Is there a difference between the Chrome and PC download of Angry Birds? [Answered]
  • As a lot of you probably already know, Angry Birds is out for Google Chrome, and for PC Download. You were probably wondering if there is a difference between the Chrome and PC version. Well, I was wondering that, so I sent Rovio an email asking. I will quote what the email said:
    The PC version has 240+ levels, while Chrome has 63 + 7 Chrome dimension levels.

    Angry Birds Rio is also available for the PC.

    The PC version can be played in full screen mode, while Chrome has to be played in the browser. Both are free to try out, so you can find out which you like better yourself.

    Best regards,

    Angry Birds Team

    I hope this helped any of you who were wondering.
  • 1 Comment
  • No, it's better to support the developers and pay such an insignificant amount for a wonderful product. Plus, you are getting far more levels.
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