Attack of the clones – New Event

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  • Mechanic Pig

    I’m not as good as you guys, 851 is quite impressive for me.



    That’s not what I meant.  In absolute terms, 851 is a good base score for today’s target.

    But it’s a bad score relative to what we need for today’s Challenge.  That’s not on you, that’s all on Rovio.

    If today’s Challenge maxed out at 200K like it does on most days, then it would be fine.  But 400K is just ridiculous.

    Mechanic Pig

    Wood Block Day: No fingers!


    Lots of crazy players, though.

    #1 in my group is already over 300K points.


    So moral of the story:

    Every day in an event is a finger day if players are not willing to spend sparks and/or gems like crazy.


    In mine are not that crazy with points, but at top 10 players there are only 2 with Red Crown – me and another one. Top for now is 150k


    #1 guy is now up around 450K, which makes no sense to me considering that #2 has just barely broken 200K.

    Both of them are Red Crowned (+175/700%).

    Mechanic Pig

    This calls for a SSYGP: Stop Spending Your Gems Players.


    Craziest result ever



    Mechanic Pig

    All pigs day. It’s… Ok.


    Yesterday more than a little bit crazy. I took the screenshot when there was still a couple of hours left.


    I myself gathered some 311,000 points and ended up 7th!

    @christian-cosgrove  It is not “All Pigs” Day today, otherwise the overall scoring would be better. Today’s target is in fact just the stationary pigs that are just sitting on the ground or on structures, including the pigs that are not shooting at you.


    So far L18 Blaster doesn’t feel stronger than he was at L17.

    I guess the real test will be tonight’s Spark Run.


    @optimuspig With this night first place I collected 12k tokens, enough to overpower Blaster to level 20. He survived longer then normal in Spark Run ( which is not something that will show his progress. I have runs that he survived the whole run thill the end ). At level 20 upgrade is +541 % and for level 21 is 656%. This is one of the bots with highest % overpower.


    Today’s scoring is impressively bad.

    I’m averaging 421 points/run (pre-bonus) after my first eight runs, and that’s only because I got lucky and had a BP run sandwiched in there.

    Mechanic Pig

    @optimuspig What is your bot and Energonicon?


    L18 Blaster with Shieldor.

    My score is perking up a little now – I got a Unicron run that gave me 2,600 (pre-bonus) points.

    I’m still probably going to be short of 100K unless I recharge at least once, though.


    Someone just jumped from less than 50K, up to 105K in the past 45 minutes.  And he’s still moving!

    I’d be impressed if I weren’t so p!ssed off.


    Used my tokens to get the 10 gold crates and got 169 gems, L16 Jazz and L17 Grey Slam Grimlock (one of the main characters I use in events) so super thrilled with that. The rest were accessories (most of which I don’t use).



    So far none of the overpowers I’ve gotten from gold crates have been to TFs that I regularly use.


    I was able to overpower blaster to level 19, and he seemed slightly better against the spark run flying pigs than at 18.


    I had a weird anomaly appear on my map, my TF was sitting on a pile of gold blocks, it had a timer of 50 minutes, when I played, I ended up getting over 30,000 coins.

    Keep your eyes open for this


    Anyone else buying the new crate offers? Like I am being offered 10 gold crates and 5 silver crates for 1800 gems. Should I go for it or not?

    Mechanic Pig

    No… The tokens are best.


    @datguygamer I don’t think this worth. 5 steel crated are 75 000 coins so this free reword is nothing. Price is same as the normal all the time – 1800 gems for 10 Gold crates. Also as they are already offered for 7500 tokens is totaly pointless to spend gems for Gold Crates.

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