on which platform?

By andrew reenan

The ceiling (inside), not the trussed roof, is wood, not glass. My version is 1.5.3, on a win 8 smartphone.

Rank: Hardened with 595 points
By Anirb (@anirb)

To finish the level with one bird combine King Sling and Super Seeds and smash the bird through the stone.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 119,620

Scores obtained using Power Ups are not permitted on our leaderboards, sorry.

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 127,030

One birdied this many times but even with almost total destruction cannot get beyond 123k on the iPhone or iPad platform. Have had a partial collapse but only a small part of the roof and it yielded 900! There are 11 players over 129k and of those, 2 have not declared their platform and 8 use PC MAC or Chrome. Perhaps the scoring system on those is different or maybe the level collapses totally?

Rank: Sling God with 37685 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 127,030

Was it once really possible to score 127k on this level.

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Carlos (@manitobart)

My son age 9 was playing this in the car on iPhone, and later I was going through some old levels just for fun, and the score on poached eggs 3-5 is 136480…
Is this even possible?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 119,620

@manitobart I believe that score is only possible using Power Ups.

CC: @admins

Rank: Sling God with 24595 points
By rush (@rush)Score: 126,770

Just wondering. If that is so – and I agree. Why is the score still there on the top?

Rank: Explosive with 2355 points
By CakeyFA (@cakeyfa)Score: 121,250

Surprisingly good level for the yellow levels. Just line the cactus right under Red’s butt and hope for a onebirder.

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