AB2 Not Loading After Android Update

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum AB2 Not Loading After Android Update

  • I updated my Android phone today and upon trying to load AB2, was met with, “assets failed to load, uninstall and reinstall from Google Play.”

    I have yet to do this because I am afraid it may destroy the save data. AB2 was saved to my SD card (which is probably part of the issue) and at first wasn’t recognized on my phone after the update.

    If the data is saved via my Google account, I guess there is no issue here, but I wanted to check prior to uninstalling/reinstalling the app.

    I use my Google account (which is also set to back-up) but I am not connected to AB2 via Facebook.


    Things I have tried:

    Moving it from SD card and back

    Moving it to internal storage and leaving it there.

    Restarting the phone

    Removing and reinserting the SD card.

    The data is clearly there as nothing happened to it, I just need to know how to get it working again without losing my progress. Which I really hope is possible. I can’t even connect to Facebook for AB2 if I wanted to, at this point.


    Google search has been maddeningly unhelpful, this time.

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  • TripH0P

    I wouldn’t uninstall unless you are synced to FB. I don’t have any ideas for you though

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum AB2 Not Loading After Android Update

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