New Badges - Rank Level
  • How about some new badges for our top flingers.
    Gold - Top 1% on leaderboard
    Silver - Top 3% on leaderboard
    Bronze - Top 5% on leaderboard

    It could update weekly and once you get that badge it stays with you even if you fall below that level. Also when there is a new update it isn't updated for 2 weeks so everyone gets a chance to get their scores entered. Those who get their scores in real quick jump up the leaderboard too fast and takes a couple weeks for the leaderboards to stabilize.

    What do you think @amslimfordy
  • @3star-jeff I started a similar discussion some weeks ago, which amslimfordy closed and asked it be moved to badges and rankings. I did some research and others put forward their views, have a look. I'm afraid I haven't followed up some of the suggestions as yet, and there's no guarantee that any of them would be taken up.
  • Thanks @hunnybunny I just thought it would be a good idea and give members a goal to work towards. I would like to see some new badges.
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