Individual level high scores
  • Greetings, new to the forum, long time addict, first time poster. Question: is there a place to post individual level high scores? I've been competing with a guy at work on level 10-11 and he now has a high score on that level of 139,160. I have only got to 138,120 but it's been fun trying to best him. It would be nice to have a place to post individual scores to see how you rate. You could take a screen shot of your score and post it for verification or something. Just a thought. Also, once you finish all levels at 3 stars and get all eggs and feathers, what is the best way to increase your score? I've been playing a ton and my score doesn't seem to go up much. Thanks, Boomer
  • I think that is what you are looking for ;-)
  • Thanks, I'll check it out
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