ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • ABGoFast

    Bah @dbkraemer …it took two of you to get to 2,100 challenges…not a single driver….lmao :)


    @nacho18 @josm thanks for the good news. You just know christmas will be good this year… Not sure my family feels the same way, though :-)

    congrats! when your racer B succeeds racer A, are you going to make the switch or still waiting for Rovio? It’ll be interesting to see what the update brings forth.

    Challenge adding up from wednesday

    ad 1: 4447
    ad: 16
    ad: 10

    I have almost given up on challenge no. 2, but then again, I try to imagine that all your pretty flowers are for me, and be happy with the role as defensive back.

    It’s tempting to stay up, and race tonight as most of you are just settling into your karts now. It’s bringing back memories of the millenium’s Lan parties . God I’m old!

    Did any of you play Midtown Madness back in the day and is Adnan Syed in fact innocent?

    Happy racing!


    Congratulations @janmej on 40,000 Golden Meatballs! :)

    As a reward, I have created a life-size cardboard cutout of yourself that you can place at the dinner table, or in the living room, or even in the car so that your family won’t realize that you’ve snuck off to go racing. It has a microchip attached that every now and again says things like “So, how was your day, dear?” and “Uh-huh, sounds great!” and other tidbits of conversation. They’ll never know you’re gone :)


    hi @janmej

    i think belly dancing is nearer to you… lol… just further down south east…

    congrats on your journey or milestone… or whatever!!! hahah… i sound like grumpy PIG.. lol

    hi @alcusto

    how do u know that your team mate is joining another chip?? u can chat at abgo now?

    i’m curious!!!


    @dbkraemer thank you. Best gift ever! I can’t help by wonder if that’s what you gave yourself explaining the whole split personality situation?

    thanks to you too. You’re right about Egypt. Nothing wrong with belly dancing!


    @janmej yes you definitely have to go kamikaze style straight into the tower on Subzero lest you fall into the bottomless abyss and end off worse than you would’ve been without going for the shortcut. I loved the lemmings analogy I think @dbkraemer mentioned a while back. I’ve also somewhat discovered another shortcut on the same track where you end up respawning at the bottom of the long half pipe just before bouncing off all the final steps down to the finish. I know you need to crash somehow just before you start flying down the half pipe or during but haven’t figured out the best place yet (@ABGoFast knocked me from my cart again just as I was getting airborne the time it happened to me).

    I also haven’t had any tech issues yet so I guess we’re lucky. But I use my Android phone and only my Android phone to play. Sounds like most issues are with ios or multiple devices.


    @nacho18, @dbkraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @janmej, @angryde, @phoenix6, @platium, @wazemank

    Here are the up to the minute ago standings on the weekly event. Sundays races count, then the winner is crowned. Can anyone stop the rise of the Phoenix?

    This week
    phoenix 7,549
    * Sneaking up on Mlizzard to take the leaderboard spot *

    waze 6,597
    * Unreal the progress made 14 thousand plus *
    jane 5,158
    * Congrats on 40 thousand plus *

    me 4,520
    * Not good week … falling behind my 1,000 daily average! Blaming family commmitments and need to 3 star the Birdday Fan designed levels *

    alfredo2 4,036
    * 1 day old stats … expect his update to say 5,000+ this week *

    dbk 1,804
    * Still fast despite time on his new business venture: cardboard cuts outs of all racers so they can get away from family obligations. I’ll take one!

    platium 1,441
    * Returned from a galaxy far away with a vengeance but will 30 new Birdday levels will he disappear again?…lol

    abe 924
    * Who is faster Abe or DBK? Impossible to answer that! These brothers in racing constantly argue about that one

    nacho 505
    * Fearless leader! You rock as a wing man on all tracks you race. A pure pleasure to share the track with you … I wish your tech problems on Subzero to go away…then we can partner up on it too

    — Yes. I also play exclusively on my Samsung Galaxy S3 but I just finished 5 hours of Christmas shopping and was very tempted to treat myself to a newest Samsung Tablet. Sigh…maybe Santa will bring me one? Tonight I’ll have to settle for some Egg Nog with splash of Canadian Whiskey (reality Canadian Whiskey with splash of Egg Nog) ….a few of these in me and I’ll be trashing everyone on the track tonight….everyone might want to watch out for ABGOFAST!!


