What's the hardest level or episode?
  • In Original I think the hardest are Mine and dine and Birdday party.

    In Seasons the hardest is definately Back to school, I managed to get 3 stars in two or three levels, haha. But I'm not even close completing that episode :D

    Rio & Star Wars were pretty easy to complete, though there was some tricky levels.

    At the moment I'm trying to complete Space. I'm working on the Red Planet and I'm totally stuck on level 5-18. I just can't get through it. I had to check the walkthrough to find out what am I doing wrong, but no, I was using the same technique as in the video. This one is definately the hardest level so far.

    So what do you consider as the hardest level or episode? :D

  • @sal9, ok thanks! I tried to find if there already was a thread about it, but for some reason that didn't appear in the results.
  • No problem, some of those threads are tricky to find.
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