Arena Season 8

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  • The Dark Knight

    i just checked the 1.4.8 and i see the mastery back to normal? In 1.4.7 i was 972 points to get mastery 11 in both birds and with Chuck (Wizard) and 756 Matilda (Druid) and with 1.4.8 i need 4576 and 3378 and i see while playing in the Cave 2 the 9 level mastery in Cave 2 was loosing to easy? Never that happened in any other version. In arena things are the same with before the 1.4.7 i am facing all the enemies non human or human? don’t know really but they are all set at 8 level mastery and not a single one of those teams have a complete set of banner but their birds have elite headgears and legendary weapons.

    And because i was curious i delete the 1.4.8 from my iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 8.4) Not a jailbreak device. I reboot the device i connected the device to iTunes and i install the 1.4.7 that (i have a save copy) And i re-install it. I run again the game and my mastery was again in 972 points for Chuck (Wizard) to get level 11 and the same goes for the Matilda (Druid) 756 points until leveling up.

    I tried as well once again the Arena same as 1.4.8 nothing change from 1.4.7.

    I also run the game again in the Cave 2 all battles and i haven’t not a single lost.

    My conclusion i will stay with the 1.4.7 until things will change to a better way.


    Mastery in 1.4.8 is not back to “normal”, it’s still different to what was in 1.4.6…
    Maybe it was different in 1.4.7 but since I was unable to run that version I can’t check up :/

    The Dark Knight

    @smwforever45 In the 1.4.6 the mastery was 50.000 to have level 10 at 1.4.7 are near the 30.000 if i am not mistaken. But till now i have seen so big difference in mastery points and the way get it them. But i can’t understand why your iDevice can’t play the 1.4.7 version. I was bothered for what you said to me and i checked also an iPhone 4 with 7.1.2 was running (slowly) but flawless the 1.4.7 version. And i am sure that the iOS version isn’t the problem :( Well i wish you for the best regarding the game :)


    Mastery from 9 to 10 is still a bit less than 30,000 even in 1.4.8.

    The reason I couldn’t play was that I had a single class at M14 (Wizard)… he had so much mastery that the game got confused.

    The Dark Knight

    @smwforever45 this is my guess that the mastery at those level went down and with the 1.4.7 in compare with the previous 1.4.6 was “normal” so the game couldn’t categorized your bird i which class of mastery should be? Interesting…


    No it didn’t go down, it was supposed to go UP. Way beyond the maximum limit of M15. That is why only people with M14 and M15 classes had these problems.
    The mastery required to jump from one rank to the next was reduced, and all your classes were supposed to rank up according to that. However, since this spawned problems Rovio probably decided to keep the ranks and just reduce the requirements to the next rank.

    The Dark Knight

    @smwforever45 oh i see :) Well i hope you can enjoy the game with the 1.4.8.

    I will be staying at 1.4.7 for now :)


    @smwforever45 You’re right, the requirements to mastery up is lowered. But Rovio loves Tit for Tat. So, all my birds’ collected mastery is dropped by 1.500.
    That way, my Elite Bard’s mastery is down to M5.


    I have to say that I think the coin toss is actually fixed. Played 33 battles today and yesterday And won 19 while loosing 14…


    When I was doing my objectives last night I was getting teams made of birds other than Red, Chuck and Matilda. After I was finished, and up to now, however, it seems I’m getting the same old combos.

    I’m loving my board this week! I’m in 1st with a little over 100 point lead, and no one seems to be grinding at all. 1st – 3rd has 11,000+, 2nd has 2595 and 5th and down all have 0. I think I started roughly 10 hours after the previous week ended. If only they were all this easy.


    @datguygamer @pointless @smwforever45
    Resurrection (by Resurrection Emblem) of Chuck with Last Will set triggers Last Will attacks in 1.4.8 (just saw it in my game). Rovio didnt change this.


    My birds didn’t lose or gain progress to the next rank… it’s weird that your Bard went down by one rank.


    I can’t confirm right now, but I’ll keep playing…


    @metztli013 @smwforever45
    I cant confirm that right now also. I do testing of this. Rovio changed something today because I recieved that “EPIC” message today.


    And I still have no luck with Underdog or Resurrection… :(


    Hard to believe that :) U never got any of those emblems since u have started this game?


    I believe I got Underdog once back in Wood or Stone league in one of the first season but disposed of it because it was so bad…
    Resurrection I never obtained because I never made it to Platinum in the first six seasons.


    @kennymcc I can confirm that I have not noticed any change to the behaviour of Bones, it is just as buggy as ever, but a Resurrection proc does indeed still cause a Last Will proc. Deadly :)


    @datguygamer @smwforever45 @pointless
    I played 33 battles with Last Will set in arena today.
    Coinflip results (0-lost, 1-won): 010010111000001110000101001100010 (13 won, 20 lost). This was closer to 50/50 then my yesterday result :)

    Last Will was not triggered once of those 33 battles and the reason is unknown because Chuck was KOed twice in that battle: the Last Will was not trigged from the first KO of Chuck but when he was KOed again (with the same series of attacks) the Last Will was triggered :)
    Last Will was triggered on 50% (only 1 bird made his bonus attack) once of those 33 battles. As u said, triggering of this set is not in perfect condition :)

    I recieved my Resurrection emblem from the free roll on Arena GPM :)


    I keep getting banners from the free rolls on the Arena GPM… right now I got Retaliate which I already had before :(
    I did get a free spin on your GPM though and got a guaranteed set item from it which was a Primal Spear :)


    Welp. Three objectives, three battles, three coin toss losses. Not looking good for Rovio :D

    Total: 30 matches played since 1.4.8 was released – 11 coin toss wins, 19 losses (36.67% win ratio)
    Today: 3 matches played – 0 coin toss wins, 3 losses


    So first the first time in memory (ever?), I didn’t complete an Objective, simply because KO Bomb with Chuck was impossible, as all I ever get is CG Red/Chuck/Matilda Teams. Every. Single. Time.

    So the bad is that I lost 1.5K from this.

    The good, still ~3K in the lead (grinding to collect toss data is at least somewhat interesting/ useful). And these Teams are easy to beat, even losing the toss, it takes three turns max. They all have APR 200-400 lower than my team.


    I must have played almost a hundred matches today against unnamed CG opponents w lower power ratings. Every 10 or 20 opponents there would be one equally matched. Then it was back to Red, Chuck and Matilda again. I haven’t lost yet. It was like taking candy from a baby. Hope it continues tomorrow. This all happened while I was in first place?. Except for the evenly matched teams, none were using any banner sets.


    I got KO Chuck with Blues as one of my objectives. Phew! Could’ve been vice versa. :p

    And honestly, getting easy-as-pie opponents but at the same time being unable to complete an otherwise easy objective doesn’t really help me.


    If u get tasks like KO Bomb or Blues, maybe try to make battles at different power of your team, it might higher the chance to meet Blues or Bomb. When I played my 33 battles with my Last Will setup (power 1296), I remember that I had some Bombs as enemy ;) I will count Bombs and Blues on my next series of battles and share it here.


    Even at higher power ratings (I play with teams between 1200 and 1400 so similar to you) I do meet a few Bombs and Blues before it switches to Unnamed Players. In fact, I was able to complete a “KO Bomb with Chuck” objective in the first two battles on Day 2 of this week. Both had a Bomb. Afterwards, I got a flood of Unnamed Players.

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