Moon Festival hidden cakes
  • Hey guys, this Diskussion is about to find all the 8 hidden cakes to get the Bonus Level!
    So if you find a Cake you can post the level here! Together we will find all the cakes!!
  • And by the way, although there is the update with New levels the achievements for Moon Festival are gone! Any ideas Why?!
  • 1-2
    1-9 shoot the black bomb right under the very left piece of wood and stone !
    2-12 just shoot a blue bird in the space at the slingshot (from where the birds fly away)
    those are all 8 hidden cakes !
  • How do you get the Mooncake on 1-2?! I've been trying for ages and still can't get it!
  • i dont know anymore! shoot all black birds on the last tower and pray that they ll hit the cake! 1-5 was harder than that i believe! found anything else????
  • 2-14. break the closest brick with a brown line, and cake appear behind the birds.
    1-9. Break the closest flower
  • 1-9 bounce any bird so it destroys the patch of grass/flowers below the launcher and the cake slice will appear below the first concrete blocks
  • 1-2: The mooncake is in the bottom-right of the level. Use a couple Black Birds to clear the highest stone structures. A high-arcing shot after the path is clear can land a Black Bird next to the mooncake, but you probably need to trigger the explosion manually.
    1-5: The mooncake is behind the slingshot. Use any bird to explode the TNT in front of the slingshot, which will expose the mooncake. Then softly roll a bird off the back of the slingshot platform.
    1-9: Hit the patch of grass under the slingshot platform. The mooncake will appear just left of the structure.
    1-15: Hit the patch of grass immediately in front of the slingshot. The mooncake will appear in the left side of the trench to the left of the structure. Use any bird to reach it.

    2-2: The mooncake is hidden in the patch of grass immediately in front of the slingshot.
    2-5: The mooncake is hidden under the footbridge immediately in front of the slingshot. Drop an egg from the White Bird to reach it.
    2-12: The mooncake is hidden between the two slingshot platforms. Fire a Blue Bird into the gap to reach it.
    2-14: Destroy the stone and wood block immediately in front of the slingshot. It takes 2 or 3 direct hits. The mooncake will appear behind the slingshot. Very slowly roll a bird off the back of the platform to reach it.
  • thanks AMslimfordy, do you know (or have you found), if there are any golden eggs in addition to the two bonus levels (3star all, find 8cakes)?
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