    @phoenix6 I’m also Android user and have not had any tech problems. So, yes, looks like problems happen only on iOS.

    Drink whiskey tonight and you’ll lose all your races against Donkey Donkos, Brazilian Team… even against SexyFox :)

    Are you going to create those cardboards for all your teammates? Want one! By the way, check your private messages inbox (Epic – 100 LC reward – only Android).

    Congrats for your 40,000 golden eggs, meat balls or whatever those strange balls are ;)


    Yes!! I reached 25 wins on sub zero! None of you had any flowers for me tonight, though. Never mind, winning is more fun! (EDIT: and when I think about it. It was a rather rude way of presenting me with flowers… I mean from your bottoms! Not saying anything bad about your bottoms, but you know :-) – somebody stop me! I haven’t even been drinking).

    thank you for the tip. I have been wondering about that; how have you been able to magically turn up right before the bumpy ride to the finish. Did you see this @alcusto, you’ve been asking too.

    Cheers, coach @ABGoFast. Even though, drinking and driving… Not that I would really know about that. Little unknown fact about myself: I actually don’t know how to drive a real car…


    Hi team!

    Here is my weekly challenge update:

    ad 1: 5322 (I have 7938 GEs)
    ad 2: 58
    ad 3: 43

    when is the clock for the challenge going to zero? Let’s pick up a GMT time for it.

    I know a teammate left us because I now see him within a different team and had raced against him.

    I guess your 25 victories were on Air, not sub zero, right?


    @nacho18, @dbkraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @janmej, @angryde, @phoenix6, @platium, @wazemank

    Good point @alcusto and great work on your “racer B” results … another week like this one and we’ll be discussing the timing of remove “A” / replace with “B” so you can race with your TRUE team :)

    I plan to post the results of our weekly challenge roughly 24 hours from now before my departure to work on Monday morning. This will be 7:30 to 8 am my local time. As I’m in the time zone GMT – 4 hours. It should be roughly 11:30 to 12 noon GMT.

    I would suspect this deadline is also roughly around 12 noon + 1 hour on Monday for those of you in Europe. Those to the South West of me in US will be likely wake up to the results. Our friend @platium will be enjoying his Monday evening as he and I identified a 12 hour time difference.

    … you’ll be happy to know that our team security took ABGOFAST’s kart keys away after he had few “whiskeys nogs”. Instead, he watched something that should help you remove all stereotypes about his heritage …. a NHL Saturday night hockey game … haha … shocking stuff … a male Canadian watching hockey while drinking. This is far less surprising than your confession about driving a “real” car :)))


    @alcusto yes you’re right, I meant to say Air. Which by the way wasn’t my track today. 28 wins total. And I managed to kick our captain @ABGoFast out the kart 13 times total this week.

    I’m sorry @ABGoFast but with the stockings and all I can’t help but imagining you wore a little red santa’s hat with that whisky nogg and the ice hockey match… :-).

    Guys, let take on those cheaters now. With a little luck, Rovio’s lack of policing the leader board, and our strong racing, maybe Notorious is within reach.

    I’m very sympathetic towards your caution on Sub Zero, but I just wants to let you know that I haven’t crashed on that track for a few days now, and before that I crashed everyday, losing my GEs only to find them restored again after a restart of the app. It seems that Rovio has done a bit of repairing. At least on my problem.

    I see you on the individual leader board now. Congrats! A great week you have had.


    Alright I’m calling it for the night. Below are my weekly challenge numbers:

    Ad 1: @ABGoFast it’s too late for me to be doing math problems.
    Ad 2: 51
    Ad 3: 30

    Thanks @janmej. Your meatballs were looking and smelling so enticing I decided I needed to get closer. Might want to watch out for Steve[P] who is right behind me for now. We have been playing leapfrog back and forth ever since my early days when I was undercover spying on him and the Russians.


    @nacho18, @dbkraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @janmej, @angryde, @phoenix6, @platium, @wazemank

    A new week of racing is upon us and it appears some of the cheat teams are removed again but NOTORIOUS and SEXYFOX have stolen #1 and #2 spots from us. We’re over 220,500 clean eggs now as a team! Awesome!

    So…without further delay and after a drum roll, the GRAND MASTER RACER of our team is



    As winner of our challenge week, the Grand Master Racer can choose this week’s team challenge, design our team logo and tease the lowest result in one post.

