Score and rank breakdown for worlds
  • So we have a nice score and rank breakdown for individual levels, and whole episodes. But what about the worlds in the middle? I'd really like to see that. You know, the 18 worlds, or screens to choose from. Can you break those down for me too? I know I'm really good with the first level, but I want to know how much work I have to do on the second and third sub-episodes, without having to bust out my calculator, and calculate everyone's scores up that I'm curious about and competing with.
  • Not a high priority. The episodic leaderboards was a significant undertaking in itself.
  • I'm not sure I follow. Isn't this what the episodic leaderboards already accomplish?
  • He means breaking down the episodes ( i.e Poached Eggs ) into world leader boards ( i.e world 1 is from 1-1 to 1-21; world 2 2-1 to 2-21 etc ...)
    Actually you might consider changing the "world total score" link to "episode total score" to avoid confusions. Just a thought :-)
  • @sal9, Thanks, I get it now. Yeah, that is not a huge priority IMO. However, I think your suggestion about renaming is a good one. The nomenclature has changed a bit over the years. World and Episode are now used interchangably. For what it's worth, I considered Poached Eggs to be a "World" (or "Episode") and the groups of levels (e.g. 1 - 21) to be "Chapters".
  • Ok. I was going based on the site. That is how they have it listed, and they have it broken down in chapters as well, but they call them worlds. Thank you, my question has been answered.
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