Angry Birds Mighty Eagle Walkthrough Mooncake Festival Level 2-6

Be quick and precise with this one. Follow the video exactly with Big Red and the Eagle.

Have a different method for achieving Total Destruction? Let us know below.

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Category: Angry Birds Seasons, Mighty Eagle, Walkthroughs

Comments (34)

By EastSideRefugee

Anyone else finding this very tough to repeat?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Angelz (@angelz)

No, you’re not the only one. It took me over 12 hours altogether to nail this one. 8 hours “on my own” and another 3 with the instructions, but in the end I really needed this vid to get final destruction and even then it took me about an hour. I’m just an avarage player, no huge scores and I don’t play for hours and hours a day, but this one was a pain in the butt. Now all I need is SG 1-16……. *sigh* I think I’ll simply leave it at this. ;)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

This one I don’t find too too difficult using this method. Following the process closely (two white birds to take out that one block; bomb bird to level the top of the second structure; Big Brother into the middle) consistently yields 98% and higher.

By EastSideRefugee

I’m with you brother, it took way to long to complete. I did finally get it.

The definition of insanity, ” doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.

Does that sound familiar?

By jejozi

Yep. The first tower just collapses instead of flying over and taking out the rest of the second one.

By Emma

Two days I’ve worked this level for complete destruction. Find this walk thru and it took less than ten minutes to achieve! Thank you!

By Megs1

I hate this puzzle more than I hate all the wrongs that ever spun their woes upon this Earth. This puzzle is the devil itself and I hate it! I can’t stand to look at it one more time, but I can’t stop trying and it keep laughing at me!! Everynight for a week I have awakened to the sound of my own screams, “DIE PIGS DIE!!!”

Someone please come take my pad away and get the freaking feather for me before they have to put me away!!!!

By Fabio

how do you get the feather in all level?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

A feather is earned for total destruction of a level using the Mighty Eagle. Click here to read more.

Note: The Mighty Eagle is available for purchase on iOS devices, and can be used by NOOK Color owners within Barnes & Noble. Not word on when other platforms will receive the Mighty Eagle.

By Lynda

I have achieved everything angry birds has put out except this! Have done exactly everything shown above with more destruction and can’t get more than 99%. really frustrating!

By Jennie

I have played this until just one brick or the little rabbit remains and I still only get 99%!

By L

The trick is to get enough destruction AND get the rabbit (or whatever it is supposed to be) on the right. I got to 99% about a million times without using any birds at all and getting more destruction than in the video above, but the common denominatior was that the rabbit was still standing so it must be that one that makes the difference. In the end I managed 100% by doing it roughly like in the video (I didn’t use the red bird and I missed with the second white bird so I never broke that brick on the left) but it could have been done with no birds at all if I had just had a bit of luck with the way the bricks landed. I did get one brick to land on the rabbit once but it had taken such a beating that it broke instead of taking out the rabbit.

By Saz

It is not necessary to take out the rabbit to get 100%. I went straight to the sardine can and tossed it where the first red lantern is. Got Total destruction on the second try, after 3 days of trying the strategy in the video.

By Sheila

i get complete destruction by going straight to sardine can and placing it where the first red lantern is sitting on the first structure. Same placement as in video but don’t use any of the birds.

By Carol

Thank you! After much frustration this was the simple solution!,

By Claire

OMG!!!! Can’t believe it! I have been at this one for literally weeks (on and off) and have just done it second go with placing the sardine can where the first red lantern is and got it!! This has been driving me demented!!! HOOOORRAAAAHHHHH! :-D

Rank: Sling God with 68845 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Thank you Sheila for the post on the Sardine Can. Worked great. I was able to obtain 99% many times but the white rabbit remained. Obtained the feather with taking out the white rabbit and also with @truckdriver tip listed below on getting the can to stick into the space. Found that if the can touches the right stone block, rather than sitting on the middle of the plank, it seems to work better.
The fun part of this level is the ABN video. Just had to try to obtain a feather with their strategy and to see the distruction of the ME hitting Big Brother was great. Lining up the Big Brother with the path of ME was the challenge for me. Seems this shot required the best aim.

Rank: Deputized with 105 points
By nwadham (@nwadham)

Used this strategy even before reading this post after trying other methods of my own. Only the can used in the location you mention. Got 100% and the rabbit remained “alive”… go figure.


I’m replaying Seasons top to bottom and revisiting some tough ones, this being one of them.

Wish I’d read this post about three hours’ ago…

First try with this method, 100%. Thank you!

By Ken

I still can’t get it. In the video, the Eagle causes a number of bricks to move from the left to the right, causing them to land and break. Whenever I do it, the bricks fall straight down and do not break.

By Douglas Wayne

For get all of these ideas. Just put the can of fish on the left corner of the first structure. (Where it lands in the video) Just keep doing that until it destructs the whole level. I was having trouble getting the eagle to destroy the top of the first structure. It would continually fall straight down and not get knocked over like it does in the video… So I tried to just make the eagle blow through the fist structure with out even touching a bird. To see if it was even possible. When it did happen randomly, I was getting 98% 99% I kept at it and finally it total destructed. I’ve been stuck on this level for weeks and out of frustration and luck I found the easiest way to beat it. With out even touching a bird.

By Ken

And of course you are right D. Wayne!!! After weeks of frustration too I tried your idea and got it within about 30 minutes!!

Rank: DaBomb with 285 points
By Julie.B. (@julie-b)

OMG. Got it the first time I tried with your method, after weeks and weeks of trying to follow the video !! Thank you so much !!

By Mander

What is the purpose of the rabbit in the sky within the golden circle?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

That’s the moon

By Ignacio Medina

Hi. ! D. Wayne and all of you fans of this site . I did it following your method I read it your post maybe 20 minutes ago then I tried It really easy I did tried maybe 15 to 20 times . and the Total destruction come in up ; I was really with a big frustration for many days I just started on September 4 to play this Game . I do have the Classic Angry Birds And RIO but I already Finish all the achievements . I just Try to keep my score Big on this 2 games . But know I ned to go to S.G. 1-16 . On that I am 99% many times But I will Beat that Feather too.!!! Thank for posting your Idea It was excellent for me. So I did in less than 30 minutes.

Rank: Flinger with 15 points
By AGENT KATMAN4 (@agent-katman4)

i did this in one try

Rank: DaBomb with 350 points
By Chief62 (@chief62)

Just put the sardine can where the first red latern is (no pre-work necessary) and you’ll get 100%. It worked for me on the second try.

By Kelly

After weeks of trying the video method (with no luck) I decided to try the simpler method: no birds just sardine candle on first lantern. Got 100% destruction in 10 minutes!! Thank you!!

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

there are quite a few levels where you can achieve TD without using birds.
It’s always worth giving it try at first.

By Smitty

I’ve been going straight to the sardeen can and I get between 87%-91%… that’s even with the rabbit destroyed. Any other tips?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

Check out @chief62‘s post dated 10/30/11 above. One caveat that he failed to mention is that having used the sardine can to clear the first lantern on the left, it is a necessity to “stick” the landing of the can on the now empty ledge. If it passes over, or tumbles off the ledge, start over, as you won’t get 100%.

By Steve Jack

Brilliant video – thanks – this level was driving me nuts!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)

Finally got it using video method. Funny thing I was about to reset as it looked like to many blocks left over and up came the total destruction.

Yippee I now have all feathers in all versions of angry birds. Now to go back and get all my scores above average.

Can’t wait until space is released on 22nd march.

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