angry birds seasons free update?
  • any ideas when, or if, the three free levels from summer pignic are coming out? cause in the full version all levels are available for like a month or so! usually the free versions get updated earlier!
    any ideas?!
  • thanks AMslimfordy i think so too, does rovio give out a certain date when updates come?
    because in the first rio version there was a month saying when new episodes would appear, but with the first update they replaced it, i think because on facebook and in the app-store many people complained that there was no update (the game said update would come in april and everybody expected it on april 1st and it came april 20th or so)
    the new update for rio (airfield chase) was (in the 1.0.0. version) meant to appear in october!
  • Rovio no longer says anything about updates because of that Rio fiasco. It was titled May and when it did not come out May 1, people flipped. It was released on May 8 I believe. I don't blame Rovio at all; they shouldn't have to deal with that.
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