Unlock beach volley
  • I am new here so please be patient. I have completed smugglers den and jungle escape and beach volley is still locked. what am I doing wrong? Is there a way to unlock. I am using the iphone
  • Does it specifically say "Beach Volley" with a lock on it?

    If yes: You must not have passed every level of Jungle Escape. Remember that there are two pages of levels for each episode.

    If no: Please update your app.

    If neither works, perhaps try restarting your device and trying again.
  • Yes, update the app. That's a major glitch!
  • @angrybirdtips how is this a glitch?
  • I use the iPhone and I had no issues unlocking everything prior to the Carnival Upheaval update. After the CU update I had no issues either.
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