Angry Birds Ham ‘Em High 3 Star Walkthrough Level 13-12

Our strategy for Ham ’em High level 13-12 is to fire the Yellow bird straight ahead, toppling the first stone structure. Bomb the left side of the level with the White bird, ricocheting into the stone tower in the middle. Use the Boomerang bird to take out as many pigs on the right side as possible, then clean up with the remaining birds. The score in the video below is 93,800.

Golden Egg #22 Alert! (a.k.a. the Golden Football)

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Comments (126)

By ben

i got 97420 but i forget how.but i can remember only the yellow bird was left at the end for 10000

By Angrybirdmama

Helpfull… Not.
I hate agry birds. I have missed my children’s birthdays because of this game. Working on total destruction, an I love this site!!

By abFan

Underground Strawberries (13-12):
I know that there is a golden egg on this level, however, I’m more intrigued with the underground strawberries.

Does anyone know whether or not it’s possible to do anything with the underground strawberries? I was thinking that if you could clear the tower in the middle and then smash the center rock with the second white bird that it might be possible to aim your last yellow bird down the hole. I was thinking that maybe hitting the pole in the hole would cause an explosion with the strawberries or something, clearing out anything which is not already destroyed.
I’ve tried for a while and the best that I can do is to get the last yellow bird to role into the hole, however, it wasn’t a direct hit and so I’ve been unable to test my theory.
Let me know if you all have had any luck and if anything special happens.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Cameron (@cameron)

I’m wondering why they even have strawberries in such a place.

By Mark

My guess is that the strawberries are there for the Mighty Eagle. You will need to clear almost all of the strawberries in order to get 100%.

By Chalbri

Haaha! I am Totally the same! I swear to you I DID make it in once, however I’m starting to wonder if it was really a dream!

By Josh

95,970. I used the first brid to hit the concrete about 2/3 rds of the way up, this caused the whole structure to shift right and push the end concrete with strawberries enough that the pig inside there popped, then I used the white bird to kill the remaining pigs on the far side, I think I also had to use the boomerang bird. Kind of forget but the key was getting the far pig killed by hitting the front concrete strawberry holder

By jon

got 103760 with 3 birds.

By Daddy O

just got 111020 with 3 birds, believe it’s currently the worlds highest score :-)


Scored 102620 with 2 birds. Hit the front strawberry stone column on the bottom so that the strawberries all falls towards the catapult. Then use the White bird like in the walkthrough. If you’re lucky, it’ll fly from the bomb to hit the middle column and the whole thing will shift and get all the pigs.

By Ubertrout

+1 on this…if you do this right with the first bird, you can get 15,000 without killing any pigs and totally clear the way for the white bird. Top score this way was 105,660.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 108,670

Great strat, worked for me 108k!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 94,840

@Burbman. Please help! ! This level is killing me..I’m doing exactly as all the strategy say..but can’t get over. 85k:( the ‘L’ factor not working ..

By mojo jojo

utterly unfun level… it just should not take some 200 attempts tpbget 3 stars. i deleted angry bords off my phone over this level, ya its just a game but life is too short to deal with such pointless frustration

By Oobgular

This is a terrible level! I hate it! It’s the worlds hardest! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! But that is a little extreme… deleting the game?

By Luke

cooooool. Still stuck on it but I bet I will get past now

By Gizmological

@abFan: I’m with you — why make an underground room full of strawberries unless there’s a way to blow’em up??

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jo2the3rd (@jo2the3rd)

FINALLY! Someone please make a video of this walkthrough. The videos I’ve found online a ridiculously hard to repeat. You need 90K to get 3 stars.
Drop yellow bird onto two birds on left of center tower. Then drop egg on little wood platform on the right of the strawberry tower. This should knock down the tower and kill the pig. You should have close to 40K after this. Then make the center tower fall to the left by boomeranging it from the right. Try to destroy as much of the wood on the right of the center tower and the remaining pigs with the yellow bird. Then drop an egg on the platform/pig on the left of the little strawberry towers. Doing the drop like in the video above is best for maximum score. This should get you 80K and the left over bird will push you to 90K. Good luck.

By Lizski

Thank you SOOOOO much for this!!! I’ve been trying the previous methods for weeks!! I was able to xo it with your explanation in 3 tries!!!!

By IrishsnakeLady

Thanks for this method. After trying the video method too many times I found success with this method after only a few tries. It would be great if someone could make a video.

