Chapter 16 ( new Mine and Dine Update)
  • Does anyone have anyway idea whatsoever of when more original levels will be released.
  • We're thinking any day the next chapter of Mine and Dine will be release for iOS and likely Android.
  • As BirdLeader said, anyday soon. You can tell, because if you have iOS, look in Gamecentre; there will be a new achievement for AB that says "Complete World 16." They only put in Gamecentre achievements when new updates are coming very very soon.
  • Yep, that's what I'm basing my guess off of as well!
  • There's been an update peeps. New levels on Mine & Dine!
  • Golden Egg on level 16-9. Zoom out, top righthand side of the screen!
  • 16-1 98330 ***
    16-2 162210 ***
    16-3 1 62840 ***
    16-4 111740 ***
    16-5 171240 *
    16-6 103540 **
    16-7 80290 **
    16-8 63500 *
    16-9 106610 ***
    16-10 91690 **
    16-11 52280 *
    16-12 69710 *
    16-13 134540 **
    16-14 93350 *
    16-15 122420 *
    Still lot of work left :-)
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