ABGo Weekly Tournaments. SCORES

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  • angryde

    I only received 20x gems for the – 1st place, week 25 – tourney prize. I think I’ll just have to let go of the (deluded) belief that I am going to receive a Sub Zero kart at some point… oh well… it would’ve been nice!

    26-angryde-OS7-688,291 (no PUs or additional SPs)


    I have not received awards for weekly tournaments even though I was the first.

    Did you only complete 4 out of the 5 challenges? I have put a bug up about that (see comments in “Bug” forum: Jun 24th 7:28am) Happened 2 weeks in a row for me



    Nice battle with @abgofast and @aftarquino, all above 700,000.


    Are karts rare to have ?



    Bring it on @wazemank @aftarquino !!! You guys tired of 2nd and 3rd place on the android device yet?

    haha +20 gems “prize” is mine again … fingers crossed … whisper a prayer for a sub zero Chuck Ice L6 kart c’mon Rovio God … It’s ABGoFast … through me a freakin’ bone here


    @abgofast and @wazemank
    I admit my incompetence to achieve more than 210k in Stunt track #4.
    Any clue?


    @aftarquino @wazemank

    Hey Aft … are you launching off the slingshot behind opponents…if you tailgate or drive side by side….almost stuck to your at least one opponent (airborne or not) by the time you get to bottom of hill, you could be 35,000 – 45,000 points….even 50,000+ points by time you get to first left corner

    They other key to this track to score high is to battle the “1st” place racer from this point forward….tailgate, smash, drift with this opponent as long as possible….goal to be over 80,000+ before the first large set of boost pads….goal to be 100,000+ by time you cross the water and get to the first set of wooden bridges….if you’re over 100,000 there, you can get to 130,000+ by time you reach the gap between bridges (even if you don’t clear the bridge, and re-spawn, it allows opponents to catch up and you steal more points fighting with them)….my goal is to cross the line with 140,000/145,000 by drifting and fighting rest of way

    To hit these points, it’s best to grab the fastest racing opponent and mess around with them (drift side by side / smash / tailgate) until the end when you take away their 1st and grab the checkered flag for yourself! It pays off to be a dirty racer! Nice guys finish last on Stunt tracks :)

    Using “real” drifting techniques are key to high Stunt scores …not just turning left and right quickly which seems to also be considered “a drift” by the game’s scoring …I would call these “skids” but seems there is no distinction … the use of ABGo drifting is why these Stunt tracks are my personal favorite.


    26-angryde-OS7-704,678 (no PUs or ASPs)

    OK, I’m officially over it… if I don’t receive a Sub Zero kart as my prize for coming 1st in this week’s tourney… then I’m going to crack and spend 600 gems… I’m sick of sitting on 133 challenges complete… waiting… waiting…


    @aftarquino @abgofast
    You’re right with all your comments regarding Stunt track #4 but you’ve also to be very lucky to find an opponent with a similar speed to stay much time behind him drifting – 232,165 in this track.

    739,945 (me, no PUs no ASPs), 737,467 (@abgofast) and 722,530 (@aftarquino) = very nice Android battle this week.

    Both of you have better score than me in Time Boom #1 this week – How did you do??


    @wazemank — After two cups of morning coffee, ABGoFast was fired up to regain the top spot on the Android podium….so….with that said…. 745,101 with 233,833 on the Stunt track #4

    Score by race:

    115,942 – 134,285 – 125,186 – 233,833 – 135,855

    Re: Time Boom #1…The first track is kind of difficult cause your kart has barely enough CC to allow for much drifting without timing out / failing at the end. Therefore, my strategy is to try and shorten the track as much as possible, then drift when I can and finally time the use of my boy Red’s special power. Here’s my best attempt to describe my ideal race:

    Off the sling, I seem to have most success angling the jump to the right so that you land in a skid / drift before hitting the boosts and then drift left, then right again. Should be 4,000 to 5,000 points by time you leave your boost and avoid the set of obstacles on the right side. I try to cut between them and the right wall. I do try to keep right as much as possible till the track opens up to the “blue rock hill”…I move the kart left and take the jump aiming the kart left so to take the corner as tightly as possible. This is so key….too much left, you hit the wall and slow down. Too much right and you crash into an obstacle. If you make this work, you split them. Once landed, I drift as much as possible to get around 13,000 to 15,000 points before the jump off the wooden deck into the cave. I tend to prefer the left side of the track on this jump. I make sure to shift the kart to an angle when jumping so to keep the kart in a low jump / not hit the roof of the cave. If you can do this, you’ll maintain good speed and that’s when I kick in Red’s power. This gives you the “hyper drive” speed to get to finish while taking the occasional drift before the canyon jump. Key is to try and time the canyon jump before the time boom ticker starts. If you do, you can drift over the finish line for extra points….if you can’t time it right, you gotta go straight over the line or you end up failing. I think that’s the difference between 114,500+ and 115,000+ … the drift over the finish line.


    @abgofast I use EXACTLY the same strategy on that first track… I’ve achieved 115,562… close but no doughnut, right, mate!? =D


    Thanks for the tips @abgofast – I didn’t play more yesterday because the World Cup. It was a good idea because I got a new kart for SubZero :)


    Hope @angryde is not reading us XD


    @wazemank good for you man! Did you get that as a 2nd place gift?

