Lost progress again....need help
  • Our 4 yr old Angry Birds addict has lost all our progress again :( We'll find that he has moved the Angry Birds app folder to a different page on the ipad, and we have to start all over again. Any brilliant advice for us ignorant, angry bird (and Angry Birds Nest) loving parents? It's Angry Birds Star Wars that I'm most concerned with (since that's the one I've spent the most hours watching videos and helping him get three stars on). We were about to get the green light saber, too :(
  • @tiffyT you probably need to back-up your data
  • I think hubby did that several days ago. Hopefully he didn't lose too much. I just had a hard time believing that simply dragging an app would cause it to lose all data. Guess this mommy needs to take a break from watching walkthrough videos and take time out to learn how to use an ipad properly....

  • I'd create a security code so the kid can't get in. And if that doesn't work, threaten to delete him if he deletes your game again... LOLOLOLOL ;;D
  • I didn't know that icons could be moved between screens. I always move them in iTunes.
    Luckily that my little one asks when those crosses appear I would die from heart attack if somone delete my games. I never made backups.
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