Angry Birds Lite Beta for Android
  • Okay this is just an FYI for the hardcore android players. The Lite Beta is only 15 levels but 9 are new and all but one have no online help I could find. I finally got all my stars but it is not easy. Also level1-15 is the same as level 4-2 of the iOS free version. You will get three stars at 80k but getting 94k like everyone else is HARD. Took me two days and a deep OCD but you get the sense of accomplishment. It is out there if you have smashed every other pig and need something to do while we wait for Mighty Eagle and Accomplishments
  • Interesting. I wasn't aware that the Android Lite version was any different from the iOS lite version. The latter includes 12 levels, not 15. Do you know if anyone of the levels in the Android lite version are in your YouTube playlist: ?
  • The only one I found was the 1-15 that matches 4-2 of the iOS free version. Might be because I have not found a way to record the plays off an Android yet so everyone one YouTube is an iOS player
  • The first 12 levels are the same as the iOS lite and 1-15 matches 4-2 of the iOS fr
  • Free. I am slowly looking for the matches to 1-13 and 1-14. I'm just very lazy
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