Can I upload walkthroughs?
  • basically what the title says.
  • What type of walkthroughs? We use YouTube. If you want to upload one there and share it here I'd be happy to check it out.
  • how would we record the it though? i have no idea how to record my actions on my device....
  • I think you have to have a jailbroken device
  • Yup, you have to be jailbroken. I use an app called DisplayRecorder. It is resource heavy and bogs down your phone, making the game play lag just slightly, at least it does on my iPhone4. A none-tethered jailbreak is not yet available for the iPad2, but I'm hoping the dual-core processor will help in that area.
  • @FujiToast, maybe a tutorial with screenshots is in order? Let me know and I can help you put this together.
  • Oh, very cool idea birdleader
  • I would also be interested in a tutorial on recording screen capture video.
  • yeah I think I could do it for ya guys!
  • I know there are other tutorials for Display Recorder already, so to make it different what about a video tutorial using Angry Birds as the case study?
  • I think I saw something today that indicates the new ipad2 has a seperate dongle you can buy that does video out that works with what's currently on your ipad screen. You should be able to tie that to a capture card without jailbreaking your ipad I should think. I bet Quality might not be as good as what @FujiToast is using though
  • Very true, I have the new ipad2 but don't have the adapter yet, currently $40 is a bit steep for what it does since software can take care of it too. But yeah I bet with a little recording know-how that should be very possible! I, myself, am waiting for the non-tethered release of a jailbreak of 4.3 so I can start recording with the new a5 dual processor. That should really help with the lag I get while recording and the occasional stuttering you guys might see in some of the videos.
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