I Need a Cute Angry Birds Pillow Looks Like a Toilet Seat
  • My husband is always on the go. Most of his working time is on the plane. He always complains that mhis neck is so gonna be badly ruined. So I want to buy a travel neck pillow for him. I heard that angry Birds pillows which look like toilet seats are catching a fever now. My husband is a big fan of angry birds. I believe my husband will certainly love this pillow. Anyone knows where to buy a high-quality angry birds travel neck pillow online? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  • Pillow? Toilet Seat? I can't image what this pillow looks like.
  • I share the same neck problem with your husband. It's quite painful. Few days ago, I've bought a angry birds plush toy to decorate my office. It's quite a good idea to get an angry birds pillow to rest my neck. lol.
  • angry Birds pillows in toilet seat shape? looks quaint for adult wearing, however, this stylish product is getting more popular for the rest. Nice item anyway~
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