boomerang bird appeared suddenly!
  • hey guys. i was just playing ABo and after using the mighty eagle on level 6-4 the boomerang bird appeared in the middle of the screen (i think like if you unlock him?!) .
    then came as usual the feather bar and filled up till 100%. but why did Bb
    show up? i have unlocked him since it was available! it didnt show me any new achievement (or a already achieved one) since i have them all (excl. smash maniac)
    has anyone a screenshot how it looks like when a new bird is introduced? perhaps i can upload a screenshot if i get to pc today!
    any ideas why boomerang bird appeared?
    (i play ipod touch with the newest version(birdday party) )
  • It happens sometimes with Game Center.
    I get this kind of message with rio all the time, big bird and blue giant.
    It doesn't affect your game, progress or achievement, just a small glitch.
  • yes in rio you get the achievements sometimes more than once (to unlock big and blue) , and in seasons i surely got cookie crumbler 10times! but this wos something other! now i found a comparison! it was as if you find a golden egg! boomerang bird came from the bottom middle, went to the middle middle and then went to the top middle (sorry i know it doesnt sound good, but i dont know how to express myself otherwise ;) ) does it look like that if you use a bird for the very first time? i dont know but i dont think so cause i have in mind that it shows you (the very first time) how to use it (same as if You go to help screen)
  • In 9-5, the boomerang bird appears in the middle the first time you complete the level.
  • If you have Game Center and are not connected to the internet, sometimes you get achievements using the old Crystal achievements, even if you didn't activate Crystal. When you are connected to the internet, you will get the achievement using Game Center. This sometimes results in you seeing the "Achievement Unlocked" notification more than once.

    NOTE: This applies to iOS only.
  • If you haven't passed 6-4 and 9-5 yet, you see that the boomerang bird is in a cage and you have to free him. When you pass the level the bird appears in the middle of the screen (like a golden egg) showing that you have freed the bird. I don't think it is an achievement unless you haven't unlocked the bird yet.
  • YAY green bird is GOOD
  • I always have the opposite kinds of problems with Game Center. If I leave gamecenter logged in, the game bogs down, like the memory of my phone is being drained. But when I do log in, it knows when the last time I played was, etc. but never synchs over the achievements. It always takes about 20 attempts with various combinations of logging in from the game, then logging out and logging in from the app and then randomly, for no observable reason, it just starts synching over like mad. But it can take weeks of trying to get it to work..
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