By Mylon

This way works so much better, I hate the fact that i’m unable to make a video of it with my iphone otherwise I would have submit it.

Rank: Slinger with 1095 points
By DaemonNinja (@daemonninja)Score: 94,140

Thanks. This is a better method and got me 94140. I am now past this level! Awesome!

By mike

this was the way to go, thanks

By Chalbri

This is exactly the way I’ve been doing it, but never got 3 stars. I’ll keep trying my method!

By Cher McX

That’s the way I did it too! :)

By Kim

OMG! Thank you!!


THANK YOU!! this method took me only 20min to FINALLY get 3 stars on the level. Worst/hardest level yet it seems!

By Luss

oooooh finally:)))) thanks:)

By JimmisonR

This way worked the best for me. It only took me 5 minutes to get a 3-star score this way (after trying for 1 hour & no luck with the video method).

By breeannah

88800 with this method. I’m going crazy. It’s still hard to me :(

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 95,100

Awesome strategy! Gave me 3 stars and above average! Thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)Score: 101,730

Thanks breeannah! 92k and still working my way up!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5870 points
By emider (@emider)Score: 105,380

Good strat, confirmed!

By Luigidude125

Shouldn’t someone be telling everyone where the golden egg (football) is?
It’s behind the sling shot out of sight after the super bowl (finding out which level it was on (the Rio commercial (on the barrel)))it’s in the air.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 90,680

Good point. I will fix that. It is on our Complete Golden Egg walkthrough page though.

By Wilks666

First hit the bottom bit under the double brick (in the middle of the first obstacle) making sure that most strawberries going towards the bird catapult. That should clear yr way to launch the white egg bird as per the vid. Make sure it bombs n the carcass hit the top of the middle tower n kill at least one bird “. Use the boomerang bird to kill the rest — hope this helps.

By gg

The trick is to hit the strawberry barrier below the two horizontal cement planks. Then the whole strawberry obstacle will roll out of the way giving a clear drop bird on the pigs on the left side of the tower with the head pushing the tower over onto the right. The boomerang bird, high arch and hit the big pigs right of the tower, and you should be able to clean the little birds with the last yellow and white bird, and the final yellow bird bonus of 10k will get you over 90k and three stars.

By Nt

Done this, over and over again! Killed all pigs repeatedly and even have the feather, but still sitting on 76K!!! What is the trick to getting more destruction points?

By Hunter MacLean

What’s with the piss-poor framerate in the video?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 90,680

I wouldn’t call it piss-poor. These videos have to be captured, so there is some lag.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 93,800

Being the recorder of these videos I’ll let ya know. ;) Even the fastest iOS device currently available at the time of this writing(iPhone 4) will start to run out of RAM while trying to record itself playing an HD game. Since that is what I’m using to record, PLUS I’m using, a jailbreak app, not something official, you will occasionally see a drop in frame rate in video that took a long time to capture. So please bare with us as the hardware catches up with the software.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By djhaun (@djhaun)

I hate this level even w/the walkthru only 88k…. grrr!!!!! Is the super bowl egg still avail? Cuz when I pan out Idon’t see the side of a mountain

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 93,800

Yup it’s still there. Check the walkthrough page it you need some help with it. Enjoy!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By djhaun (@djhaun)

Somehow I got the 90k, I’m done with this level for good. I must be missing some other golden eggs ‘cuz I’m still not seeing the side of the mountain

By wanda

It’s not really a mountain, just the rise that the slingshot platform is on. Shoot the first bird out to waste it. Launch the white bird to the left and drop the egg onto the left side of the little hill, just past that triangle sticking out. the golden egg is there. the walkthrough for this is great.

By rana

I’m hating this level too. Been at it for a good 2 hours. Using the same technique as in the video. Still only 85k. FRUSTRATING! Only 3 more levels to get all 3 stars! THIS one is standing in my way. I’m starting to hate strawberries.

By Csatvan

107840 with only two birds. Same tactic as video just a lil more lucky


There’s a much easier way to get three stars than the video. I kept trying that way and it was driving me nuts. Then I decided to fling the first yellow bird just over the double strawberry tower to take out the top of the center tower, drop the first white bird’s egg just to the right of the double tower of strawberries, fling the green bird straight at the bottom of the center tower, and then clean up with the next yellow bird. Two birds left, easy 90k+.

By breeannah

Thankyou!!!!!! First try. 92 thousand . Woot woot

By Janeyp

Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!

