iPhone and iPad scores leaderboard problems
  • I've mentioned this before, but not in a great spot. I have been playing Angry Birds original game on the iPhone for the longest time, I have 3-starred all levels, and have developed some very competitive scores. But recently I just got an iPad. I use the same name for the Game Center and Crystal Mobile app for both leaderboard accounts. It's dollarbill2208. I started playing Birdday Party on iPad, and I noticed that my scores were getting posted, so I was very happy. I had not begun playing Birdday Party on iPhone yet.

    So I went back to level 1-1, and low and behold I get a higher score than what I had on the iPhone, and did it rather quickly. My iPhone record is 34,950, which I broke on iPad with 35,180. BUT guess what... it didn't get updated on Gamecenter like my Birdday Party scores did. Why is this? I do not want my total score to be different on this site than what is on the Gamecenter, because that looks fishy, whether anyone notices or not. I know it's only a couple hundred points, but I need to know so I don't end up wasting my time trying to break more of my records playing on the iPad.
  • And by the way, I was not playing the HD version on the iPad. I made sure that I was playing the regular one, so that can't be the problem. There are indeed separate leaderboards for the HD version.
  • That could actually be the source of the problem. GameCenter isn't good with mix-and-match, nor is the SD app intended to be played on iPad (yes, it is certainly possible, but it is not the intent)
  • Ok then, so that does mean that I can post high scores on HD if they are higher than my scores on SD version? Is that legit? I can post my 35,180 without bad conscience?
  • Sure. But if you mix-and-match scores, it is harder for you to catch your own errors. But yes, it's fine.
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