Sunstreaker! – New Event!

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  • ramonpontes

    I’ve spent 2500 gems to unlock the 5th slot in the spark run a few days ago, and I was in a rush to collect at least 500 gems for this event.
    I’m glad I could earn them in time. Sunstreaker was offered for 500 gems again, so I could get him without the competition.
    Now I,m playing for his accessories, but I don’t feel the urge to collect them all at this time.

    I don’t like the constant “fast forward” mode in this event. Specially with Dead End. I can’t aim properly both shots on different targets.


    Fast forward just paid off for me: GSG just did a wheelie across my screen laughing all the way😂 he he

    I meant to post this sooner, but I was busy with another game. Anyway, WMT Day is the worst possible challenge day that Rovio/Exient could have for this event. WMT Day is bad enough (worst than Missile Day, in my opinion) during a normal event, but combined with the (unannounced) fast-forward mode of this event, WMT Day is a nightmare. It’s practically impossible to get a decent score because everything is moving too quickly, especially on beach runs where there are too many Falling Monoliths to dodge, not enough (if any) Energon structures, and the WMT’s deactivate prematurely so that even the tactical Energonicons at only 33% power cannot deal a significant amount of damage to, and/or destroy, the WMT’s.

    In the words of a famous, orange-colored, fat cat: “Whoever came up with the idea of Walking Mortar Tower Day, especially for this event, should be dragged out into the street and shot.”.

    At the very least, that person should be smacked upside their head.


    @ramonpontes How far you reached the Spark Run?

    Another lousy challenge day. What is with Rovio/Exient? If they’re going to put this entire event into fast-forward mode, they should be giving us easy targets for all challenge days. Instead, they give us some easy targets (the colored blocks), and very difficult targets (WMT’s; Sharktihogs; etc.). I would not be surprised if the target for Day 6 is Missile Day (since I can’t think of any other difficult targets that they could pick) because *speaking sarcastically* “Everyone loves Missile Day!”.


    Is there some reason why Rovio has removed half the structures on the River Run for Sharktihog day? It’s low scoring enough without taking away the ability to add a couple of measly points to your score…


    @jimmy-necessary I for one welcome missile day. Ratchet is my go-to on that day. He’s so slow that I can get two missiles per silo in Pig City.


    Sharktihog Day has always been an “aw nuts, not this” type of day.  Few high value targets, slow pace of play, repeat the same node and overall low scores lead my list.  Add to that list: most of it happens on a Monday in my part of athe world.

    Fast Forward on this comp reduces the time spent on what is a chore to play.  That’s a good thing, IMO.

    There have been hints on Facebook that R/E is considering future comps in which the Speedsters Squad is featured will be fast forward.  It also has been hinted as occurring 3 times a year.

    @millforce2k  I don’t have a problem with Missile Day. I usually use Energon Grimlock against missiles (depending on the event), but I’ve found a way to be very effective at shooting down missiles when using Soundwave. For an event like this one, in order to compensate for the fast-forward mode, I think we need a bot that is as slow as Megatron, or Shockwave, who is equipped with Ratchet’s, or Grimlock’s, weapons (basically a lightning weapon). Anyway, I was just voicing how I think the other players on this forum feel about Missile Day because so many of them get too many Pig City event runs on Missile Day, more so than on any other map region’s event runs.

     If Rovio/Exient is going to do future events in fast-forward mode, they should at least add a fast-forward portal to all of those future event runs (regardless of the region that the run is in) so that we, the players, have a little bit more of a warning before we enter fast-forward mode.


    @jimmy-necessary  FWIW, The R/E person was “chastised” for springing the fast-forward without warning, to put it nicely.

    My records indicate that there is a slight imbalance for Pig City on Missle Day. Slight Imbalance = 25% (7 Of 27) were City runs on the last Missile Day I tracked. Yeah, I’m one of “those people” that tracks runs/raw scores/bonuses for comps and buddy thank you.

    Try GreySlam Grimlock for Missile Day. Slower pace than EGrimlock; Hit the missiles soon after launch to increase the number of potential high value targets.

    @geli  I don’t have difficulty with using Energon Grimlock during events, although I do have a problem with the very slow rate of his weapon cool down time (and I have the accessory bonus), but I’m not using him in this event because he only has an amethyst crown, and I don’t have enough spark, yet, in order to promote him further. I have taken notice of the speed of the other Grimlocks, and I think that even they would be too fast for this event in my opinion. That’s why I say that Rovio/Exient needs to create a character that is both a quick shot at being a sharp shooter, and a very slow traveler (slower than the other slow bots) who is specifically designed for compensating for the fast forward mode of this event and future events like this one.


    Wood Blocks Day
    1st Run – Cobalt Valley
    2nd Run – Desert
    3rd Run – Meadow
    4th Run – Pig City


    @lemongrab thanks, I’ll try it. I’ve had 8 of 18 runs today in City or Valley.


    @jimmy-necessary Anothsr TF with slow pace would be Hound, although there is a bit of delay between firing the weapon and the shot landing. Agreed, that weapon is not instantaneous.

    For this event, I’ve used GS Grimlock and Blaster exclusively, with a 285% bonus. Mostly use Blaster, with GSG as backup if Boss Pig and his missiles show up, which it did. Not a high bonus and a mix of slow and average pace, IMO.
    RAW score for today (RedBlocks) with just under 9 hours remaining and after 18 runs is 20645, averaging 1146.9/Run, high of 2625, low of 441. The 2625 was the only Unicron run thus far. The next 5 highest: 2529 Desert, 1856 Desert, 1433 Beach, 1419 Desert, 1156 Meadows.


    @lemongrab Don’t tell people about that out in the open. If Rovio finds out they will “fix it” just like they “fixed” Ultimate Megatron’s gravity force.


    @sntrooper It’s different on UM’s case. UM being too powerful before was a mistake on their part. The other one was an answer to complaints of players. They added that feature, players just found a way to “maximize” it. Though you’re right that they might do something about that.


    Well, I got Sunstreaker, all his accessories, and I am waiting to get the sparks the last day. To be honest, I mostly took sharktihog day off. Words can not describe how much I HATE sharktihog day

    I was right about assuming that today would be Missile Day.


    The other great thing about missile day is the coin haul since missiles are worth quite a bit of coins. With a high event score, it’s easy to see 10-15K coins at the end of the run. With a video bonus, the total is 30-45K.


    I must be doing something wrong, because I only get 1-2k coins. I assume also that this will be doubled instead of tripled after watching a video (I never do this). But maybe they’ve changed the rules.
    BTW, I’m not much interested in coins, so it isn’t such a great problem.

    I’m not sure to do about unlocking Sunstreaker because I need 780 gems (in addition to the tokens I earned) in order to unlock him from the Token Exchange, but I only have 430 gems, and I don’t have enough money (at least not until the beginning of March) in order to buy more gems. What should I do?


    Don’t waste gems on Sunstreaker. He is awful and useless.

    @laogalaxy  I don’t have enough gems to spend on Sunstreaker anyways. As for his performance, he probably gets better as you upgrade him. That’s usually the case with most of the bots.



    I’ve watched videos of him on youtube at level 15 with all accessories. He feels like a level 5 Energon Grimlock. His beam does so little damage. I’ve tried him out for free in the live events and he felt awful.


    @jimmy-necessary if you don’t have gems or money to buy Sunstreaker, why even bring up the question of buying him then?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Sunstreaker! – New Event!

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