Angry Birds level 3-5 no 3 stars anymore
  • On my android device, when upgrading to version 1.6.0 (the Mine and Dine upgrade), the 3 stars of level 3-5 in poached eggs degraded to only 1 star.

    When I looked at YouTube I found out that the level changed a bit in the 1.6.0 upgrade. My previous highscore (93690) was enough to obtain 3 stars in the older version. By redoing the level I regained the 3 stars at 112390 points in the new version.

    A bit strange. Wondering if this is a bug...
  • Not a bug at all. With Angry Birds Sync System coming very soon, Rovio is syncing past levels which have discrepancies. 3-5 is one level which differed between mobile and PC/Mac.
  • I noticed this too whilst starting on festher hunting. It's annoying as i now have 1 star. I had exactly 4000000 for the score achievement and now that has to change :'( sigh.
  • We have a new walkthrough for 3-5 coming...
  • I have 120k on level 3-5. Just hit the top of the structure.
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