Newbie is confused about levels
  • Hi All! I only just started playing AB and I'm confused because my Episode 1 (Poached Eggs) looks different from what's up on this website. Is there an initial level I passed through which I can no longer go back to?

    My level 1-1 has pigs sitting on little shelves with TNT (hard to explain, sorry) and does not look like what the walkthroughs on this site show. I noticed that my version seems different because I kept reading about a treasure chest on level 1-8 but mine has no such thing -- my level 1-8 is pigs with TNT again. Is Poached Eggs really level 2?

    Sorry if this question is confusing -- I'm just lost! Oh, it's AB version 1.5.1
  • Hi! What device are you on?
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