    I got a Seedway Big Bang Special Edition kart this time.


    I actually came in second place for real this week, but alas, the kart streak is over. Got 20 gems though, which is always nice. Maybe they gave my kart to @angryde. Let’s hope so, or he may get even angrier… :)


    @wazemank @angryde @dbkraemer @alcusto @aftarquino

    The streak of 1st place and +20 gems continues …

    Mr. Waze …I’d be MORE jealous of the Sub Zero kart you got if it was the Chuck Ice L6 … already invested my hard earned gems a while ago to acquire the Shred Sled L6 … it is something sweet to get something useful… why do I fear you playing with matches posting the picture … is that salt for @angryde ‘s wounds???

    looking forward to the battle this week! I guess I’m not a true football fan cause I watched the games and kept the driving going

    ps: My heart is broken for you Greek and Mexican fans … such entertaining and dramatic games … brutally tough losses but be proud of your teams, they truly did represent!


    Hi All,
    Got a new kart for Seedway in iOS for 1st place with 690k and a “skip next challenge” for 3rd place in Android with 724k.
    These guys on Android (@abgofast and @wazemank) are really hard to beat… haha
    I noticed that when I went to tourney to receive the prize before facebook “mounts” the scores, allways received 20 gems. This week I went to the normal campaign, saw the scores and then to tournament; two prizes that were not gems (1 kart).


    @alcusto In last weekly tournaments I disconnect from facebook the last night so I’m first one – Not always works but this time I received a SubZero kart.

    By the way @abgofast, I’m not sure I need it. Stuck on 8 “Use all power ups in 3 races” in Subzero, passed already these “win with X karts” challenges, 175 already done, so maybe it’s an another unnecessary kart. On the other hand I DO need a Stunt kart (stuck on 7 “win with X karts” and 2 “use all PUs in 3 races”).

    Yes @aftarquino, we are having nice battles in the weeklys, let’s see what happens this one.

    Come on, tell us! Did you get the SubZero kart this week?????

    27-wazemank-android-605,452 – not good, first day, poor score – Will we get 700,000 this week?



    Did anybody make a success of the Time of the new weekly tournament ?
    By avoiding quite the obstacles, never by slipping, I never arrive before the countdown.
    Obliged to use a bonus ?


    Hi @grimmjow I did it after a few tries, but I had to avoid ALL obstacles to achieve it yet the bomb almost blew up on the finish line so I guess it is impossible to pass this one if even 1 drift is attempted.


    Hi @grimmjow – I did it but had not avoid all obstacles (2 or 3 touched I think). Try to drive without drifting (or as little as possible) and be very patient. You’ll get it.


    @grimmjow did you make it? I have tried again multiple times but without success. I think I was very very lucky when I passed it with success. This week’s time boom challenge is a sucker. No possibility to pile points in there.


    @wazemank @abgofast @grimmjow @aftarquino @alcusto @dbkraemer

    Shout out to the lads!! Yeah, I did manage to score a kart for this week’s tourney prize… but, unfortunately, it was the Tri-Toaster… kinda sux.

    I’ve finally reached my goal of 3,000 gems farmed… 3,003 as I write this, yeah? Probably going to purchase a Sub Zero kart… my patience is threadbare.

    *Update* Well, I’ve just discovered that purchasing the 600 gem Sub Zero kart is no longer an option. Post-update, the cheapest Sz kart is now 1,500 gems. Really missed the boat on that one…

    Congrats to all on their weekly scores!!

    the time boom track in this week’s tourney line-up is doable without PUs or additional SPs. It’s all about timing + your use of the SP + avoiding every single obstacle. =)



    @angryde I’m amazed at your gem farming skills/patience. Don’t do the mistake to waste 600 gems on the snow shred. I made that mistake myself, but, as you saw this week @wazemank won that kart which means that sooner or later you will get it. Furthermore, fyi a few challenges after the use 3 karts ch. in subzero, they threw in the use 5 karts ch., so you will get stuck pretty soon and with 600 gems less. Much better to concentrate on other tracks and use those gems to pass some heavy demanding gem challenges.

    I have one question on the time boom track of this weekly tourney. How can you get any advantage from the sucking Mathilda’s SP? It doesn’t seem to give any extra speed up when using it.


    @alcusto Yeah, brah, Egg-ho’s SP reeks… as in seriously. I tend to use her SP inside the ‘cave’ towards the very end of the race. She seems to gain a little speed if you take the corner tight to the wall – on the right of the screen – and then keep a straight line – to the left of the screen – just before the launch-point and the final flight towards the finish line… does that make sense!?


    Hi All,
    Yesterday played in my iPad to see the changes of the new update in tournaments.
    My first impressions is that is a way to Rovio make more money:
    1 – Now to play you use cupcakes;
    2 – No longer exists the option to restart the race if you are in course (the restart button disapears);
    3 – If you want to play the same track again, it´s necessary to use birds coins – starting at 50 and increasing in 10 for each try;
    So, as I don´t have bird coins to spend in my Android device (just installed ABGo to play with @abgofast and @wazemank), I think it´s will be my “RIP” when the update comes to Android… haha

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