Eagle Scores: What factors go into achieving 100%?
  • Hi all, I'm pretty new to the site (love all it has to offer) and hopefully this isn't a double post of a similar topic.

    Anywho, I've obsessively 3 starred every level possible on AB, ABS, Rio, SW, Space (free editions as well), except the Eagle levels. Prior to the last update in ABS, which added the eagle bonus levels, I've never paid much attention or ever used the eagle feature. Now that it's available, I'm curious as to what factors go into achieving 100% and what does not.

    Does it matter if you use 1 or all of the birds?
    Does using less birds give you extra % "points," as you would get 10k for each unused birds in the main levels?
    How much debris can you leave to still achieve 100%?


  • 1 Comment
  • http://www.angrybirdsnest.com/angry-birds-classroom-lesson-3/

    Most answers are found in this post and the few after it. If you have further questions, feel free to ask them on those pages.
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