Feedback on Bad Piggies video recordings on Everyplay
  • Hi!

    Please let me introduce myself first: I'm Leena/Sharilynn, the Community Manager of Everyplay. As many of you have noticed, with the new Bad Piggies update it's now possible to record and share your craziest pigineering creations and share the videos to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, plus our social network Everyplay, that enables the whole recording.

    I would like to have feedback and suggestions on the video sharing and particularly on Everyplay. What do you like and don't like about it, what kind of features would you like to have, is there something unclear or confusing in Everyplay, any cool ideas you might want to share? We will be very grateful of all the feedback you send in, so please reply in this thread or you can send mail to [email protected] or send the feedback via the form in Everyplay app.

    If you still don't know what I'm talking about, you can go visit or download the free Everyplay app or the best solution, play some Bad Piggies and share a video to see how it works! :)
  • If there could be a way to send the replay to your iPod video stream that would be great.
  • I hope I can use Everyplay on Android, but to record Bad Piggies it needs root :(
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