Non-buying Strategy in Angry Birds Frinds wintertournament?
  • Starting to wonder are the free 10 Santa Boms and 6 TNT-Drops for all the winter tournaments or dou you get new ones for each four turnaments?

    Thinking about strategies how to beat my non-buing frinds in this game without have to spend money either.

    Have collected enough regular power-ups to get good score, but have no change to fight against santa-powerups, if diffirent person starts using then in the next week and I have spend mine in the first week.
  • { question why santa bomb is allowed to be used for leaderboards here... certainly someone who has paid has advantage over someone with 6 as they can play level repeatedly to gleam higher scores... think it goes against purist ideology,,,, heineke was different, race helmet free.... personally I do not even play mitey eagle anymore... do not mjnd bbbuying orig games,,, but to cooperate with the nickle/dime marketing that is so prevelant on all other cheesey games...
  • Power Ups are permitted on our Facebook leaderboard, so long as they are used legally.
  • no wonder I was having trouble keeping up.... but I do find the winter tourney screens really challenging to finish without powerups.... I like the challenge of spending 30 minutes or so figuring out how to finish a level let alone getting 3 stars...
  • I see some one my friend always gets almost double of what I score using power-ups. The scores are way higher that what I see as the top score in Leaderboard. How is this possible?
  • pritamgoswami: Compare them to leaderboard here. If he shores way higer than those then he is propably cheating.
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