Earn Thousands of Bird Coins & Power-ups FREE!

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  • Finn

    @alan-leon-wautier Thank you,i must read the rules again.
    My first language isnt English so what do you mean with:
    Plus sharing with fellow AB nuts is the real bonus?

    Edit:I got it ;)


    Collecting lots free PUs is one awesome bonus to say the least.. another big + is as a group member you mingle with new + old players from all over world and have a good time meeting and exchanging anything ABF related.. tips, strategies, rants, jokes, naked pics…no just kidding.. lol :) it adds a whole another dimension to just playing the game.. No worries about English most everybody there speaks something else (I speak French) and were always happy to translate… and yeah some of us are bonafide crazy nuts but that’s optional :)


    Who are you calling a nut?! :P


    Some of us are lose nuts, others are berries :p


    sanity is relative to the observer lol :) no offense guys just being friendly to newbies

    Makin Bakin

    LOL to all the input recently! :) To answer someone’s recent question… How many bird coins do you really need?…

    At one time previously, I “spent” on average about 13k “freebie” bird coins per week on power-ups. That’s a lot compared to a new player! Really scary for a newcomer with few friends in the beginning. That amount has become less per week as I’ve settled into my own “groove” with about 600 friends.

    The fun in the pro FB group is the new friends you’ll meet and make on an international scale without boundaries, not how well you may score. I’d rather have a new friend from wherever than the highest score :)

    Same on the Nest. It’s much more fun to make a new friend and chat, than merely posting a high score without sharing a strat or posting a comment.

    I’m from Southern California (USA). Two of my best ABF friends (members of both Nest and pro FB group) are from Ontario (Canada). Although we’ve never met in-person, we chat on the telephone for 30-45 minutes at least once per month.

    Once you get past the anxiety and “need” to get top score, the anguish of cheaters and expensive bird coins by Rovio, then you can finally and truly enjoy the game by making many new friends around the globe.

    It’s Angry Bird FRIENDS, afterall. Thanks to Rovio and ABF, I have many new friends from all over planet Earth who speak a variety of languages (Google Translator comes in handy). I think I may have a couple of AB Friends from Mars, too :)

    Enjoy! –MB :)

    Makin Bakin

    Special thanks to @nitro and @terribletom :)


    @dseufert Nope, one was from Mars and the other from Venus.
    But both get unfriended for not sending gifts… :(
    I’m pretty sure we’re all Earthlings in your friends list right now ;-)


    Ok, I registered here and sent the 2 friend requests. Is there anything else I need to do? I’d really like to roll back how much I’m spending on this game. :D TIA


    @sillybird – now just hang tight and wait to be accepted, then follow directions found within the FB group. Will probably take a month or so before you generate a critical mass of friends that can self sustain full on power up consumption.


    Thank you! Will do!


    Sent the 2 requests like you suggested. I’m not savvy about Facebook so I hope I did it right. Thanks for sharing. How will I know if I’m accepted?


    Wow did I come late to the party, just was accepted to the group and now adding friends. Have read but not understood how to get all the gifts and coins but will try over the next week to figure it out.


    @wrw01 it’s never too late to join the party ;-)
    There is a LOT of info posted in the pinned post there, so don’t try to take it all in at once; just do small chunks at a time.
    When you don’t understand something, go back and re-read it slowly… a 2nd or 3rd or 4th time. It’ll all makes sense.
    Just remember that what is written covers many platforms, so some stuff just doesn’t apply to you.
    If you only use a mobile device, ignore the stuff about using a PC, and vise versa.

    The most important is to make lots of friends and gift *properly* every day.
    And of course, Have FUN!  :)

    Makin Bakin

    @wrw01 Welcome to the FB group! You’re entering the realm of the best ABF players on the Planet, both PU and non-PU. Competition is fierce, but a really strong group of really nice friends from all over the whole world. Scores don’t really matter, but the social interaction is probably most important.

    Like Nitro mentioned, it can be overwhelming at first. Read the pinned posts on FB at the top of the group’s website, then re-read them several times more. Need more help? Ask me or Nitro or TerribleTom or many other veteran Nester’s.

    Thanks, D @nitro for your help, as always. –MB :)


    @makin bakin, @nitro – Am now a member of the group and have roughly 500 friends after two weeks.  Not sure which website you’re referring to re: pinned posts.  Also I’ve seen references to Puffin re: sending gifts. Can you enlighten me on that too?  I’ve noticed a number of friends from whom I haven’t received gifts in over a week but have been sending them to these same friends – is there a polite way to delete them or should I give it more time?   (Getting about 200 coins and roughly 10 PUs daily, bought the Jingle Sling as soon as I was able and waiting for enough coins to buy other slings.)  Starting at the bottom again has been interesting but knowing the game has enabled me to come in 1st in my league most tournaments.  Thanks for your help! (My new account is under Greta Goldnagle.)



    Here’s the link to the pro group site pinned post.  You may want to check #3 “Welcome post” first then  #5 “group rules for all info, faqs, tips, etc.. it’s a really useful guide for new members. If you have any questions feel free to post them on the group site. We’re a friendly bunch.   happy hunting :)


    Thanks, Alan, but the link isn’t working for me. I got this:

    “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now
    The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in.
    Go back to the previous page · Go to News Feed · Visit our Help Center”



    @elliesue I don’t see your name in the group member’s list, nor as a friend of John Thompson…. so I’m not sure what group you joined…..
    Did you send a Friend Request to John Thompson AND send him a message that you want to be added to the Pro Strategy Group?

    As for why you are getting such a poor return on your gifts, well, if you aren’t in the right group, who knows who you added for friends… ;-(


    Hi, Nitro

    Thanks for your response.  Due to an odd set of circumstances,  I wasn’t able to reply to John when he originally added me in, but was in contact with him on Messenger on June 1 and he acknowledged that I was ready to play.  I see that he sent me the link to the Pro Group when he originally accepted my Friend Request but when I click on it now it shows that I don’t currently have access to the Group.  I requested admittance again and am waiting for acceptance.  I assumed (something I don’t usually do) that all the friend requests I was getting was through the group, so yeah…who knows who these people are ;)  My bad.  Elliesue is my name here in the Forum but the new account I set up for the Pro Group is under Greta Goldnagle.  thanks for your help…


    Ok looks like you’re not in the pro group. no problem, it shouldn’t take long to get John Thompson invite after sending your PM… keep checking your FB messages. If you like I can give you a head start on setting up collections while waiting. btw, once you become a pro group member it changes the game forever.. :)



    Thanks, Alan.  I’ll gladly take any advice you can give me.


    @elliesue, I have been in contact with John and he filled me in on what happened.
    You created your game profile, but never played, so you were removed from the group.
    6 months later you contacted him, but never sent him a Friend Request again.
    He said he will send you a message, so check your gaming account for info from John.

    Once you get back into the group, we can help you clean up your friends list and get rid of all the deadwood (people that don’t gift, and or cheaters).

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