Rank: Slinger with 1095 points
By DaemonNinja (@daemonninja)Score: 94,140

I have already 3 starred this level on my old phone and am currently going through the process of re-doing all the levels as I upgraded to an iPhone 4. This level is pissing me off. A Lot!
Ah well, I guess I’ll keep trying…….

Rank: Slinger with 1095 points
By DaemonNinja (@daemonninja)Score: 94,140

Loads of these levels require some amount of luck. I know that level 5-7 required a shed load of luck when the stone tower falls to aid in getting a good level of destruction. Knowing all this, however, doesn’t change the fact that this level is bloody annoying!

By bailey

I have looked at every walkthrough and I still can’t score 3 stars.

By Jane

This level pissed me off so much I stopped playing Angry Birds for several weeks. After watching the video and reading all the other walkthroughs, I still couldn’t get 90k. I was royally pissed, I nearly threw my phone at the wall! Then came the sweet moment when luck was finally on my side, and I am now in love with Angry Birds again. All the frustration is totally worth it when you finally make it!!!

By Fragglerokz

i got the golden egg in this level but nothing happened…where did it go? I didn’t get a level or anything??

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 93,800

Did you check the egg page to the right of all the worlds on the world selection page?

By simssims

There’s a golden egg “episode” that contains all eggs. Scroll to the second page of that. It’s the golden football.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By YellowBird (@yellowbird)

Hardest level ever!! :)

By Wiebalo

Hi score 102350. Had the last three birds left over

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 97,700


90220, not great, but enough for 3 stars. I was afraid this would be the only level that I could not score 3 stars. Your suggestion is much more skill than luck.

There are only 2 or 3 other levels as difficult as this. Needs video!

By Rachel

Thanks to jo2the3rd! I finally got 3 stars & it was so much easier than the video!

By anna mira

i have 89,750 on 13-12 and i can not get any further…. this is the last game i need to 3 star for all of angry birds – i am so frustrated – there has to be another way…. – help

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 97,180

1. Yellow bird into the center wood vertical plank in the area of the hollow stone block
2. White bird arc to far right and drop egg on the big pig sitting of the smallest wood platform, all the pigs to the right of the center structure should be gone
3. Boomerang bird hit the right side of the left column of strawberries to have it fall to the left, it may kill a pig or two on the left
4. Yellow bird kills remaining pigs on the left, this may take a straigh-on or high arc launch depending on debris and remaining pigs
5. White bird = bonus
6. Yellw bird = bonus

Rank: Boss Hog with 12650 points
By rosconz (@rosconz)Score: 109,990

Hi, Thanks for this strategy, worked for me to get 103280. Look to get over 40K with the first 2 birds then you have a good chance of getting over 100K

Rank: Boss Hog with 12650 points
By rosconz (@rosconz)Score: 109,990

Tried this again with a slight change of strategy and got a higher score. Yellow Bird the same (20K) then cleared the right hand side with the White bird. Important to get the bird to drop the bomb at the last minute as low as you can on the unhatted pig or where he was so you clear all pigs on the right and knock down both structures on the right and clear most strawberries. Also managed somehow to kill the yellow hatted pig at the same time to score 47K at this stage (but this is not important). Then with boomerang bird I dropped it lower hitting the top of the two remaining vertical concrete beams and this knocked the left hand wooden structure into the left hand concrete structure knocking it all over and clearing most strawberries. One remaining pig cleaned up with Yellow bird for 99K, then White bird bonus of 10K. If I did not have to use the last yellow bird would have been close to top score. Hope this helps.

Rank: Fling King with 4530 points
By AustinRHL (@austinrhl)Score: 107,400

Much like several other commenters, I scored quite well by more or less following the video but getting far more destruction from the white bird. Taking out the front strawberries can get you 17k+ if you do it right, although I think I had only 14k when I got my highest score. The white bird should be detonated slightly further right than in the video so that the egg takes out both sets of vertical supports in the middle of the left side and the carcass flies into the top portion of the central structure, tipping it over and killing some of the pigs. In my case, the whole right side was tilted and only the two small pigs were left behind. To clear the level, I sent the boomerang bird just over the stone without activating it so that it sliced through the damaged wood (squashing the second-to-last pig as the structure “bounced” and resettled) and slammed into the stone on the far right, popping the final pig inside for a three-bird finish and 107k. I find this last shot quite useful because it can take out any number of the pigs on the right as long as that part of the structure has been tipped rightward and the four topmost stone pieces on the central structure have fallen out of the way.

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