    Unfortunately, the “zero” egg glitch has currently caught Abe_Goracer…hope his eggs restore. @nacho18 continues to have app crashing problems and @grimmjow and @alfredo (racer A) are still parked.

    This week
    phoenix 11,945 ** WINNER ** Grand Master Racer
    waze 9,000 More than doubled his overall result this week!
    me 6,822 Fell short of 7,000 target but had to stop at 56,000 even
    jane 6,701 She and I are 1,336 eggs away from a combined 100,000!
    alfredo2 4,036 1 day old result. unlikely to grab 8,000 eggs yesterday :)
    dbk 2,400 Eggs thankfully restored. 60% higher overall result
    platium 1,441 Saved us from evil pork forces! Closing in on 20,000
    abe 924 Tech problem – eggs reset to “zero”
    nacho 626 Subzero! you’re killing him!
    grimm – Parked in garage
    alfredo1 – Parked in garage


    Ok man, I’m done with the challenge with below latest figures:

    ad 1: 6013
    ad 2: 69
    ad 3: 47

    I reckon that being outside of my Team and facing harsh non-cheaters competition (or are they really so? Sometimes I wonder how can these people have so easily multiple p-ups; maybe cheaters are evolving and shifted from million GEs to unlimited p-ups with a few thousands GEs that Rovio police cannot easily track, otherwise I don’t understand how these teams can pop up suddenly from nowhere in the leaderboard) made the whole process of GE collection hard and frustrating at times.
    In the last couple of days new teams called “Birdspot” and “Daltontoxic” appeared out of the blue and proved to be extremely tough to challenge being that all of their racers are using leaf blower p-ups. Anyway, they didn’t find an easy win in me ;-)


    Congratulations man for your victory, but you were not able to get double my GEs. @abgofast’s memory is low and he forgot that he promised me double my reward in GEs due to my forced racing out of the Team. With 6013×2=12,026 I would be the winner ahahah.
    Anyway, I don’t want to claim the victory as the phoenix was just too amazing to get so many GEs, but I’m happy to be the clear winner of challenges 2 and 3 ;)

    Well done everybody! Good stuff!!


    @alcusto … ah crap … I did forget about the double eggs promise! So as fair compensation to you, here are your four awards:

    2. You can add a challenge for this week to @phoenix6 idea
    3. Write our team’s standard media answer when asked ‘how does it feel to win the race?’
    4. You can make more fun of my memory or anything else about me on one frustration removing post;)


    @phoenix6 and @alcusto Big congrats to both of you! I send loads of meatballs your way. Bring on the challenge!



    1. Thank you so much I like it. It’s a pity I cannot change the name in my driver’s licence to reflect my new title.
    2. I wait for the Grand Master racer’s idea to add mine.
    3. I would say “Man, it’s great, but don’t waste our time. Next race is going to start and we want to win more!!”
    4. Why, you forgot something?? ahahahah


    Thank you so much! Appreciated.


    very impressed @phoenix6
    Almost 12,000 GEs in a week, wow, congratulations!


    Hi Team,

    a small update on my tech issue. I pushed Rovio and got below reply from our well known Nadir:

    Dear Alfredo,

    I totally understand your frustration and believe me we are doing our best to get all of these issues solved but since we provide support for so many other games, it may take some time for us to look into all the issues right away.

    I suggest you to wait until the developers get back to us. I have noticed that they changed your case from major to critical which means they will start working on that in no time at all.

    Thank you for your understanding, Alfredo.

    Rovio Support Team

    This means that Racer B will have to wait a bit longer before getting his major leap from CCCP to ABGOFAST. Can’t wait for that time to come guys!!!


    @alcusto When you come back we will prepare a wellcome costume party for you. @abgofast will bring Canadian whiskey (but you probably won’t see him, he moves too fast), @janmej will cook her famous meat balls, you will know the split personality of @dbkraemer/@angryde and rest of us will dance for you costumed angry birds (if we are not racing at this moment) while @nacho18 sing us some Mexican rancheras.


    @wazemank lol way to go man!


    … shame it took Rovio this much time to realize your not a major but critical when it comes to this app! You’re definitely criticial to our team success. As such, I hereby declare a change your title bestowed upon you this morning to:

    Critical Challenge Conquering Person … uh wait … yeah that’s more appropriate given your racer B team … yup…. CCCP :)))))

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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